Wood, stone, brick, clay are traditional materials for the erection of residential buildings. Moving from the exterior to the interior, they are also used for interior decoration of premises. Thanks to the development of technological processes, creating for the decor all kinds of shades, a size range and textures, an artificial stone in the interior has become a favorite method of designers-decorators, and a variety of masonry - strong accents that make the dwelling individual. Using an artificial analogue of natural stone allows you to withstand the interior of the house in a variety of styles from the Empire style, as an imitation of ancient Greek, to any variation of modern minimalism.
Type of stone | Artificial injection molding | Artificial concrete | Artificial gypsum |
Name | Acrylic composite material Lithuanian marble | Brick Wild Stone Pebble, cobblestone | Casting plaster |
Application area | Worktop tops Basin for sinks in the bathroom Fireplace shelves Window-sills Fireplace Portals Consoles Horizontal surfaces of dining tables, bedside tables, chests of drawers, coffee tables | Fireplace Portals Protruding parts of internal chimneys Wall surfaces (partially or completely) Decoration of arches, entrance portals Bulk Molded Boulders | Elements of decoration in the style of classicism Columns Galtelli Capitals Cornices Ceiling Sockets Wall bas-reliefs Wall Vignettes
Features that give advantages
Unlike natural stone, its artificial variant has significant advantages:
- Less weight, which means the possibility of its attachment to lighter structures;
- Requires low consumption of glue;
- A wide range of sizes and a tinted palette is presented, which makes it easier to choose options for a conceived interior.
When surface finishing with artificial stone material, an important element bearing an additional decorative function becomes grout. According to the color ratio, it can:
- Maintain the basic tone;
- be lighter than the main tone;
- be darker than the basic tone.
The width of the seam filled with grout is determined according to the dimensions of stone fragments and varies from 3 to 15 mm.
The first option is applied when it is necessary to make a stonework masonry background interior. The second - if from fragments of an artificial stone the decorative panel which is the center of a premise is typed.
The third option is the stitches, which limit the depth of the protruding fragments. It is used when using material under the "wild" stone to highlight the masonry, to emphasize the complex stone texture.
Stone decor in the interior
Types and color variants of artificial stone find their use inside different rooms of the house. Concrete decorative stone in the interior of the living room is used for decoration of walls, large vertical surfaces. The larger the space for masonry, the larger the stone fragments, the better the final result looks.
Fireplace Portals и дымоходы коттеджей-шале, оформленные имитацией бута, уходящие через второй свет к потолочным балкам, выглядят законченным произведением мастера. А редкие вкрапления полосок камня на центральной стене гостиной – это работа дилетанта.
Fashion on the openings, trimmed with small pieces of brick, is a thing of the past. Today, following the style means using large arrays of artificial stone.
Decorative stone in the interior, organically imbibed rustic style, occurs when decorating small vertical surfaces: columns, the base of the bar, kitchen island. The classic masonry looks spectacular, the arches are decorated with a broad beam-like masonry, reproduction of the natural-chaotic arrangement of wild stone.
However, do not forget that even chaos is subject to the laws of harmony. Therefore, before performing the work, you need to make a sketch, lay out the stone on a horizontal surface and accurately transfer it to the decorated object.
Если проектировать интерьер квартиры в стиле лофт, то следует помнить, что лофт – это переделанные под жилье заводские цеха старых фабрик. Brickные неоштукатуренные стены – наследие фабрикантов, экономивших на внутренней отделке, ставшее «визитной карточкой» этого стиля. Для лофта необходим темно-красный «состаренный» кирпич или его имитация из искусственного камня на всех стенах большого открытого пространства.
Entrance: "cave age" or modernity
Inside this room to use a decorative stone in the interior is when decorating the walls, laying out one or more surfaces, or decorating a large space of the entrance area, place separately standing boulders, cobblestones that perfectly support the style of ethno or minimalism.
Also an interesting, but time-consuming method of decorating the hallway, is a device in the base of the floor of shallow channels with built-in lights. These channels are filled with artificial "pebbles", or spread out decorative stones like cobblestones or pavement.
Flush with the finishing of the floor channels covered with tempered glass, also used for the device steps of glass stairs, make a transparent "window" metal frame. The light coming from the hallway floor makes it unusual, brings a shade of mystery.
White bedroom in stone: peace, comfort and healthy sleep
The ideal tone of the stone in the interior of the bedroom - white, milky, echoing with a light textile design, forged details, painted with light colors, patina on light furniture.
Decorating the bedroom with an artificial brick of calm tones will provide psychological comfort. Dark saturated color can create an intriguing atmosphere, especially if staying in this space for a short time, but for a full rest you need a bright, neutrally finished room.
At one of the walls of a bedroom of rustic or Scandinavian style, you can arrange a false portal for a fireplace, assembling a niche of plasterboard that is suitable for the size and decorating it with a masonry made of decorative stone.
The interior space of the niche can easily be decorated with overall candles, matched in tone or in contrast to the overall finish, to install there an electrical analogue of the fireplace or a bio fireplace. Having conceived a similar element of the decor of the interior of the sleeping area, you will provide yourself cozy evenings and a safe warm light of living fire.
Stone decor in extreme conditions: kitchen and bathroom
The use of artificial stone for decorating walls of premises with high humidity or sudden fluctuations in the temperature regime (bathroom and kitchen) requires a special approach and some precautions.
Although artificial stone has higher strength and performance characteristics, compared to natural types of granite or marble, it is still subject to the destructive influence of water, high temperatures, hot steam.
Therefore, if the desire to have a wall of artificial brick in the kitchen is large, then it is better not to place it next to the stove so as not to waste time removing stains, or to treat with special protective compounds (varnishes, hydrophobizators).
If you use a stone in the interior of the bathroom, then its use assumes the presence of a volume space, because The room of small dimensions, laid out with stone fragments, will seem even smaller and closer.
If the dimensions of the bathroom allow, then use masonry, large plates for styles that epitomize the 20 and 21 century, or columns with capitals, relief inserts, sculptures that turn the room into antique terms, is justified.
Small forms using decorative stone
A special highlight for the interior of the recreational area is added by the flowing water: light, murmuring sounds calm, set on a creative way, harmonize the inner mental state of a person, and the smallest water evaporation moistens the dry air. Therefore, the device of a home fountain can not only decorate the room, but also improve the health of the inhabitants.
When decorating a wall with a fountain of artificial stone, it is necessary to supplement the structure with a glass vertical surface, along which the brooks of water will flow.
Visually transparent barrier is not visible, but it is easier to keep it clean, because from a long contact with water on the stone surface, calcareous deposits are formed. Glass protects the masonry from moisture, prevents the destruction of the structure, the overall view is not affected - the house will be a real, not an artificial waterfall.