Designer arch between the garage and the house
Many of us do not know the term porte cochere, but there is nothing unusual in it. In translation, this means a covered entrance gate for a car (in the old days for coaches) with a through road.
It can be located either in front of the front door or on either side of the building, and in some interesting house designs the old French chic is repeated when the port kosher is installed as a gate. But most often they are used on the way to the garage.
Such an architectural method is not only visually attractive, but also has some positive properties, and which ones, you can find out below.

The covered approach from the side is decorated in the most original way, Green Button Homes LLC, San Diego
This project is something between the classical and modern style. There is everything: exposed rafters, elegant bends. Agree, it looks attractive, but also useful, as approaching the house in bad weather, you will be sure that you will not get wet when you leave the car.
Such extensions are large enough to allow your car to pass freely under it, and it is worth considering the possibility of passing another, more dimensional transport. For example, when you deliver furniture. It is much more interesting to make out the porte cochere in a similar manner with the architecture of your dwelling.

An image that captivates with its eccentricity, RJ Elder Design, USA
A modern chic house can have the most diverse variant of such an annex. In the illustration below, the columns, which hold the whole structure of the roof, are very effectively underlined. Stone decoration, fragments of wood and rich natural colors look very attractive.

Protection from bad weather in front of the front door, the residence of Live Oak Canyon from HartmanBaldwin Design / Build
This seaside cottage impresses with its harmonious architecture, here each fragment looks neat and thoughtful.

Magnificent path from highway to garage, Witt Construction, USA
Arched vaults are typical for the old French style, and if the project uses organic materials, the result will impress even the most sophisticated spectator.

Красивые и функциональные особенности, Sanders Architecture & Design, Хьюстон
If the porte cochere is located on the side of the house, you should take care of the stairs that lead you to the entrance on the other side.

Seductive indoor residence structure in Atlanta
In this project, the curved railing, the curved columns pleases the eye. This option is suitable for a modern house, as all architectural details express a minimalist approach and refined taste.

Magnificent construction in the form of an easy extension, San Francisco
This option beautifully frames the entrance, elegant stonework, arched openings and open rafters demonstrate the unique French chic of ancient castles, adapted to the present.

Классический проект The Cliffs Vineyards от Summerour Architects
PORTE cochere leads to a detached garage, which adjoins the rear of the building.

Exquisite Victorian exterior from Mockler Taylor Architects
Such a refined addition to the project of your modern dream house has many advantages. In addition to practical properties, it tempts its visual appeal, making the exterior more noble and refined.