The word "retro" is used to refer to any things that were relevant in the past, but do not fit into the realities of our time. There is one more concept - vintage. In colloquial speech, they are often confused, although they are similar, but not identical. Retro (from Latin "back") is considered an abstract designation of old things and those items that were artificially aged. There are no time limits for the direction. The age of such things can be as many as 30, and 60 years. In a word, vintage means only authentic, cult objects (usually in the fashion world) that have become a real symbol of an entire era. Their age, as a rule, does not exceed 25-30 years. For example, plastic earrings and tights of acid colors - vintage 80's. The retro direction includes vintage, as a component of the current, subject to fashion. Religious things can not fit organically into the present, if they do not become popular again. Retro style is out of fashion, the true value of old items is precisely at their age. Antiques play a special role in this direction - it has become one of the basic elements. Retro style in the interior, as in fashion, will be to taste real connoisseurs of beauty. In the article we will talk about how to decorate the house with our own hands and at the same time to convey the unique spirit of the chosen era.
Colors of the past
Since retro style does not depend on fashion, but on time, it does not have common color standards. For example, these days popular such "tasty" colors, like mustard, mint, olive, peach. In the 50's, bright colors were in demand: turquoise, red, green, yellow. Uniform fabrics were not used in those days. For this era, combinations with plant ornament, peas, flowers and a "village" cage are relevant. As a background, quiet colors were chosen: white, shades of brown, pastel colors. Restraint and laconism in the palette did not give up without a fight. In the 60's background tones became calmer, muted, but there were bright prints, characteristic for the "children of flowers." By the 1970s, the palette changed once more, giving preference to gold and shades of brown, against which red, yellow, purple, green, and blue geometric patterns gleamed favorably.
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Furniture in retro style
Furniture is the main aspect in retrospect. It should correspond to the chosen era, so the selection is very responsive. Even if the correct furniture is placed in a room with the usual finishing for our time, it will supplant the spirit of modernity due to its dominant color. Professionals advise in addition to traditional elements to use unusual details that will become a "highlight". For example, an armchair in the form of a blossom bud of a flower, original backs of chairs, carved facades of cupboards or a mirror with an oval mirror. Suitable furniture is easy to buy at flea markets, where they sell antiques. Find a dresser or bedside table can be on the grandmother's attic. Ennoble them with the help of varnish, paint, sandpaper, which then adds a characteristic scrapes "from time". Popular in our time was the technique of decoupage, when the pictures are transferred to the surface of cabinets, bedside tables, cupboards. Drawings can also be added using stencils, which are sold in specialized stores. For interiors of the 50's they choose massive, angular furniture. For the era of the 60's, rational solutions that take up less space will fit, but still do not differ in increased comfort. To create the aesthetics of the 70s, compact, functional, cozy furniture of original forms is used.
For furniture from any retro era, the legs have a graceful shape and are made of either wood or metal.
Materials and methods of decoration of rooms
For the surface of the room choose simple materials. In this respect, the retro style is unassuming and dispenses with whims, as for example the modern eco direction. In the furnishings the tree prevails. If we are talking about a later retro, then use plastic, which at this time was at the top of popularity because of its cheapness and affordability.
Walls and ceiling
The ceiling is plastered or planked. The surface of the tree is polished and painted in the right tones. In small rooms do not recommend experimenting with bright prints and juicy nuances, as they land the ceiling. For decoration of walls apply fabric wallpaper. Drawing on their surface can be very different: from simple flower ornamentation to complex ornate patterns. The second option will be painting the walls. In this case, combinations of up to five colors are possible. They can be both bright and muffled. In modern interiors, stylized retro, often use brickwork. This typically loft element does not correspond to the epoch, but paradoxically organically merges into the situation of the 50's.
A laminate of light shades fits the fabric wallpaper. If the walls are painted, then it is better to use a parquet board or linoleum with a "chess" pattern. The modern filling floor is suitable only for the style of the crazy 80's. The kitchen uses a durable tile. An obligatory element on the floor is a round carpet with a short pile. Its color is selected in such a way that it is in harmony with the walls and furnishings.
Accessories and decor
The decor is known to induce a gloss in the room. Retro-style used an abundance of jewelry, which animated the situation and made it more fun. In any room should be a colorful curtains of lightweight fabrics. Also, the interior is necessarily decorated with many family photos and an abundance of books. The latter is desirable to use not only for decoration, but also for the purpose of enriching your knowledge. Cotton and cotton prevail in textiles. The tables are covered with tablecloths in a strip, cage or naughty peas. The original design move will be decorating the walls with plaques and posters with images of "pin-up" girls. In the kitchen they use bright dishes. Do not disdain retro and vases, boxes, mirrors, floor lamps with unusual shades. Among the materials for decor, lead is cast iron and wood.
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Retro from different decades
For three decades (from the 50's and 70's), the style has undergone changes in which it is possible to find reflection of changes in the way of life of the average person and his tastes. It all began with strict environments, where the echoes of the classical style could be traced. Gradually, the interiors changed beyond recognition and reflected the confused time in anticipation of the "fashionable" revolution of the 80s, which subsequently led to modern styles. The retro epoch became an intermediate variant, a design "buffer zone" between directions, radically different from each other. It was thanks to her that this transition between contrasts became mild, without elements of shock therapy.
At this time, there was a breakthrough in industry and automotive industry. Legislators of interior fashion at that time were European countries and the United States. This "boom" was caused by the unusual design of household appliances: kitchen stoves, refrigerators, ovens, radios. In them there is an abundance of handles, levers, sensors and buttons, which made them look like a dashboard car. Furniture was made from simple materials: wood, metal pipes, various iron "waste". This was followed by postwar deficit and rationality, as a way out. In the upholstery of furniture used plain textiles, and ornament decorated with decor. Even the retro style radiators had an original surface with relief patterns. Also in the interior composition there was an abundance of chrome-plated elements, and instead of expensive skin used a qualitative substitute, again in order to save. By the way, furniture (especially chairs) was harsh, but practical.
A special element for karaoke lovers will be the arrangement of a corner for singing in the living room. The main subject in this area will be a microphone on the rack, like the American star Elvis Presley. It symbolizes an entire era, a musical breakthrough. By the way, such microphones have a special cardioid diagram that allows you to work in rooms with poor acoustics.
The aesthetics of the 60's do not yet have the "challenge" of future decades. In the interiors used the same tone as in the 50's, but in more muted versions. To style the apartment used posters and prints symbolizing the movement for peace (hippies). "Children of Flowers," as they were then called, gained frenzied popularity in the United States, then the flow overwhelmed the British youth. New ideas were brought to the young generation from school, which was the reason for a real revolution in the world of design. The children were raised on very different ideals than their parents in the postwar years. In the late 60's the most grandiose festival of those times was held - Woodstock, which was able to outperform in mass character only "Rock Monsters" in 1991 in Moscow's Tushino. Large-scale popularization of the new way of life had a huge impact on interior design. Freedom and brilliance gradually recaptured their positions, shifting rationalism and laconism. In electrical appliances (lamps, teapots, televisions), the use of smooth shapes and rounded corners is observed. But the furniture remains almost unchanged. Only its upholstery is gradually decorated with asymmetrical ornament.
Relaxed interiors are gradually equipped with luxury items and comfort: sideboards, bar counters, coffee tables. The surface is decorated with intricate ornamentation based on combinations of calm tones: natural shades and golden, brown, walnut colors. The chairs become "softer" for greater comfort of guests and household members. In many interiors there are outlines of the emerging minimalism. From acute angles completely refuse in favor of soft roundness. Forms become more complex, futuristic. The era of disco dictates its rules regarding lighting and color palette. In an environment, a couple of accent, bright tones are required. The fashion includes geometric patterns (circles, squares, triangles). The houses are decorated with garlands, neon lights, devices of complex shapes.
A stylish element in the living room will be an ottoman. Visually it looks like a couch without armrests and back. A wide seat will accommodate twice as many guests as on a regular couch or couch.
Kitchen in retro style
Рассмотрим вариант ретро кухни из промежуточной эпохи на стыке 60-х и 70-х годов. Floor отделывают керамической плиткой черного и белого цветов. Укладывают кафель в шахматном порядке. Кухонный фартук тоже декорируют плиткой, но меньших размеров и других цветов (сиреневый с мятным). Этот же свежий оттенок зеленого выбирают для кухонного гарнитура. Его фасады лаконичны и не имеют лепных украшений. Яркий красный столик в паре со стульями такого же цвета создают уютную обеденную зону. Обивка выполняется из кожзама, а столешница имеет небольшие светло-серые вкрапления, которые имитируют мрамор необычного оттенка. Бытовые приборы имеют хромированные поверхности. Стены оклеивают специальными моющимися обоями с повторяющимся рисунком. В качестве украшения в комнате расставляют яркую посуду, вешают настенные часы, пару картин или фото.
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Living room / Living room in retro style
В гостиной три стены окрашивают в нейтральный, пастельный оттенок, а четвертую декорируют обоями с ярким принтом. Мягкая мебель представлена угловым диваном и парой кресел с обивкой броских оттенков: желтого, зеленого, красного, оранжевого. Не обязательно покупать типовой комплект. Кресла выбирают необычных форм, которые были характерны для конца 70-х годов. Кофейный столик выполнен из комбинации стекла и пластика. На стенах закрепляют бра, а возле дивана ставят торшеры с «металлическими» плафонами. В углу размещают стеллаж с книгами. Floor застилают круглым цветастым ковриком. Яркие постеры на стенах завершат интерьерную композицию.
In country houses, where the halls have a large area, you can install a huge, long sofa that will repeat the contours of the wall. It will be a great place for recreation of large companies.
В ретро спальне 50-х используют широкую, массивную кровать с металлическим или деревянным каркасом. Ее спинку драпируют тканью, из которой выполнены шторы. Оптимальным решением станет светлый пастельный оттенок с легким цветочным рисунком в текстиле. Постель застилают ажурным покрывалом белого цвета. На стенах вешают фотографии и картины в квадратных и овальных рамах. Прикроватную тумбочку заставляют черно-белыми снимками, украшают вазой с живыми цветами и светильником. Стены окрашивают в цвет слоновой кости, жемчужный оттенок, мягкий желтый тон. Floor отделывают темным ламинатом, а центр комнаты застилают большим ковром.
В ванной комнате 50-х годов для обшивки стен используют деревянные доски, окрашенные в темно-серый «асфальтный» цвет. Потолок штукатурят. Материалы не отличаются практичностью, но специальная пропитка спасет ситуацию. Смеситель, кран и ножки ванной выполнены из латуни. Шкафчик и тумбы выбирают из дерева светлых оттенков. Над раковиной устанавливают прямоугольное зеркало в багетной раме — пережиток классического стиля. Floor застилают ковриком с рисунком (цветы, райские птицы, рыбы). Если в помещении имеются окна, то их занавешивают полупрозрачными шторами с ненавязчивым орнаментом в тон цвету стен.
Inspiration for creating a retro environment can be derived from old photos, movies, music, books. Great ideas sometimes hide in the interiors of retro cafes, restaurants and other themed establishments. By the way, the special coloring is passed by American roadside snack bars. The interiors of many of them deliberately did not change for decades and the time there seemed to be frozen in one place. According to the description, the retro style seems simple and unassuming. In fact, among the designers, it is considered one of the most difficult areas, perhaps because in such an environment the "atmosphere", the spirit of antiquity plays an important role, which not everyone can catch.