Most people believe that the design of the bathroom begins and ends with the choice of finishing material and its color scheme. In fact, this is a broader concept.
On request, individual zones can be identified: use combinations of textures, make color accents, install partitions. In a combined bath work area should be a minimum of three:
- Sink area;
- Areas of the toilet bowl;
- Shower / bath zone.
The starting point of the layout is the sewer stand. The farther away from him the plumbing will be installed, the more pipes will have to be laid, keeping the slope necessary for the plum. In practice, the toilet away from the riser for 2-3 meters will have to be lifted on the podium to ensure a normal water discharge.
There are two main ways of locating plumbing:
- Linear - involves the parallel placement of elements, often opposite each other;
- Radial - the plumbing is located on the perimeter.
The full design of the integrated bathroom consists of small items, not the last place is occupied by accessories: mixers, shelves, hooks for towels, coasters, soap dishes, towel holders, toilet paper holder, and much more. Accessories recommend placing under the rule of outstretched hands. That is all that can be needed, for example, near the washbasin should not be more than 70 cm.
Choice of sanitary engineering
All plumbing fixtures should be combined. Stylistics, material and form are of great importance. Dimensions of products often dictate small dimensions of the room. Fortunately, in the modern market there are many options that allow you to maximize the economic use of space without loss of quality and convenience.
See also: Design of a small bathroom: design features
For small rooms it is preferable to choose the built-in, hanging or corner plumbing. At the same time, the physique of the guests is taken into account. A very tall man probably will be uncomfortable in a five-foot bath, and large people are uncomfortable in a small shower room.
Pay attention to the dimensions of the washbasin. Of course, I want to save money, but a very small shell is not always the best option. If you plan to install a washing machine under the sink, you should give preference to a model with a backward siphon.
Select a color palette
The choice of color in the interior is influenced by personal preferences, but also takes into account other important factors:
- Light tones visually increase the room, dark - reduce;
- Psychological perception of color;
- If it is decided to adhere to one style in the design of a combined bathroom, then in many ways he will dictate the choice of colors that correspond to his concept;
- Those who are fond of feng shui should bear in mind that according to the Taoist doctrine, only the pastel shades of blue, green, white, violet contribute to the restoration of strength and the purification of fatigue.
Undesirable are brown, gray, black.
Selection of finishing materials
The materials are subject to special requirements. They should be beautiful, practical, moisture resistant. This applies to all surfaces.
The ceiling can be smooth or figured, it is important to consider the height of the walls. Suspended structures will be stolen at least 5 cm from the height. If different coatings are chosen for walls, floors and ceilings, it is important that they fit seamlessly into the overall interior.
Bathroom design is a creative process if it is difficult to draw a picture in the imagination, but you want something interesting to see the interiors of the combined bathrooms on the photos presented on the network. Suitable products in the modern market set, as they say, for every taste and purse.
For wall finishing:
- Laying ceramic, glass tiles;
- Staining of walls with waterproof paints;
- Pasting with waterproof wallpaper;
- Decorative plasters;
- Plastic panels.
The main material is often combined with natural and artificial stone, pebbles, mosaics.
For ceiling:
- Staining;
- Sticking of ceiling tiles;
- Suspended ceiling from moisture-resistant plasterboard;
- Aluminum suspended panels;
- Plastic panels.
- Ceramic and porcelain tiles;
- Flooring of natural wood (terracotta);
- Natural cork;
- Waterproof laminate;
- Self-leveling polymer floors.
If you selected ceramic tiles for finishing the room, you can make layout in special computer programs. In addition to visualization, they help to correctly calculate the amount of finishing and consumables.
How to organize lighting correctly
Lighting is important, which many underestimate. Correctly selected and located lamps will provide normal illumination, will make the interior of the bathroom more cozy, emphasize the chosen style, help hide or highlight individual elements, visually increase or decrease the room.
Light sources are recommended to be placed at different levels: the main (ceiling) lighting is combined with a wall or floor lamp so that no shaded areas remain.
The original modern solution is the illumination of different zones by colored lighting, as well as the allocation of individual parts by an LED ribbon.
Lighting tips:
- Ideally, each functional area should have its own lighting in the form of one or more fixtures;
- A direct ray of light should not be reflected in the mirror;
- The design of a small bathroom always involves bright lighting, it helps to visually enlarge the room;
- The light output power regulator will help to organize the necessary mood;
- It is undesirable to use fluorescent lamps of cold spectrum (5000-7000K), they do not contribute to the creation of comfort.
Value and Location
Mirror is chosen in accordance with the overall concept and style. If squares predominate, it should have pointed angles, in an interior with smooth lines it looks better oval or round. According to the method of installation, the mirrors are divided into built-in (recessed in the finish), hinged in the frame and floor, in addition the mirror can be the front of the hanging cabinet.
Very often the design of a combined bathroom in a modern style is emphasized with neon-illuminated mirrors, but it does not carry a functional load and is only a decoration that quickly bothers. Reflective surfaces visually increase the room, but with their excess can be uncomfortable.
The main areas of the mirrors:
- Above the sink;
- On one less often two adjacent walls above the bathroom;
- Inside of the entrance door;
- The back wall of the niche;
- In the room rooms, the floor mirrors are installed in a person's height.
Windows and false windows
It so happened that the design of a bathroom with a window is rare for us. Unless in apartments often there is a small window in the kitchen. Light from this "window" is so small that the opening is usually sewn up. As an option instead of it you can insert a stained-glass window, a picture, remake into a niche.
See also: Design of a narrow bathroom: expand visually
Spacious rooms of private houses can quite acquire a window opening of any shape and size. There are many advantages to this solution: natural lighting, additional ventilation, visual expansion of space, aesthetics. If the landscape from the window in the future is not satisfied, you can limit the false window. It can also be equipped with a wide window sill with a cutout under the washbasin, decorated with roll curtains, cute textile curtains. And if on the window sill to put moisture-loving plants the lavatory will turn into a real green oasis.
Non-standard solutions and techniques
Modern technologies and abundance of finishes allow even the bathroom to embody the most original architectural ideas and complement the interior of the bathroom with innovative elements. Perhaps one of these ideas will also be to your liking.
- The podium can already be considered a classic technique. It helps create unusual bends, lines, baths.
- Built-in shower - a rational and beautiful solution from which the interior of a combined bathroom of any area will only benefit. The absence of a pallet opens up new opportunities for organizing space. In addition, these showers look stylish and modern.
- Fireplaces - this original, non-standard solution became possible with the advent of bio-fireplaces. The novelty works on environmentally friendly fuel, does not require a chimney, carbon dioxide in the combustion process is formed no more than a candle. Most often these fireplaces are built into the walls.
- Partitions in the design of shared bathrooms usually perform a decorative role, while blocking a separate functional area.
- Niches are not found often, because their arrangement involves reducing the volume of the room.
- Arrangement of plasterboard boxes is usually caused by the need to hide communications that have been forgotten or could not be hidden in the walls at the initial stages of repair.
The design of a combined bathroom large or small - a fairly complex, laborious work in which to take into account a huge number of nuances. Do not rush, before trying to recreate a picture from the Internet, think whether it fully meets your requirements.