Words have great power. They soothe, motivate, please and upset. No wonder it says: "A good word is like moisture in the desert, a bad word like a thrown stone." Designers have long appreciated the power of this tool and successfully use it in their projects. Individual words, winged expressions, sayings of philosophers, motivating phrases, aphorisms, comic formulations are increasingly becoming a decoration of the interior.
- plastic;
- plywood;
- vinyl;
- fabric;
- wire;
- polystyrene foam;
- metal.
The letters are applied directly to the wall or use ready-made signs with inscriptions. Perfectly combine in one interior different types of such decor. Vinyl sticker in the form of a world map, composed of country names, will be supported by posters with digital or alphabetic symbols. Material is selected, focusing on the style of the interior. For example, an American loft is often decorated with street advertising signs.
One of the popular and inexpensive design techniques - drawing letters with acrylic paint. You can invite an artist who will paint your wall with any fonts from the most simple to fancifully ornate. The advantage of this option is that you can choose absolutely any text that motivates you and charges with optimism, decide what it will be the size, color and style. The original inscription, made by a master of his craft, is not cheap. If there is no possibility to use the services of the decorator, it is quite possible to manage independently with the help of a stencil, paint or marker.
The stencil is purchased in ready-made form or printed independently on A4 sheets, and then transferred to a more dense basis. You can do this with copy paper. Another option is to cover office sheets with scotch tape or laminate so that they do not get wet from the water. We cut openings with a knife.
Put a sturdy board or glass under the stencil so as not to spoil the table and other surfaces.
After that, we fix the stencil on the wall with the help of paint or double-sided scotch. You can also use glue in the form of a spray. It has a low adhesion value and is easily removed after work is finished. Foam roller, round brush or sponge, apply paint to the free zones. After the instrument is dipped into the paint, we remove the excess with a napkin. Otherwise, it can not be avoided. Paint from the spray can be sprayed very carefully. It is better to make a few thin layers as much as possible, giving each of them a good dry. After that, you should cover the image with varnish to protect against possible moisture ingress. With such a coating, the inscription will not be afraid of water and detergents.
An easier way is to make a painting using a marker. Clear contrast lines are incredibly effective, but you need to be very careful not to make mistakes. Another option is to use ready-made vinyl stickers. They create a complete illusion of painted letters, and guess that this is actually a removable element, can only be a closer look.
Read also: Decorative panels for kitchenPictures with inscriptions
The main advantage of such a decor is mobility. To decorate the surface or vice versa, remove the annoying accent with time, do not have to spend a lot of effort. Hanging a poster is much easier than painting a wall. A lost appeal with time can easily be replaced by another, or completely take this place for a still life or landscape. If you started a permutation, the inscription "will move" along with your favorite chair or sofa.
A similar work can be purchased, but nothing complicated is to make it yourself. It will take a frame or a stretcher, which is "put on" the printed or painted composition. The photo frame is suitable for the same purpose. The image can be black-and-white or color. Shades are selected in accordance with the palette of the interior or use "flashy" unexpected combinations. You can make a base of solid cardboard. Edges bend downward, as in the manufacture of a conventional box, and an image is glued on top. For this, vinyl stickers with interesting fonts are great.
Буквы из дерева наполняют дом уютом и теплом. Этот материал оптимален для использования в деревенских стилях – провансе или кантри. Wood буквы гармонично сочетаются с мебелью, отделкой и декором этих направлений. Не менее уместны они в этнических интерьерах, наполненных природными и национальными мотивами, в эко-стиле, который комплектуется исключительно натуральными материалами. Немало зависит от формы и цвета декоративных элементов. Буквы с затейливыми изгибами, украшенные резьбой и инкрустациями, вскрытые лаком займут достойное место в интерьерах, оформленных в стиле модерн или классика. Яркие, разноцветные символы станут изюминкой поп-арта.
Artificially aged, with scuffs and scrapes will make even more cozy Provence. Rough, hewn as if by an ax from untreated wood would suit for loft and country. In the children's room, a wooden painted alphabet becomes a favorite teaching aid.
Complex carved inscriptions can be made using a special machine on request. For simple options it is enough to have a jigsaw and a grinding tool at hand. You can simply cover the letters with lacquer or paint in any color. Interestingly, the composition of wooden letters of different sizes, colors and styles becomes the focus of attention.
Foamed plastic with own hands
The advantage of the inscriptions from the foam is that they are cut with the help of an ordinary clerical knife. And in the presence of a special thermoplater they are given all kinds of shapes. This means that you can make a suitable decor for any style. The raw material is not expensive, and therefore does not become burdensome for the budget. Volumetric letters are light, almost weightless, so they are very easy to mount.
When making characters at home, you can use a dense foam plastic for packing equipment. Almost in every family after buying a refrigerator or a TV it remains and for years this material is stored. If there is none, you can purchase it at any construction store. On the surface, the outline of the letter is drawn and after the image is cut with a sharp knife. After that, the surface must be ground to get rid of burrs and roughness. The next stage is coloring. The easiest way is to cover the future decor with paint from the can, but you can use any other option.
Painting details is necessary outside the house, in the open air. After the letters dry, they can additionally decorate according to the theme of the interior.
From fabric
The softest and the prettiest are the letters of cloth. They are primarily relevant in the nursery or the room of a teenager, but it is fully entitled to take pride of place in the bedroom, the kitchen and even the living room. It all depends on the nature of the inhabitants of the house. Letters are given a certain character, using various materials and prints. Motley cotton inscriptions with children's drawings and cheerful decor will create a cheerful atmosphere in the nursery. Bright, with bold, daring prints emphasize the independence of the teenager. Restrained and elegant, made of fabrics that repeat furniture upholstery, will become an extraordinary touch in the living room.
See also: Photo wallpapers in the interior - 50 examples How to create three-dimensional letters from the fabric? You will need a pattern, so draw an image on paper and cut it with scissors. Fold the fabric in half and pin the pattern. Circle the letter on the contour, not forgetting to leave the allowances on the seams. There should be two identical parts. Next, we cut the tape out of contrasting or the same fabric. Its width should be equal to the desired thickness of the finished product. The length of the sidewall is equal to the perimeter of the figure, taking into account the allowances for the seam. Fold the tape and the part in front and inward. The connection point of the ends of the "side" is left open. A hole will be needed to turn out the finished product and fill the letter with a sintepon. Similarly, attach the second workpiece. The protruding corners are better to cut. This will make it easier to turn. After the product is stuffed with filler, sew the hole with a hidden seam. Then you need to slightly remove the seams and the letter is ready. Leave it in its original form or decorate thematic decor - butterflies, pigtails, chains, flowers.
Wallpapers with captions and letters
If there is no desire to highlight an area in the room, you can use wallpaper with chaotically scattered letters, numbers and inscriptions. This finish is especially good on the accent wall. The rest of the surface is better left neutral, so as not to create an impression of confusion and congestion of the composition. To support the accent trim, make posters from the same wallpaper and hang them on the adjacent or opposite wall.
The print in the form of inscriptions can be both hard, brutal, and gentle, romantic. The character depends on the selected background and font. Calligraphic letters on the aged yellowish paper harmoniously fit into the vintage interior, will become a decoration of the Provence, Art Deco. Spotted printed letters on a black or gray background - an integral element of the loft. Quiet simple fonts are the perfect decor for minimalist interiors. There are special wallpaper for the kitchen or dining area with words in the coffee theme. For children produce colored canvases with bright picturesque letters. Wallpaper in the form of old newspapers will be appropriate in the work area.
In the living room
For the interior of the guest room are suitable for a variety of options for inscriptions. Here the messages drawn are drawn in the same way, and made of wood, vinyl, metal or leather. It all depends on the overall concept of the room. In traditional interiors, wooden and painted elements are more appropriate. In modern - vinyl, plastic, metal, foam plastic decor. In a futuristic or loft - neon glowing calls.
In the living room используйте такие надписи, как: «Дом», «Семья», «Счастье» или афоризмы на подобные темы. Такие слова поднимают настроение не только домочадцам, но и их друзьям.
In the kitchen
In this room, playful expressions are appropriate: "I kiss better than I cook", "The Queen of the Kitchen", "Bon appetite" "Mommy's Restaurant", "Cooked with Love". Such inscriptions set up a positive mood, pleasant communication, allow you to relax. For the kitchen, any design options are possible - from stickers and photo prints on the apron and facades to chalk notes on the slate. Voluminous varieties of wood or polystyrene are also suitable. Doubts cause only soft letters from the fabric. But as sofa cushions and they will find their place here. Good will be in the kitchen wallpaper with the inscriptions "Coffee" or "Pizza", a picture with a warning inscription, for example, "Hot!" Or with the same words in Russian translation.
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In the bedroom
Спальня – зона для любви и отдыха. Здесь не стоит использовать резкие мотивационные призывы и хаотичное нагромождение букв. Лучше всего в этой комнате разместить надписи «Любовь», «Семейное счастье», «Спокойной ночи». Обычно надписями оформляют зону над кроватью или противоположную стену. Согласитесь, приятно при пробуждении открыть глаза, и увидеть пожелание доброго утра. Этот прием помогает проснуться с хорошим настроением, зарядиться бодростью на весь день. In the bedroom более уместны нежные, каллиграфические шрифты или надписи, украшенные завитками и цветочным орнаментом. Ажурные буквы из дерева или пластика добавят нежности и грациозности интерьеру. Оттенки для надписи лучше подобрать неконтрастные, близкие по расположению в цветовом круге к основным тонам.
In the nursery
The children's room should reflect the inner world of its master. There can not be identical bedrooms for a sweet princess and a mischievous tomboy. Therefore, the decor in these rooms will be completely different. For the room of a tender baby suitable soft letters-cushions and wooden inscriptions with pictures in pastel colors. The boy's bedroom can accommodate a bright wooden or plastic alphabet, or painted graffiti in the whole wall. But after all, girls often do not lag behind boys in their love for everything that is unconventional and creative. So why not decorate the wall with beautiful neon stickers or posters with bold expressions. Motivational phrases will help improve organization and discipline. But this will work only if the child himself has picked up a wise saying.
Letters in the interior help to easily learn the alphabet, both Russian and English. For the same purpose, there are cabinets, each box of which is made in the form of one of the letters. If there are more than one occupant in the room, the names of their owners can be placed above the beds. This will help to designate your own zone for each child.
Children are very fond of drawing on wallpaper, so why not let them. Paint one of the walls with white canvases and ask them to write what they want. Or paint the surface with a special black paint, and let the guys write chalk on an improvised board. Plus this solution is that such inscriptions can be changed every day.
In the office
The room for work does not hurt the accent in the form of a capacious phrase. Especially if it contains the words of a successful person. Such an inscription can become a vital motto and support in difficult situations. Where else, how not in the office to place installations that help to walk confidently through life. To decorate the working space, inscriptions in different techniques are suitable, but wooden, leather, metal, plastic variants will fit here. Newspaper clippings and posters will look good. Words and aphorisms can be placed on the wall, which has a desk, on a brick surface above the fireplace, and especially motivating - right before your eyes.
Interior inscriptions can be an excellent accent on condition of their competent selection and placement.