Morocco remains for many of our compatriots a distant and unexplored country, which is somewhere in Africa. In fact, geographical location makes the state the owner of unique climatic conditions. Morocco rests comfortably in the northwest of the African continent, but it is separated from the Spanish coast by only 14 km of the Strait of Gibraltar. The state is sometimes called the "country of four seasons." In the morning you can climb to the Atlas Mountains, during the day you can experience the scorching heat of the Sahara desert, and in the evening you can swim in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea of the Atlantic. More than 95% of Moroccans are Muslims, so they are treated with special attention and honor. The furnishing of the houses fits into the overall design concept of the East, but it is not devoid of specific elements that are peculiar only for this country. Moroccan style in the interior is not used so often, but due to its versatility, lightness, laconism, it organically fits into both luxurious houses and small flats.
After falling under the influence of the Roman Empire, the Moroccans finally learned about the quiet life and first encountered Christianity. The world reigned for only a couple of centuries, until Morocco conquered the Arabs. Muslims overthrew the old religion and planted Islam, which here remained. Closer to the XIX century, the country was again conquered by Europeans and became a colony. For it fought Britain, Germany, Spain and France. The latter and acquired Morocco at its full disposal. Surprisingly, the French did not try to impose their style in local interiors. The features of the "radical" design were preserved and supplemented with new ones.
As can be seen from the rich history, Morocco was exposed to different peoples. All this was reflected in the peculiarities of the interior decoration of the rooms. The Moorish and Spanish styles (the two nearest neighbors) influenced the radical "Berber" trend most strongly. In Moroccan interiors, there are rough "native" features, oriental, graceful motives of the Moors and light Castilian notes.
Features of style
The modern Moroccan style almost does not differ from the similar direction, which was used in the design of housing many centuries ago. Remember where the country is located and it becomes clear why the house for the Moroccan became an oasis, a corner for rest, peace, reflection and intimate conversations with relatives. This piece of personal space should stand out among the monotonous desert, delight the look and have a pleasant pastime. In the first place comfort, then follows beauty, and only in the third position is the functionality.
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Among the main features of the Moroccan style are noted:
- Use of coarse details. This direction is primarily ethnic, so it uses vintage elements, which are specific for Berbers.
- Small-sized furniture. The luxury and color of the situation is achieved due to the abundance of textiles and a palette of colors. Furniture goes into the background and significantly "mills", that is, only puffs, low tables, couches are used. As an option, you can decorate the seating area from one cushion laid flat on the floor.
- Geometric shapes. In Moroccan interiors there are unusual for Europeans outlines. A trademark of the Moroccan houses can be considered arched passages, the dome of which looks like a keyhole or stretched to the sharp tip that crowns the middle.
- The decor uses colored glass (mosaic), glazed tiles with original oriental patterns, an abundance of variegated textiles, wood, stone.
Polished wooden surfaces in Morocco are considered too boring. They are necessarily adorned with intricate carvings, which echo with ornate ornamentation on the walls.
Ideally a direction for registration of country houses, summer residences, and cottages. The main criterion in this case is the location on the nature. Traditionally in the houses of Berbers there are large windows that open either to the picturesque back yard or to the street with the beauties of the local landscape. There is no better complement to ethnic decoration than the natural, natural environment.
Color spectrum
The basis of the color range is warm shades. Moroccan interiors are bright and colorful, but the atmosphere is not devoid of oriental elegance. In the palette of flowers prevail red, pink, burgundy, wine, coral, fuchsia, peach, yellow, brown. The influence of the east can be traced in the use of blue, blue, purple, turquoise. For interior decoration, traditional combinations such as red with gold (yellow), celestial and orange are used. Due to the use of luxurious colors, the style pretends for high luxury, akin to chic baroque and rococo. Ideas for decorating rooms are drawn from nature itself: red-orange sunset sun, pale yellowness of the sand, aquamarine sea spillway, gold of vast expanses to the horizon.
Materials and methods of finishing
The design uses a combination of wood and stone. Of these materials, houses are being built in Morocco. The ceiling can be plastered, but the joint between it and the wall must be decorated with a carved frieze. An alternative to plastering will be a small tile or a non-standard option - wooden panels decorated with carvings. To fix this magnificence on the ceiling with your own hands is very problematic. It will take a complex framework, so it's better to use the help of professionals. Since the ceilings are high in Moroccan houses, such a solution looks organic, but in typical domestic apartments, alas, the variant will eat valuable centimeters. Ceramic tiles decorate all surfaces and the reason here is not only in its beauty, but also in the ability to "cool" the room.
Since the country is located in Africa, it is characterized by temperature changes and scorching heat during the day, so the locals were saved in the coolness of their homes. Select a tile bright, patterned and shallow. Large fragments, which are often used for finishing kitchens and bathrooms, in this case are not suitable. You should choose a special mosaic tile with thematic patterns: rhombuses, octahedrons, stars, squares and other geometric shapes.
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Основу мебельного комплекта составляют диваны. Их располагают почти в каждой комнате, причем, чем больше, тем лучше. Если есть возможность, то диванами заставляют весь периметр. Их закрывают армадой подушек. К диванам прилагаются низкие не журнальные, а кофейные столики. Хотя оба эти понятия слились в одно целое, но в Марокко их действительно используют для распивания горячих напитков в миниатюрных чашечках, а не хранения периодических изданий в специальной нише. Кстати, столик может быть и не один. Живописная композиция из нескольких однотипных элементов станет ярким украшением интерьера. Также используют топчаны, кушетки, скамеечки, низкие комоды. Furniture выполняют из массива дерева с дополнением в виде кованых элементов.
Lighting в интерьере должно быть мягким и не вызывать желания заслониться. Светильники традиционно оформляются из металла. «Оболочка» украшается восточными узорами. Декоративные элементы так и называются — марокканские фонарики. Их форма может быть разной:
- Rectangular fixtures, crowned with a miniature dome with a hinge for hanging. They are located either on the floor, or pass through special hooks in the walls.
- The elongated form of the "spindle" with numerous ornamentation and constrictions. Organic look not only in the interior of the room, but also on the terrace, open veranda, gazebo.
- Form "yule", but with soft transitions and rounded sides.
Ceiling chandeliers do not play as important a role as in European styles. Accents are made on sconce, floor and table lamps. The lighting system is supplemented with wax candles, which will give the atmosphere a touch of eastern romance.
Plafonds are traditionally made of copper and brass forged. Stamped items can be purchased in specialized stores, but unique products will give the atmosphere a unique charm and become a "signature" in the author's design.
Accessories and decor
The decor is made entirely of natural materials. Style originated in the depths of the centuries, when plastic and composites simply did not exist. The materials are dominated by metal, glass, wood and clay. By the way, decorative elements are used a little, because the luxurious painting on the walls and the variety of shades and so make the interiors bright and original. Sofas and beds are decorated with numerous pillows, among which there are necessarily elements of elongated shapes, traditional for the east.
Decorative niches in the walls are filled with metal plates on stands, elegant boxes, candlesticks on massive legs, vases with floral pattern, clay jugs and bowls. High windows are decorated with black metal bars. In a hot climate, they are rarely closed, so the element is more necessary to protect against uninvited guests.
The role of textiles in style
Textiles are given the main style-forming role. Only natural fabrics are chosen from fabrics: silk, wool, linen and cotton. Textiles are present in almost every corner of the room: in upholstery, elegant pillow cases for pillows, heavy curtains and light, air curtains, canopies above the bed, handmade rugs. If the soft furniture has an ugly cover "from the manufacturer", then it is covered with covers and covers. It is desirable to use unique textile products that can be made even by yourself. The fabric is decorated with a themed, oriental pattern, which finds continuation in the surfaces of ceramic tiles.
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Kitchen interier
Стены и пол марокканской кухни отделывают кафельной плиткой. Чтобы выделить на ее фоне фартук, можно использовать нейтральные «природные» оттенки: песочный, кобальтовый, коричневый. Furniture выбирают из дерева с грубо обработанными поверхностями. Навесные полки украшают металлическими и глиняными тарелками, горшками, вазами.
If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, then a group of Moroccan lamps of different shapes with a metal "frame" hang over the dining table. Chairs are made of wood, covered with carvings. Complete the design of a couple of pots with indoor plants.
Decoration of the living room
The living room is considered the favorite room of the Moroccans, since it is in it that visitors and households gather. A mandatory attribute for this room is a sofa. It should be as long as possible and longer. If the dimensions of the room allow, then it is decorated with a sofa "series" along the perimeter. Windows are curtained with heavy curtains and airy tulle. The walls are decorated with carved panels, ceramic tiles, wall lamps, niches with themed decorations. The ceiling is supported by decorative columns.
Bedroom in Moroccan style
The Moroccan bedroom, like other rooms, has a minimal set of furniture: a wide bed, a pair of bedside tables and a table. If the room is spacious, then next to the traditional sofa (couch, bed) with a coffee table. The accent wall at the head of the bed is decorated with a niche, which has a traditional eastern dome with an elongated tip. It is decorated with a composition of ceramic, glass, clay or wooden elements. The ceiling is crowned by a small chandelier, and on both sides of the bed symmetrically set the sconce. The windows are decorated with wrought iron. Close them with airy tulle. The floor must be covered with rugs. Grind the composition with a hookah, house plants in pots, plates with fruit and oriental sweets on the tables.
Bath and Toilet Design
The walls and floor in the bathroom in the Moroccan style are finished with small tiles with traditional ornaments. From the modern shower cubicle they refuse in favor of a luxurious bath. The sink uses a waybill. The original solution will be the purchase of a specimen made of stone, which has a high cost, but it will last for decades. The facades of cabinets for storing towels and household items are decorated with a fine grille. If the ceilings are high, then above the bathroom set a vaulted frame structure, supplemented by open shelves on the sides.
Look after the Moroccan style can be in numerous themed cafes and restaurants. Strangely enough, but public catering facilities honestly reflect the ethnic characteristics of the situation and do not allow the appearance of not specific to it details. Of course, to be inspired, you can go to the country where this direction originated. Luxurious, endless landscapes, picturesque sunsets, the horizon line "trembling" from hot air - that's what will help you find the right mood for creating a distinctive, unique interior in the Moroccan style.