Linda Murt from the time of birth believed that most of her predisposed to art. As a child, she tried herself in watercolor, after growing up she already used butter. But I was very disappointed in my abilities.
Linda loves perfection in everything, and when her drawings did not match this - it led her to the deepest depression. Once her teacher suggested changing the colors to the camera. This was a key change in her life.
However, Linda's happiness did not last long, she soon ceased to enjoy and he had a photo, finding and in them a lot of flaws and imperfections. But the way out was found. She decided to make photos so that they were as much as possible look like pictures!! Since then, happiness does not leave her.
Rod Linda Murtha from Toronto, near Lake Ontario, about where most of her photos are taken. The wealth and beauty of nature outside the window is certainly reflected in her works. It is not heavily dependent on equipment, does not use any super new technologies and currently photographs with the help of the Canon G10.
Photogallery Total | 15 pictures