The attitude of contemporaries to the interior of Soviet times can not be called unambiguous. There are apartments with sideboards, armchairs, floor lamps of the period of the USSR. In some they cause rejection, others have warm nostalgic feelings.
Even adopting western stylistics, proportions and forms, they were adapted to the revolutionary culture of those years, why the interiors did not shine with aesthetics, were somewhat clumsy, the main requirement for space and the environment were functionality and purity. The main attention of "artistic designers" was directed to the technical modernization of products, aesthetic discoveries came later.
By the 60-80-ies. a system of design organizations has been developed to promote and develop this sphere, which later became a powerful competitive school among others in the world culture.
Interior of the first decades of the Union
After the revolution, the "bourgeois" nests were resettled, the loafers and whiteguards "thickened up", halls, dining rooms, and drawing rooms were abolished in Soviet communal apartments. The new authorities left offices only to those who needed them for work - doctors, professors, responsible party workers.
Aristocratic parquet flooring, gilded frames, carved chairs adjoined the village paths and stools. The new owners quickly made sewage and water supply unsuitable. At the front door there were a lot of buttons with names, the toilet walls were decorated with toilet seats, by the number of living families. Shared kitchen was cleaned according to schedule. Each of the tenants had their own notions of cleanliness, so common areas abounded with insects, fungus, and the notorious housing issue began to gain strength at that time.
In the early twentieth century, design and architecture are subject to constructivism, dictating revolutionary restraint, ultimate rationality, practicality in geometry and colors, but the wealth and violence of the inner world.
Interior of the 40s
Military time did not allow the population of the country to think about the style of their home. Many were delighted with the cot in the barracks, in the liberated territories whole families lived in small rooms with a minimum of homemade furniture, and sometimes just in dugouts. Returning to the middle of the decade from the evacuation or from the front did not always find their apartments free, most families lived in communal apartments.
There were no special delicacies, the furniture of the rooms consisted of metal beds on the grid, a turnkey wardrobe, bookshelves, book shelves, a round table covered with tablecloth, a cupboard for dishes. The room was decorated with a leather sofa with a shelf, a mirror, a table lamp recognizable from movies on a massive table, with a green lampshade.
Fashionable textiles of the time - lace napkins on all horizontal surfaces, rugs with deer on the wall near the bed, tulle on the windows.
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The interior of the selected houses was supplemented with trophy furniture, painting, bronze. The subject of luxury was painted ceramics, crystal, carpets. In many houses "Stalin's Empire" was traced in stucco, impressive oak furniture decorated with carved details.
Interior 50-60-ies
Propaganda of traditional Soviet values has not only functioned in literature and painting. The ambitions and imperial scope of the country's leadership of the 1950s were reflected in Neoclassicism style houses built on the main streets, with thick walls, high ceilings, and high-quality materials. Buildings like Moscow skyscrapers, with all communications, spacious rooms, including for servants, can be found in many cities.
Interior solutions of apartments depended on the status of owners. On the floor - a parquet or a board, walls with wallpaper, on the ceiling - a lampshade or a chandelier with tiers of "visyulek", depending on the income of the family. In some families, in addition to the gramophone, there was a TV that all neighbors came to see. Tea with dryers drank for the samovar, while only the telephone was available to the elect.
The beginning of the 60's is the era of individual housing. Tiny standard apartments gradually fill with color, ethnicity, fashion includes hippies and modernism. There are tube radios, radios, the television becomes the center of the evening attraction.
One room combined the functions of a bedroom, a living room and a dining room, furniture, respectively, in the daytime was a sofa, at night a bed, a wardrobe or a sideboard acted as a space delimiter. In the interiors there were sets that were made of wood and plywood, lightness was given to them by high legs, behind the glass facades collections of glass and crystal glassware were demonstrated. Popular were folding tables, kitchen furniture. The chairs on the wooden frames had a somewhat ascetic appearance, but they were not inferior in quality to foreign analogues.
Interior of the 70s
Typical apartment 70's - brezhnevka, a more perfect version of the Khrushchev, where the living room was equipped with a sofa with a pair of armchairs, a coffee table, a sideboard gave way to the wall. For imported sets and carpets chased, overcoming the multi-month queues, the pride became crystal sets, dancing at parties accompanied by accompaniment from the bobbin tape recorder.
Repair of the apartment the vast majority of citizens did by their own hands. Designers worked only on objects of furniture or decorative art. The interior of an individual dwelling was entirely on the conscience of the owner, arranged in accordance with his tastes and capabilities.
Revenues were significantly higher than demand, which explains the general shortage of everything: food, clothing, furniture. Far from the poverty of the Soviet people was the reason for their humble life.
Color spectrum
A distinctive feature of Soviet design was that it served mainly industrial, public sphere. It is worth remembering the metro, the setting of the houses of culture or government buildings. Typical apartments of ordinary citizens were distinguished by an ordinary whitewash with a pale color palette.
Often, "panels" (part of the wall to about shoulder level) were dyed green or blue. The floor was traditionally brown, with shades of red or red, the ceiling was white, the interior doors, radiators and window frames inside were covered with white oil paint.
Those wishing to make their homes more cozy, individual have managed to "get" modern bright fabrics for the decoration of window openings, independent sewing of tablecloths, covers for sofa cushions. In the absence of high-quality wallpapers, they performed a "cheerful" whitewash with the help of stencils and improvised dyes. Neighbors could tell how to paint the ceiling or walls with a vacuum cleaner "water-emulsion", which was shaded with blue or green. It turned out very practical beauty.
See also: Etchikol in the interior of the apartment and the houseCarpets in the interior of Soviet apartments
Make the life of the family more autonomous assisted carpets. At first they were painted, from the walls looked plush deer and cats. In the richer Brezhnev era, patterned woolen carpets hung on the walls, covering them with the floor even under furniture. This object was an indicator of prosperity, it was known as a good gift to the newlyweds, was inherited.
The products from Turkmenia, Azerbaijan, Armenia were of great demand for the reddish-brown range. Although, with the purchase of no one particularly hurt, bought what was "thrown out" at the moment. On weekends, courtyards were announced with characteristic sounds: the owners got rid of dust with the help of picks. In winter, snow was waiting to be drastically cleaned. The reverse side of the carpets hanging on the wall was rubbed with fragrant soap from moths, which appreciated the naturalness, but was the enemy of longevity.
Furnishing Features
It is not necessary to talk about "such and such" style with reference to Soviet apartments. They were equipped with what they had. Especially in kitchens it was often possible to find objects that were still pre-revolutionary. Heavy cupboards, cupboards massively moved to the trash with the onset of the era of small apartments.
The first decades of Soviet power are not marked by the special presentability of the interiors. Here there were florid old-style objects, painted armor stools, hand-made tables and bookshelves. They had all this variety along the perimeter of the rooms, the table - in the center.
The Soviet rich house was furnished with objects from a veneered file in the spirit of art deco. Typical "square" furniture of small apartments became multifunctional, housed a cabinet for linens, dishes and books, a chest of drawers, a secretor. Special chic - polished sideboards with a set of sets of sets and crystal. One of the walls or at least part of it was decorated with volumes of complete collections of works, a piano. A necessary attribute was a dressing table, a clock on the wall, photographs behind the "wall" glass.
Design of a modern apartment in the Soviet style
Now not everyone wants to get rid of the "ancient" bookcase or cupboard. After a small repair, these items again become worthy elements of the interior. Unusual forms are again in the trend, and the surviving elements of the Soviet decor increase the cost of the apartment. Even convinced minimalists leave stucco on the ceiling, it will play its role of retro accent, and Soviet lamps will become the most fashionable art objects.
Repeat the Soviet style in all the details of a modern apartment should not. The simplicity and laconism of the environment will reflect a few characteristic elements. Otherwise, the rooms will breathe museums, not coziness.
If the floor parquet "herringbone", even if it faded or cracked in places, it can be restored. The cycle will cost considerably less than a new coating. The walls are pasted with colorful wallpapers characteristic for that time.
Fashionable upholstery of the old chair will transform it beyond recognition, emphasize family continuity. Such things are very well combined with modern furniture. Lace tablecloth is bleached, placed on it laconic modern dishes.
In a dynamic eclectic interior, unusual art deco or a new classic accent will be a vintage carpet, no "Ikea" will not give the house so much power. Babushkin's thing will emphasize the suburban Scandinavian style, soften the interior of the city loft.
See also: Style fusion in the interior - bright designFinish porcelain figurines, a tea set of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory.
A good background for rare furniture is a wall cleared to bricks and covered with a special lacquer, where a collage of family photos, modern posters, a mirror from the grandmother's collection are arranged.
On the chest of drawers and bedside tables, renew the layer of varnish or paint them, the pens on the drawers and doors are changed to new ones. The old wall is transformed into a closet, removing excess shelves, replacing the doors, constructing hangers. On the bed throw a veil with ornament.
From the Soviet carpet you can imagine a kind of podium that will look out from under the bed. Colored sliced squares from the same carpet fulfill the role of a cape for a chair, chair.
Vintage elements are most appropriate in the kitchen, where thanks to them there is a homeliness. An easy way to change old furniture, home appliances - repaint them in bright colors. The main thing is to take care that the paint is laid flat.
Wooden Soviet chairs fit into the interior by painting them in juicy colors. They look good in the entourage of the kitchen, if there are several.
The old buffet or wall element is completely transformed by replacing the varnished facades with colored or covered with special film, colored wallpaper, decorated with decoupage.
Dishwashing wooden stools are pasted or painted with an imitation of scrappy technique.
Entrance hall / corridor
The mezzanine from the old wall is turned into a banquet with drawers for shoes. Stylistics will be supported by thematic campaign posters, figurines from the grandmother's collection somewhere near the mirror, big ficus, teshchin tongue in a tub.
In a free corner put a stylized hanger with horns, and at her foot - a suitcase with memorable stickers of the times of the USSR. If the dimensions of the hallway allow, here they organize a kind of museum, taking up walls with pennants and portraits of leaders, and a free shelf - with cups reminiscent of former sports records.
A must-have attribute of the retro-bathroom is the oval font on the legs. Of course, no acrylic, and copper or brass, with a stationary watering can.
Nice and tidy looks in this stylistics of a small-sized square tile, which surrounds only that zone where there is contact with water. Walls free from tiles are pasted with wallpaper or imitate clinker masonry, sanitary ware is artificially aged.
More roomy and cozy this room will look with a volume ceiling chandelier, authenticity will add the use of a mirror in a wooden simple frame, bright textiles, antiques.
The Soviet space was rather closed, which affected the aesthetics of all cultural trends. But the global ideas still penetrated to the artists, in tandem with their talents received a new development. The USSR produced quite good furniture, dishes, ceramics. Many models can be considered works of art, their ergonomics were very well thought out.
Modern interiors with unexpected antique details work in a spirit of retrofuturism, are aimed at the future, but at the same time are cute past quotes. In them it is easy to breathe, it is comfortable to live thanks to a combination of new trends and elements of the old.
The Soviet interior will interest those who are nostalgic for the past or do not want to use serious financial resources, furnishing an apartment.
This style distinguishes any room from everyday life, fills with the specific spirit of the country, a particular family.