High-tech sledge, created for serious downhill skiing. Snowbull sleighs are an Austrian development, which uses high-tech components for extremely fast driving. Snowbull - this is something in between traditional sledges, and sedentary skis. The device interacts with snow with a pair of skis.
Вместо того чтобы стоять в ботинках с креплениями, пилот ложится на устройство как на sledge. Управление осуществляется путём взаимодействия с парой рычагов, чтобы выполнить более резкий поворот, необходимо отклонять тело в ту или иную сторону.
Snowbull sleighs have an effective braking system, in order to use it the driver needs only to lean back.
Аппарат легко хранить и транспортировать, так как с помощью нескольких простых шагов sledge можно быстро собрать и разобрать.
The new model Snowbull will enter the market this winter. Approximate price will start from € 150 (US $ 195), the kit does not include skis. According to Agent Snowbull, the latest model uses a new ski adapter and is designed to work with all types of skis. It also has larger and more powerful braking mechanisms. Also in the market will be available a light model of carbon fiber.
The old version of Snowbull is currently available on eBay for € 150. Our gallery contains a photo of the new model. You can also watch the Snowbull demo video in action.
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