The modern design of the children's room is not an easy task. Any parent cares about the health, comfort of his child, trying to give him the best. The task becomes more complicated if there are several children in the family, especially those of different sexes. Everyone, even the most unpretentious child, needs to be given space for sleep, games, study, hobbies, equipping them with observance of all the rules of ergonomics. Design ideas of how to decorate a child in a modern style, the proper zoning, the selection of colors, furniture for children of different sexes, ages, details in this text.
Which zones should be distinguished:
- sleeping;
- game;
- educational;
- sports section;
- for dressing;
- for creativity.
Zoning depends on the age of the child - a teenager does not need a place for games, and a baby - a training zone. If there are more than one children, there is no way to give each person a room, then each will get a separate bed, a working area. Play, do physical exercises have all together, and mini-wardrobes are made separate for boys and girls, especially if they are already over the age of ten.
About modern design
Modern design means the most simple forms, ergonomic layout, minimum extra decor.
The main features of the style:
- space - mostly open, zoning is done with screens, furniture, floor height differences, ceiling;
- furniture - simple shapes, with smooth surfaces that are easy to wash, often transformable, multifunctional;
- decor - almost any, very diverse, but not abundant, the room should not look "cluttered";
- lighting is predominantly bright, many light sources, including natural ones;
- color design - mostly monochrome with separate bright accents;
- materials - glass, metals, wood, ceramic tile, plastic, MDF, stone.
Color palette
The color scheme of modern interiors is not discreet, usually combining several shades of the same color. Most often, no more than three colors are used at the same time, with the main share accounting for up to 60-65% of clearance, for the rest - 25-35% and 5-10%, respectively. Spacious rooms with windows facing south, south-east, decorated in dark, cold colors. Closer, northern, north-western - in light, warm colors.
Abundance of excessively bright colors should be avoided, especially for children who are easily excitable. It is believed that newborns for a while distinguish only black and white, after a while - red, yellow. Kids, regardless of gender, like warm, bright colors. At the senior the choice of color often depends on a floor. Girls like pink, violet, salad, orange-yellow. Boys - purple, blue, brown, dark green. Adolescents of both sexes sometimes prefer black, which should be regarded as a temporary phenomenon.
When decorating the space in one or another tone, you should match the color palette with the child.
Materials, methods of decoration
Materials are selected environmentally friendly, mostly natural. They must comply with radiation safety certificates, do not emit unpleasant odors, have persistent coloring, high wear resistance.
For wall decoration paper wallpapers are suitable. If the child likes to paint on the walls, you should prefer the washable ones, but vinyls do not pass the air well. Wallpaper of fabric, bamboo is more expensive, but more beautiful. Decorative plasters based on gypsum are preferable to those that do not have large stone particles - they can easily be injured, and fabric fibers, wood chips, dyes are completely acceptable. It's even easier to paint the walls, using various stylized stories to express them with the help of stencils. Individual companies realize paints specially designed for children's rooms.
The floor is often made of a board, covered with varnish, paint, but should not slip. Laminate is laid on a soundproof substrate - children have a habit of making noise, jumping, running, playing. In this regard, parquet, ceramic tiles are not suitable, because of the instability to high loads. Natural stone is rarely used - it is excessively cold. Carpet - warm, soft, will last at least five years. Also used cork coating, natural linoleum.
The ceiling is chosen strong, so that it is not easy to damage it, for example, throwing the ball. The place on the ceiling where the bar is fixed, the upper tier of the bunk bed, is carefully strengthened separately. Over the different zones, the ceiling is sometimes made of different colors, apply tensioning with photoprint, from plasterboard, using ceiling tiles, ordinary whitewash. Windows, doors are preferable wooden, but other materials are allowed - metal plastic for window frames, MDF, fiberboard, stained glass - for doors.
Furniture and equipment for children
Many firms produce whole sets of furniture for children: different sizes, for a different number of children.
The standard package includes:
- bed - single or semi-double, bunk or loft bed;
- wardrobe;
- chest of drawers;
- shelving or shelves for books, hand-made articles, toys;
- table - written or computer;
- chairs, stools - can be bundled with a table or desk, preferably adjustable in height.
Items of furniture should not have sharp corners - preference should be given rounded. Sharply sticking drawer handles can also cause injury, because boxes with a special hole are chosen to be handled or opened with a slight push. Places for storing toys are often provided under the bed, in retractable sections.
Transformable furniture - a closet-bed, a loft bed is convenient if the space is very small. In the daytime, the closet-bed is folded, freeing the playing space, under the bed-attic equip the working table, sports corner. Actual materials of children's furniture - an array of wood, fiberboard, MDF, metal, plywood, plastic.
The mattress for a bed is selected from natural materials - coconut coir, anatomic latex, bamboo fiber.
Modern lighting - what is it?
Light sources need a few - natural solar from the window, the upper common, local above each zone. The entire area of the room should be illuminated. Lighting the LED ribbon of a figured false ceiling develops a fantasy, at the bottom of the walls - it helps to avoid getting lost during a night hike for water or to the toilet.
The workplace is located near the window, in daylight lighting with street light. Above him are a table lamp on a stand, a clothespin. If there are shelves nearby, the lamp on the bracket is fixed there. A floor lamp is allocated to the bedside area, it is chosen to be stable, the wires are hidden so that it is impossible to stumble over them. The play area is also highlighted separately.
Read also: 50 ideas for the design of the game room
For the youngest, decorative lamps in the form of small houses, birds, small animals are purchased - instead of them it is possible to use sconces, with an adjustable level of illumination. Plafonds are chosen unbreakable, and instead of volumetric chandeliers - flat ceiling lamps.
Illumination is increased with the help of a large number of glossy surfaces, competently placed mirrors.
About the choice of decor, textiles
Interior decor of a child is better to choose with children. All fabrics are chosen strong, long not fading, not losing color after washing, mainly from natural fibers.
Textiles are used:
- pillows on a sofa, chairs, stools;
- blankets, blankets, rugs;
- linens;
- wall, floor carpets, rugs;
- curtains, curtains;
- canopies, gaps;
- births, tents.
For southern windows, dense curtains are provided so that the room is not too hot, the light does not cut your eyes. For a baby, make soft edges with cords in the crib, so that it does not hurt when falling. Bedding is made from natural fabrics, the younger the child, the more tender it is selected.
Pillows in the form of hearts, bagels, stars, animals will be an original addition to the interior, sitting on a bed, chairs, even on the floor. They are decorated with homemade embroidery, photo printing, patchwork sewing. Blankets, pillows should keep the shape well. For the youngest are preferred terry plaids.
All textile elements are selected in the same style, with approximately one color scheme.
Room for the newborn
The first few months or even years of life the child is practically inseparable from the mother, therefore in the nursery a bed for her is provided. At the beginning of life a little man often wakes up at night, because his crib is located in close proximity to his mother. Some practice joint night sleep, then an adult bed is chosen half-torn. Cradle is not an obligatory attribute, but many acquire it for their own convenience.
The baby's bedroom is designed mainly in gentle light colors - too dark colors can frighten the baby. A changing table-dresser will complement the interior. In the middle of the room have a soft carpet, which should be easily cleaned, washed in the case of "childish surprise."
First-aid kit, nipples, various small items to which the baby can not be reached, stored on hanging shelves, upper drawers of the rack, cabinet. Curtains, fixtures are mounted so that they can not be torn off or tipped off at the first attempts to walk, the sockets are equipped with special plugs, the wires hide behind furniture, in special boxes.
The mattress for the crib of the baby is chosen with a hypoallergenic filler.
Room for a girl
The maiden bed is decorated with a canopy and a pavement, executed in gentle pastel colors. The dressing room behind the screen or the dresser closes all the girls' outfits. Furnishing is complemented by a large mirror with a dressing table. On the windowsill place a "winter garden", with plants in clay pots, if the girl loves plants. The desk is placed in the most lit corner, as is the place for needlework or reading. The room should have enough space for morning exercises.
The most suitable color combinations are:
- pink with smoky white;
- violet with beige;
- apricot with yellow-green;
- light orange with wisteria;
- spring-green with mustard;
- canary with brownish pink.
As contrasting accents are used pictures on the walls, soft toys, cute souvenirs on shelves, decor and lace on textiles.
A room for a boy
The bed for the boy is chosen modern, without superfluous decor, but of an interesting shape - in the form of a typewriter or a ship. It is advisable to equip a sports corner where the child can spend his energy, as well as individual places for study and a favorite hobby. The design of the space is preferably in the following color variants:
- blue-gray with chocolate;
- azure blue with purple;
- beige-brown with cream;
- purple with blue-green;
- sky blue with pearly white;
- brownish-yellow with graphite.
For a junior schoolchild, a mat is placed on the floor, with a picture of a labyrinth, a highway with road signs, it is also chosen according to color.
A room for two children
For two, same-sex twin children, the situation is almost completely symmetrical - if everything is the same for all, there will be less conflicts. A bunk bed will please children with a significant age difference - the elder will sleep on the upper bunk. Working, sleeping place each child has its own light source - if one of them has already gone to bed, and the second is still engaged in lessons.
If one child is right handed, the second is left-handed, their desktops are placed along the window or the ends to the window, "back to back" in relation to each other. For the right-handed child, the light should fall on the left, for the left-hander - on the right. If the table is one, but large, it is zoned using lights, shelves or partitions, as in the office. Chairs for children of different ages acquire the same, but those that "grow with the child", adjustable in height.
When children are of different sexes, everyone should be given their own place for changing clothes, space for girls' games in dolls, boys for cars. The color design of the space intended for children of different sexes differs in color, but it must harmonize with the texture. Sections for storing toys, exercise books, personal belongings are also made by individuals. In the presence of a double bed-attic, work area, wardrobes are located under it.
Thematic design of rooms
Depending on the interests of the child, one of the walls is decorated with 3D photo wallpapers with bright pictures. For babies it can be canvases depicting fairytale plots, heroes of your favorite cartoons. Teenagers will like space spaces, romantic landscapes, realistic animals, images of favorite musicians. These wallpapers are chosen in a construction shop, the Internet, they print to order in the nearest "copy center", where there is a large-format printing.
For the girl, the bedroom is designed as a "doll house", with fabulous ponies, pink princesses. For the boy, a maritime, space theme, stylistics for a cabin of an alien ship will suit.
To equip the interior of the children's bedroom, taking into account the maximum functionality, ergonomics - one of the main issues solved by parents. The child spends many hours a day in her bedroom, from her competent accomplishment depends not only on his mood, school performance, but also the general state of health. If you have some experience in interior planning, you can design this room yourself, taking into account the wishes of the children. When this can not be done, professional designers will come to the rescue.