The choice of bedroom design 4 by 4 meters must be based on the practical benefits of further use of the premises. But what if the room has a small area?
Another control tool is color, with its help you can achieve the necessary effect of visually increasing the available space.
Color selection
Competently decorate the bedroom can be independently, resorting to the well-known tricks of color manipulation.
When choosing a color, consider:
- Do not use too dark colors. Presence of wood shades. It is recommended to use black color as a detail when decorating an interior: a dark floor or inserts on furniture - an excellent way out of the situation without harm to the space.
- White color will be the solution to all problems, it is he who can create the effect of visual expansion of space. To ensure that the room does not look excessively sterile, several weighty details need to be added: curtains or bed linen of blue, light green or peach hue.
- It is not allowed the predominance of too bright colors: red, blue, yellow, orange. Such lights can negatively affect the psyche, in addition, they often eat up the useful space of a small bedroom.
When decorating a narrow bedroom it is worth paying special attention to the light, it also has a significant impact on the perception of space.
To feel comfortable, you should choose a large number of natural materials. The most popular materials for finishing the walls and floor for the bedroom are:
- Wallpaper. The most practical and inexpensive option. Subject to easy and convenient replacement. A large number of options will allow you to design a room in accordance with personal preferences.
- Paint. It is enough to choose high-quality material, most often paint paint accent walls. It is important to understand that a room with painted walls can look cheap and tasteless.
- Plaster. It will be an excellent option for decorating a room in the style of minimalism.
- Finish under the stone. It is combined with almost any chosen style. The only drawback of this design is the high cost, which justifies the final result. This finish requires additional care.
- Wood paneling. This option for decorating the walls looks quite natural and concise, do not use dark wood shades.
- For parquet flooring suitable.
- Laminate is a universal coating and can be used in finishing the floor and walls.
- It is allowed to use carpets. This option is not suitable for pet owners, as the carpet will need unnecessarily frequent cleaning.
Correctly selected coating is important not only for the interior, but also for the health of the tenants.
Lighting необходимо выбирать, основываясь на поставленных целях и наличии рабочих зон. К идеям, способным придать помещению особый объем относят:
- A good option will be a combination of lighting devices and a glossy surface on which they will be placed (a lamp and a pedestal), this technique is used in other small and narrow rooms (for example, in the kitchen or in the living room). Do not abuse this method, otherwise it will look too cheap and tasteless.
- Create a kind of center in which the chandelier will be placed. Thus, the composition will be complete and will not cause unnecessary dissonance.
- It is recommended the presence of multi-level lighting: in this case, the actual availability of cabinets and pedestals. The complexity of lighting will help make the room more spacious.
- Place additional lights in the working areas, near the bed. Thus, even with a general lack of lighting, you can perform the assigned tasks: to do work or work, read.
- You can apply backlighting (often using LED lamps) to frequently used things: drawers, mirrors. Such a method will help create an atmosphere of coziness.
Do not forget about other additional techniques, which can be realized with the help of furniture and accessories.
Furniture должна быть практичной, не занимать слишком много пространства, вписываться в общее настроение комнаты. Стоит обратить внимание на несколько приемов, позволяющих создать необходимый эффект: 1. Стоит прибегнуть к использованию мебели без ножек (допускается вариант с короткими ножками), такая мебель будет выглядеть не слишком большой (в сравнении с габаритами помещения).
2. It is desirable to use only the necessary furniture (bed, wardrobe, curbstones, if necessary, a table). It is not recommended to use the space to the maximum, leave free space.
3. If you pursue a practical goal and you need a large number of cabinets and shelves, you can use several practical options:
- Buy a bed with built-in drawers. This will add not only practical benefits, but also ease of use.
- Trust the built-in closet. Do not expect that he does not eat up space.
- Use sliding furniture. When the bedroom is combined with the office, the use of sliding tables is allowed. A practical option will be the extension of the window sill, ready to become a working area.
- If you have a desk in the room, we recommend that you put a fold-out sofa bed. This will be convenient in case you are the owner of a one-room apartment. In this case, the sofa will be a place to receive guests.
4. Use mirrors and cabinets with transparent (or mirrored) doors. Reflective surfaces give the feeling of "extending" space.
These techniques in combination with a harmoniously selected color can create the feeling that the area of the room is slightly larger.
It is worth mentioning other useful methods of visual expansion of space:
- Photo wallpapers, this option is especially relevant if the room is covered in wallpaper of the color shown in the picture. In this case, the integrity of the composition is created.
- Glossy floors and ceilings in combination with a properly selected color can increase the boundaries of the room.
- Do not use muffled light (keep moderation, excessively bright color can cause discomfort), it will make the room even smaller.
- If there are no windows in the bedroom, you should create them yourself. In this case, there are actual models: false windows, paintings, small mirrors with a lot of backlighting, Japanese doors (shoji).
- Do not use too bulky fabrics for curtains. It is desirable to combine them with light and transparent tissues.
It is necessary to understand that the general mood of the tenants depends on the interior of the bedroom 4 by 4 meters, that's why it is recommended to treat the situation with special attention. If you can not achieve the desired effect yourself, contact a specialist. If you have such advice, you can create a bedroom in your own taste, and the end result will please the owner for many years.