The other day Marina Mironova, a famous photographer from Stavropol, gave an exclusive interview to our online magazine. We tried to find out how Marina came to the photo, got some tips for young photographers, and also asked about further plans of the photographer.
Marina Mironova's works have been dazzling on the Internet for a long time, and on her site as well as, her photos have often become the best.
- The majority of photographers hobby for photography began after parents gave them a camera or something similar, and where did your hobby begin?
- There was one wonderful shot, even on someone else's camera. I was posed by the famous radio presenter Katya Rockefeller and appreciated the photos. Kind, sincere words, coming from the bottom of my heart, inspired me on this path.
- Marina, everyone says that the university does not teach anything in life. You graduated from the Academy of International Cooperation in Moscow, specialty Photographer "and now you are engaged in photography, did you help in professional development of the university and what?
"My studies are one of the brightest memories!" It was delicious! My curator - Titova Nadezhda, was strict and objective, this woman of rare praise, she brought up in me the correct photographic idea.
- In recent years, you often participate and win in various exhibitions, contests in the nominations "Portrait", and in what other styles did you try yourself or would you like to try?
- Reporting, photo of the farewell ceremony.
- The subtle nature of a creative person constantly requires a muse, in order to create. Who or what is the ideological inspiration for you and is there such a thing in general?
- I'm inspired by music !! trash-bbz, madrigals and operas, marches and rockabilly.
- Our team has found out about you for the first time from social networks, how do you think it is better to start a young photographer, so that he will be recognized and heard about it?
- First you need to take a picture of all your friends. And then their friends. They will find out about you, that's for sure :)
- What are your future life plans? Moving to the capital? Maybe even abroad? The opening of his art school?
- I do not want to interrupt my biological roots) And life plans all boil down to self-development.
Photogallery Total | 23 pictures