Washing in the bath: examples of the interior

Washing in the bath-house interior

The bath complex includes a thermae, a dressing room, a washing room and a room for relaxation. In the more primitive, compact designs, the last two rooms are missing, but rest will be deprived of certain comfort. Many traditions are associated with the Russian bathhouse in our country. The benefits of the steaming procedure were highly appreciated even in the times of Ancient Rus. Even any poor person washed himself every Saturday in a bath, perhaps it was such regularity that caused the heroic health that the Rusichs were famous for. The construction was always erected in the outskirts, away from residential buildings. Although the explanation is easy to find in folk folklore (dirt and concentration of impure spirits), but rather our ancestors observed the elementary rules of fire safety. In the bathhouse there were no icons, utensils from it tried not to bring into the house. The superstitions said that she had been chosen as a house by a small dirty mess-a banya, who, like a house-servant, had to constantly chew on the food.

  • Create a unique interior of the room.
  • Use strong and durable materials for finishing (tiles).
  • Provide a one-time wash at once to several people, if it is equipped with a pair of shower cabins.
  • Simplify the maintenance of the shower.

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Among the shortcomings of this option, only the need to connect central heating for heating a separate room and water is noted. Washing, combined with a steam room, are also not without merit:

  • Space saving.
  • A practical interior, if the oven with an elongated furnace is located in the middle.
  • Economy of fuel, as it is technically necessary to heat only one room.

Sink in the wash

Unfortunately, the combined version has one significant disadvantage - the room becomes less convenient for operation, if a whole group of people is steamed simultaneously.

Toilet bowl next to the shower  Spili on the wall  Tub on the bench  Tiles on the floor  Pool in the interior

Requirements for washing

Washing in the bath should be properly arranged. Special attention should be paid to:

  • Ventilation;
  • Slivu;
  • Conducting electrical wiring;
  • The system of water supply;

Washing in the bath

It is about the peculiarities of the arrangement of a separate room. If the washing is combined with a steam room, then the list of necessary equipment may differ.

Glass door in the interior  The tub next to the shower  Benches on the wall  A font by the window  Benches along the walls

Water supply system

Water supply system в моечной должна работать в бесперебойном режиме. При этом запас ресурса можно рассчитать на количество человек, которое в среднем посещает баню. Этот нюанс касается тех построек, к которым воду приходится доставлять вручную, наполняя резервуар. Чтобы упростить расчеты, за основу можно взять средние значения. За один сеанс взрослому человеку требуется около 40 л, из которых 1/4 приходится на горячую воду. В таких моечных, как правило, ставят только один душ. Еще на этапе строительства закладывают основу системы подачи воды и проводят разводку труб. Нагреватели используют электрические и газовые или оба варианта сразу. При этом один будет основным, а второй станет запасным. Если планируется посещение бани большими компаниями, то лучше выбрать водонагреватель напольного типа, так как объем его резервуара будет не менее 100 л воды.

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Hanger above the bench

If the room has problems with electricity, then you can use a modern stove-heater with a heat exchanger. Unlike its analog with built-in tank, such an aggregate allows to draw heated water to water intake devices located in other rooms.

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В деревянных банях в моечных комнатах изменяется уровень влажности и возникают сильные колебания температурного режима. Естественно необходимо провести вентиляционную систему, которая обеспечит помещению качественную циркуляцию воздуха. При ее отсутствии возможен перегрев тела человека, пребывающего в моечной, появление плесени, споры которой могут попасть в легкие, и концентрация неприятных «застоявшихся» запахов. Ventilation может быть естественной или принудительной. В первом случае циркуляция воздуха происходит за счет перепада давления. Сеть воздуховодов создают и монтируют вручную. Принудительная вентиляция приточного типа может использоваться при неспособности естественной системы справиться с объемами воздушных масс или же при отсутствии таковой вовсе. В этом случае главная движущая сила — вентилятор, который нагнетает воздух, а система фильтров его очищает.

Ventilation в моечной

Types of draining sewage for sewage

The best option would be to connect to a centralized sewer network or to unite with a residential building system. If this is not possible, then there are several ways to remove wastewater:

  • Installing the storage tank. Sewage must be systematically pumped out.
  • Drainage system. Not the most reliable option, which is used for small jars. The basis of the drainage system can be a well or a "pillow". Water will go to the ground in a natural way. This sewer is considered the simplest in the arrangement, but the error can be costly, up to the destruction of the floor of the building.
  • Cesspool. It is located at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the bath. The pipe without bends for drainage is brought at an angle. The pit size is calculated on the basis of the average number of people and the frequency of their visits to the bath.
  • Septic tank. The construction will be quite expensive. The main difference in the arrangement of a septic tank for a bath from a similar unit for a home is in the depth of the pit, which is almost half the size. You can make cameras yourself from tires from KAMAZ or concrete rings.

Drain in the washer

When settling the sewer system, three main aspects must be considered:

  • Depth of occurrence of groundwater.
  • Type and characteristics of the soil.
  • The depth of freezing of the soil.

Mosaic on the floor

For example, on clay soils it is impossible to equip a drainage system, and for sandstones in which water does not stagnate, it fits optimally.

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Wiring - safety first

The steam is an excellent current conductor, so the common switch, shield and junction boxes need to be installed in the waiting room. Fixtures for the washing, as well as for the steam room, are needed special. In their design, there should be a heat-resistant plafond, a ceramic cartridge and a wooden lampshade. If the owners are sure of the quality of the ventilation system, then this rule can be neglected. But rosettes in the wash is undesirable. The safest place for them, where the risk of closure is low - is the dressing room. Switches can be used ordinary, as in a simple shower in the house, but this again depends on the quality of the ventilation.

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Concealed wiring in a washroom

In sauna baths, the entire wiring system must be open. But they stretch it not along the skirting boards, but through the attic for greater safety.

Lesenki v botec

Stylistic direction and features of finishing materials

To the interior of the wash room looked beautiful and finished, you need to correctly choose the style of design. The design does not impose any restrictions on the choice of direction. Among the popular and unusual options are:

  • Traditional Russian style with logs or a beam in decoration. If the area of ​​the room allows, the shower cubicles complement the font with cold water.
  • Luxurious, modern loft with high ceilings and an open system of communicative lines.
  • Experimental and unusual for the neo-classical bath, which organically combines the traditions and trends of modern interior fashion.
  • Laconic Mediterranean style with ceramic tiles in the finish and a calm color scheme, which is dominated by white, jade, green and blue shades.
  • Roman style with columns or pilasters, arched vaults and decorative stucco.

Washing in Art Nouveau style

Also for decoration apply traditional Provence, Scandinavian, eco-style or conceptual directions: minimalism, high-tech, chalet.

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Wooden panels and boards

To emphasize the stylistics of the log house, the interior decoration of the rooms is done using wood, and washing is not an exception. The lining is classified according to the type of material used for coniferous (pine, cedar, fir) and deciduous (linden, aspen, oak, alder). For finishing the steam and washing used a second form. Coniferous rocks emit resins when the air is heated. The lining is divided into four grades, among which "extra" is considered to be the most qualitative and expensive. By type of profile, you can note the euro, soft-line, calm, American and imitation logs (block house) or timber. Lining is one of the varieties of wooden panels. According to this classification there are two more types: MDF and chipboard. To finish washing it is not recommended to use them, as in the composition of materials there are adhesive compounds that can be released during heating. The board has several advantages:

  • Easy installation.
  • Environmentally friendly and pleasant scent of wood in the room.
  • Aesthetic beauty.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.

Lining in the wash

Of the disadvantages noted the presence of micropores in the wood, which when filled with moisture can cause deformation of the panel and become a hotbed of mold.

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Ceramic tile

Tiled floor and walls can be decorated only with a washing room, but for the steam room this option falls under the taboo, as the tile can get very hot and burn the person. Ceramics has several advantages:

  • Strength and durability.
  • Increased resistance to mechanical damage.
  • A wide range of drawings, ornaments and color palette.
  • The possibility of replacing one element without disrupting the integrity of its neighbors.
  • Simplicity in the care and lack of sensitivity to aggressive household chemicals.

Ceramic tile в моечной

Of the drawbacks note the fragility of the tiles before installation: if the fragment is accidentally dropped to the floor, then it is likely to split.

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Artificial and natural stone

Masonry made of natural stone in the wash will create a unique natural pattern and emphasize the interior of the room. The main natural minerals that are used for interior decoration of rooms are marble, sandstone, granite and travertine. Polished to a glossy gloss surface with fine impregnations of quartz will become a magnificent decoration of the interior composition and will be in harmony with the metal.

Artificial stone is classified into acrylic, polyester, cast marble or onyx, quartz agglomerate. Imitation is inferior to the original in strength. Composite compositions may contain resins that become unstable on heating, so it is impossible to separate such a material with a washing liquid, combined with a steam bath. Both artificial and natural stone have a high thermal conductivity, so again they are forbidden for decorating surfaces in rooms that are systematically heated.

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Stone in the wash

With a heavy natural stone, it is possible to trim sections of a wall not exceeding 0.5 m in height. If the material is used above, the masonry may collapse.

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Plastic panels

PVC panels have long been used for finishing bathrooms. Separate washing is not much different from these rooms. Polyvinyl chloride is not at all afraid of moisture. In the material there are no micropores, as in wood, so the water does not stay in them, and hence the mold and fungi have nowhere to breed. Wash the panels of plastic easily with a simple soap solution. The material boasts a democratic price and a wide range of color variations. Tales of the harm of all synthetic are only partly true. When creating high-quality PVC, substances that are harmful to the human body are not used. Unfortunately, polyvinyl chloride quickly wears off, acquiring a "non-commodity appearance", is sensitive to mechanical stress and the panel can crack from impact. Installation and replacement of the damaged fragment is easy. Unscrupulous producers can offer goods of poor quality, so it is not worth pursuing super-economy, as this can be much more expensive if the material is toxic.

Plastic panels в моечной

Drywall and dyeing compositions for ceilings and walls

In general, drywall refers to the materials used for rough finishing. They often lined the skeletons of suspended ceilings or make false walls, partitions. However, recently we have started using painted plasterboard as the final finishing material. For these purposes, a special moisture resistant type is used. Such sheets of gypsum cardboard are painted in green and are marked with the GKLV marking. In the manufacture of the material, special anti-fungal and water-repellent compounds are added to it. Drywall allows you to create complex configurations, qualitatively masks defects in surfaces and easily lends itself to plastering, staining. If the sheets are lined with a frame, then a similar design will eat a lot of extra centimeters, which will be an unacceptable luxury in small washrooms. After installation, the surface is primed and then stained. Use only formulations made from natural ingredients, which, alas, can not boast of a long service life.

Lamp in the mirror

Furniture and other equipment for washing

The standard set of washing equipment includes benches, a barrel with cold water, a shower cubicle, a sink (not always present), a mirror, clothes hooks and a pair of shelves for storing towels, sponges and detergents. Also in this room there is usually a tub or water scoop and a special mat absorbing excess moisture. To make a bench for washing with your hands you need wood with low thermal conductivity (optimal linden) and a minimum set of tools: a hand saw, screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

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In contrast to the steam room, for the washing room used shops of primitive design without backs. The width of the seat for one person should be 0.9-1 m. If the company is planned to be placed, then for each new visitor the washing is added at 0.6 m, and the middle is strengthened with additional legs.

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The washing room is an important part of a full-fledged, comfortable bath. To get the maximum health effect, it is necessary to go through the whole "cycle" of procedures, where rinsing after the steam room is mandatory. The visitor will not feel like a "new person" unless the sweat is washed away and refreshed. The separate washing almost does not differ from usual bathroom in a summer residence, therefore for it the same finishing materials and cunnings at registration are applicable.

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