Russia 2045 - an ambitious project of a group of Russian researchers seeking to erase the Neo of humanity. Mankind has long been attracted by the prospect of an infinite existence, or digital immortality, and more recently a team of enterprising scientists was able to set tasks, realizing which, we can already by 2045 get immortality. According to the research of psychologists, only 2% of people by the end of life can say that they lived an interesting and rich life, while having done everything they had planned. With the technological development of mankind, the life expectancy is constantly growing, which directly depends on the quality of medicine and high technologies in various fields science. The main causes of death are diseases that humanity still can not cope with, but even if all the ailments are defeated, it will increase life expectancy by only 7 years, meanwhile the human body is programmed to live on average about 120 years. All the most advanced biotechnology have a number of shortcomings that can not be overcome:
- Gene therapy is powerless against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases;
- Antiviral vaccines only improve viruses, making them more dangerous;
- Operations to replace organs are life threatening;
- Reproduction of the human brain from stem cells and the transfer of the mind is impossible.
The radical way of prolonging human life - Cybernetic technologies.
A widespread introduction has been going on for a long time, for example, an artificial arm i-LIMB Pulse, capable of performing the smallest and most accurate movements, since 2007 has received 1200 people, a mechanical artificial heart Total Artificial Heart Since 2004, 850 patients have been implanted.
At the end of 2010, the Russian media holding New Media Stars interviewed a dozen leading Russian scientists. The main theme is the ways of radical prolongation of human life. Experts were asked if this goal could be achieved with the help of:
- artificial organs;
- artificial human body;
- modeling of brain work and mental processes;
- transfer of a person's identity to an artificial carrier.
Also, scientists were asked questions for discussion:
- What are the most likely scenarios for the development of civilization?
- How will technological progress affect culture, politics, economics, ethics?
- Does technology need to balance its development of ethics?
As a result of communication, scientists came to the conclusion that cardinal prolongation of human life by means of cybernetic technologies is possible. To implement such a project, it will take considerable time for the development of ethics, culture, and society's thinking capable of accepting the idea of an infinite existence.
In February 2011, President of New Media Stars Dmitry Itskov with the participation of leading Russian scientists, founded a joint stock company "Corporation Immortality".
Цель Движения Russia 2045 и Корпорации:
- development of cybernetic technologies for cardinal extension of life and expansion
technological capabilities of man;
- the formation of the corresponding culture and social values.
The main directions of work.
Project "Avatar A"
Creation of a robot-copy of a person managed through a brain-computer interface. (A vivid example of this technology is the film "Surrogates")
Project "Body B"
Creation of a life support system for the purpose of extending the life of a person for 100-200 years. At the end of life, the brain is transferred to a robotic body with a life support system.
Project "Body C"
Creation of a computer model of the brain and the human psyche by the method of reverse engineering, development of a way of transferring the personality and mind to an artificial carrier.
It is difficult to say what actually awaits us in the near future, and how it will react humanity to such controversial issues of possible immortality, but with certainty it can be assumed that these ideas will give a tremendous impetus to the development of technologies that can maximize the life expectancy of a person.
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