The initial stage of any repair includes the decoration of the "box" of the room: walls, ceiling and floor. Only after carrying out these works in the room you can arrange furniture and decor. The design of the walls in the apartment is represented by numerous options: from the usual painting and to the original combined finish with modern imitation stone and textured plaster. Surfaces play the role of a canvas, against which background the room can play in a special way. After the completion of the main works on decoration, the finishing touches are put on them in the form of decor: paintings, photographs, bas-reliefs, panels. Consider in detail the features of choosing a suitable finishing material, the rules for applying each of them and decoration, which will look unusual in the interior.
- Terms of operation. Of course, any owner of the apartment wants the interior to keep its gloss and attractiveness for a long time. The only exception will be creative people with a changeable mood who like to change the situation every few years, but it's expensive.
- Care of the material. External beauty requires constant care. Before you buy the finishing material, be sure to read the subtleties of care for it. Perhaps it is too sensitive to abrasive agents or household chemicals. In this case, each time you have to buy expensive compounds or scrub the surface with soft sponges. Not everyone has time to do additional housework.
- Combination with specific rooms. This nuance is extremely important especially for the kitchen and bathroom. They are perfectly combined with tiles, washable wallpaper, brick or stone, but they are not suitable for a tree that will quickly turn into a rotting hotbed of fungus and mold without special treatment.
Also take into account the aesthetic characteristics of the material: color, texture and texture. They are selected in accordance with the chosen style of the decorated room.
Methods and types of decoration
Unusual design will be the highlight of the author's design. All methods of finishing works that perform with walls can be divided into two types, depending on the nature of the manipulations performed:
- Sheathing, that is, fixing on the surface of any elements. This includes decorating with tiles, PVC panels, wooden modules (lining or beams), artificial and natural stone, brick, plasterboard.
- Finishing by applying a composition that changes the natural texture or color of the wall surface. This group includes painting, plastering or painting.
And now in detail we will consider each of the ways. This information will be useful for those who intend to repair themselves, but do not know what type of finishes will look beautiful and original.
Обоями декорируют поверхности стен в любых комнатах. Материал не имеет ограничений из-за большого ассортимента видов. Он возник параллельно с классическим стилем и шел с ним рука об руку до начала прошлого века. В это время появляются новые технологии производства обоев, которые позволили адаптировать их к различным направлениям: конструктивизм, модерн, ар деко, прованс, этника. Если раньше материал не предполагал использование в комнатах с неустойчивым микроклиматом, то его новые типы стали более выносливыми. Wallpaper классифицируют на следующие виды:
- Paper. The most simple and short-lived option. It is produced in two forms: simplex and duplex. The first wallpaper is single-ply and serve from strength for several years, as they are quickly rubbed and frayed. Duplex wallpaper consist of two layers, and sometimes have a relief. They have a democratic price, are easily fixed on the surface and allow the walls to breathe, since the paper is letting in air. Unfortunately, the wallpaper absorbs smells, is afraid of moisture and quickly burn out. Do not recommend the use of material for finishing the kitchen, bathroom, hallway.
- Non-woven. They are made from the same paper, but with a slightly modified structure. To make the wallpaper denser and stronger in them added fabric fibers. Flizelinovye wallpaper serve much longer than paper, but at the same time retained all their advantages.
- Виниловые. Wallpaper имеют два слоя: нижний выполняют из бумаги или флизелина, а верхний из вспененного винила. Вариант долговечен, прочен, может иметь рельефную фактуру, которая позволит скрыть огрехи поверхности. Виниловые обои можно мыть, их краски выгорают очень медленно, а благодаря бумажной изнанке они также легко ложатся на стену.
- Acrylic. They are created using technology similar to that for vinyl. The surface of the wallpaper is decorated with foamed acrylic. Since the method of its application is point, the material can pass air. The acrylic layer is a little thinner than vinyl, so it is considered less durable.
- Lincrust. A special kind of two-layer wallpaper. It is produced by applying a mixture of crumbs of natural materials onto a fabric or paper substrate, which has been brought to the state of a liquid paste with alkyd resins. Lincrust can be painted. It is durable, but does not allow the walls to breathe.
- Foiled. The original version of two-layer wallpaper. Their front side is covered with foil, on which an unusual pattern is applied. Foiled wallpapers are very moody, they are difficult to glue. They emphasize the wall defects due to the metallized surface and are expensive.
- Tissue. They are considered a wallpaper classic, the use of which is actual in our days. Matter lets in air, but is very whimsical in care. It collects dust and absorbs odors, does not tolerate high humidity, so wallpaper only used in the design of living rooms, bedrooms.
- Стекловолокно. Wallpaper обладают сравнительно низкой стоимостью и очень выносливы. Благодаря наличию в структуре длинных стекловолокон, материал позволяет стенам дышать, не накапливает влагу и медленно покрывается пылью.
- Жидкие. Инновационные обои распыляются над поверхностью стены и спустя определенное время застывают на ней, образуя аккуратную корочку. Wallpaper очень просты в применении, ведь больше не нужно разводить клей, заляпывать им не только стены, но и пол, тщательно выравнивать каждый лист.
- Natural. They include wallpaper, the upper layer of which is made of cork, bamboo, algae, reeds, straw or jute. They are environmentally friendly, have a pleasant to the touch texture, repel the dust, thanks to special compositions on the surface, and let in air. However, natural wallpaper does not stand the constant contact with moisture, and their cost leaves much to be desired.
Separate stand out wallpaper. They can be represented by almost any of the above types, except for liquid, natural and lincrusta. The surface of the wallpaper is decorated with a print. It is important to know. There are special types of vinyl wallpaper, which are designed for staining. Their color can be changed up to 10 times.
Staining of walls
Although painting is considered one of the simplest methods of decoration, it is readily used even in expensive interiors, where laconism is appreciated above all. The paint is suitable for loft, classic, provence, pop art, Scandinavian, Spanish, rustic, Mediterranean, colonial styles, country and eclectic. It looks great both in the kitchen and in the children's room. Modern styles usually use a combined method, when a room or studio is zoned with different textures: smooth paint and relief plaster, wallpaper, brick or masonry. All types of coloring compositions are divided into four large groups:
- Adhesive. They include casein and dextrin. This is a special kind of environmentally friendly paint, which is manufactured exclusively from natural ingredients, without having harmful chemicals in it. They do not tolerate contact with moisture, so they are only suitable for interior finishing. For example, painting the facade from the outside with glue paints will inevitably lead to their cracking and "slipping" from the surface.
- Water or emulsion. These include acrylic, latex, dispersion, silicone and polyvinyl acetate. In the composition of paints there are pigments, a binding base and water, which form an emulsion. It is easily washed off from hands and clothes until completely dry, but does not react to contacts with water in a hardened form. Emulsions fit well on any surface except glossy, and also they are not recommended to be applied to non-primed metal, as it can lead to its corrosion. The paints dry quickly and do not exude an unpleasant odor. They do not have resistance to frost, so you can not use compositions for decorating the outer walls in private homes. The paints almost do not burn out, they allow the surface to breathe.
- Silicate. Mineral compositions based on glass are made. They are mainly used for external work because of increased resistance to temperature changes. Silicate paints do not lie on smooth surfaces: ceramics, metal, glass, stone, plastic. Ideal is their application to the same plaster. Silicate paints are almost never washed away. Their service life will be calculated in years. Of the shortcomings of the composition, only the lack of the ability to protect the surface from moisture is noted.
- Alkyd. Paints are used for painting plasters, metal and wood. They are non-toxic and allow the surface to breathe. Formulations based on alkyd resins are prepared. The group includes only two types: oil and enamel. The first is created on the basis of olives and is used for external work, as during long drying the composition releases harmful volatile substances. Enamel is made of lacquer. They can be used in any room, as the composition is not afraid of moisture. The colors have a pleasant luster of gloss.
Staining is considered to be the simplest variant of decorating walls on a par with plaster. Also it is often considered as a quick and cheap way for temporary repairs.
Decorative plaster
Although initially the plaster was used only to correct the surface of the walls before the application of the main material, now it was also used as a finishing finish. It is classified into the following types:
- Mineral water. The material has a high vapor permeability, does not leak moisture and is strong, because it is based on cement, lime or gypsum. It is recommended to use mineral plaster for decoration of concrete, brick or stone walls. Only the basic white color of the composition is presented on the market. If you need to get a certain shade, pigment is added to the plaster during the dilution. In addition, special additives are sold with sparkles or stone crumbs for texture.
- Acrylic. It is based on synthetic polymers. The plaster possesses elasticity in the hardened state, therefore at deformation of walls does not give cracks. High moisture resistance makes it possible to use the material for finishing wet rooms (kitchen, bathroom). Initially, the surface of the acrylic plaster is smooth, it can be invoiced manually or with the help of special additives that are sold in construction shops. Unfortunately, it easily ignites, therefore to put structure on wood do not recommend.
- Silicone. Relatively new material that does not pass moisture, has a high elasticity and vapor permeability, is capable of self-cleaning when used outside the house. The basis of the plaster is silicone resin. It has a high cost, which pays off for a long service life (more than 20 years). By the number of color variations, the composition became a record holder, as there are more than 6 thousand of them.
- Silicate. It is based on liquid glass, which quickly hardens. Working with the material will require skill. Silicate plaster is durable, elastic, does not pass moisture, but it is expensive and has a limited range of colors.
Now actual in the design of the interiors is Venetian plaster. It is sometimes called "seamless marble", as the composition imitates the surface of this particular stone. The plaster can be acrylic, silicate or silicone. It is attributed to texture types, which are applied by spraying, using a roller or spatula. The relief can be obtained thanks to fillers from mineral crumbs, or by working with special tools. Plaster is considered a stylistic universal and is suitable for most directions in design.
Sheathing of walls with wood
Sheathing of walls with wood подходит только для комнат с устойчивым микроклиматом. Кухню и ванную деревом отделывать не рекомендуют. Из многообразия разновидностей материала внимания заслуживают:
- Plywood. It has a rather boring surface texture, so it requires staining.
- Lining. Long modules are suitable for a thematic decor for Russian, Scandinavian or rustic style, a provence, a chalet.
- Veneer. It is a thin sheet of wood. It has flexibility, original texture and color, it is used as a final finish.
- Bung. Soft, pleasant to the touch the material allows you to create an incredibly cozy, homey interior.
- Cant. The material has a gruff look, so it is used exclusively in a rustic style.
- Solid wood. It differs in high cost. Strong and durable material is suitable for a line of classic styles.
You can even wall the walls with different calibrated boards, which will have an original, textured appearance. Appropriate design for ekostilya and provence. In rare cases, the surfaces are trimmed with thin wood saws. Supplement the unusual decoration with the help of the "path" in the room.
Ceramic tile
Ceramic tile традиционно используется для оформления кухонь и ванных комнат. Материал влагостойкий, прочный, устойчивый к бытовой химии и абразивным составам. В зависимости от технологии производства плитку классифицируют на две больших группы:
- Bicottature. Tiles are subjected to double firing because of the application of an additional layer of enamel. Use the material for interior decoration.
- Monocorture. It is exposed to a single firing. Some types are used for exterior finishing, since they have frost resistance.
Tiles can have a protective-decorative glaze layer. Such material has an attractive appearance and has a reflective effect. Also there are such varieties as cotto, monoporosa, granite, majolica, clinker. The latter variant has a particularly dense base, which is obtained by pressing. Clinker is one of the most durable types of tiles. Ceramic granite or gres are obtained from several types of clay and fireclay bricks. It is considered a high-quality alternative to natural stone.
Decorative rock
Decorative rock применяют для отделки кухонь, спален, гостиных и прихожих. Материал не имеет ограничений в использовании. Высокой прочностью обладают кварцевый, акриловый вид и керамогранит, конгломерат. Гипсовый декоративный камень считается единственной имитацией, которая боится влаги и механического воздействия. Материал в сравнении с оригиналом обладает меньшим весом, что позволяет его использовать как для декорирования всей стены, так и для частичной отделки (область вокруг дверей, оконных проемов, ниш или акцентных элементов). Decorative rock обладает гибкостью, имеет богатый ассортимент расцветок и текстур. Его можно использовать даже для отделки перегородок из гипсокартона. Органично вливается камень в ряд этнических стилей: испанский, английский, французский, итальянский, средиземноморский.
Читайте также: Decorative rock на стене: виды и инструкция
Wall panels
Panels are considered a universal material, which is used to remove walls, ceilings and objects of complex configuration (columns, pilasters, partitions, arches, niches). They are easy to install, provide an opportunity to replace the damaged module with a new one without disrupting the integrity of its neighbors. If the panels are not damaged, then reuse is allowed. Depending on the shape of the material is divided into three groups:
- Sheet.
- Tiled.
- Rack.
Manufacture panels from wood, plastic or mixtures on the basis of a waste of the wood industry (MDF, ДСП, ДВП). In the first case, the material can be used in rooms with high humidity only if a layer of protective wax is applied to its surface. Fibreboard and MDF can be used for finishing kitchens, but the DSP is best left for living rooms and bedrooms. PVC panels are universal, they are characterized by durability, lack of sensitivity to moisture or temperature changes and low cost. Of the minuses, only fragility and possible toxicity are noted if the plastic was manufactured with technology disruptions.
PVC panels are suitable for modern styles, where plastic will look appropriate. MDF, chipboard and fiberboard are harmonized in technical directions, in which the use of surfaces from wood is welcomed: classic, modern, minimalism, provence, country.
The use of drywall is advisable in cases where the walls have obvious irregularities or need to give the surface a special configuration. The material is easily cut, mounted, and the work itself is considered clean and dispensed without a protective film on the floor and stained clothing. After finishing the plasterboard can be painted, plastered or covered with wallpaper, covered with decorative stone. Do not use only the heavy materials as a finish, since the base itself is light in weight. For the plating of the bathroom and kitchen, a special moisture resistant kind of plasterboard is used. Finishing the material is used for various styles: minimalism, high-tech, colonial, Scandinavian, modern, fusion and even Gothic or Moorish. Versatility is determined by the freedom to choose a secondary surface.
Using moss in wall design
To decorate the walls with moss seems insane, and completely in vain. This living organism will replace indoor plants and at the same time help create an unusual interior where the green surface will definitely become a highlight. Moss loves moisture and shade, so the ideal place for its growth in the house: kitchen and bathroom. The very premises for which you have to select a special finish. The moss wall will become a stylish accent of minimalism, high tech, Scandinavian and eco - directions. Greenery can not be superfluous, as it brings natural notes to any situation. The texture wall can be created independently, but at the same time it is necessary to look after the living flora. In the market there are already finished panels with moss preserved. From the biological point of view, he is already dead, but special impregnations allow to preserve the original appearance. The phytosten is additionally decorated with shells, twigs, cones or spruce needles. Moss, by the way, is used for a long time to patch up crevices in wooden bathhouses and in external finishing of Scandinavian country houses.
Wall painting, graffiti and drawing with a stencil
Wall painting has been used for a long time. This laborious way of decorating rooms requires special skill from the artist. If you are deprived of talent, the situation will save ready-made stencils. On them a contour is applied to the surface, which is then colored in different colors. For work use rollers, brushes, sponges. The picture can be anything: romantic pictures for gentle styles (Provence, Roman), surrealism and psychedelic for constructivism, laconic avant-garde for the same direction and minimalism, high-tech. Graffiti is applied to the wall using aerosol paints, markers or spray guns. For street art is characterized by the use of inscriptions or unusual, acidic images in the style of pop art. Graffiti comes to the loft, high - flow, futurism. Apply the paint on various surfaces: wood, plaster, tile or stone. It is only necessary to select its composition correctly.
From the decor of the walls begins the whole repair campaign. No wonder they say, as the morning begins, so you spend the day. Therefore, further work on decorating the room will depend on the correct finishing. Remember that for each room it is important to select suitable materials. The characteristics should be indicated on the packaging. Also pay attention to environmental friendliness and fire resistance. These qualities are displayed in certificates, which are always attached to legal products from reliable suppliers.