The whole Japanese culture was built on the principles of minimalism. Since ancient times, the dwellings of the Japanese were made in strict accordance with the rules of harmonious simplicity: nothing was hung on the walls, instead of windows, special partitions were installed from ceiling to floor, sitting on mats, and sleeping on special mattresses-futons. The very way of life of the average Japanese excludes unnecessary details, his attachment to things. As a result, the functionality remains, and aesthetic qualities are not taken into account. Spiritual development is more important than material development. Everything in the Japanese dwelling was kept to a minimum, so that nothing would distract from contemplation of the blooming sakura outside the window and philosophical reflections on the meaning of life. By giving preference to such a way of life, the Japanese learned not only to concentrate, but also to comprehend the truths of oneness with nature.
"The well-used minimum is quite sufficient."
This famous phrase classic of adventure literature can be safely made the main motto of minimalism in the interior. One of the main principles of the direction is the rational, economical use of light and space. Both these important components of the direction after the skillful hand of the designer form a complex symbiosis, the purpose of which is to maximize the principles of minimalism. The space is zoned into separate sections, each of which is assigned for a certain type of occupation: a bedroom, for rest, a work area. "Zones" do not intersect with each other, but only touch contiguous boundaries. Such a strict allocation of seats for a certain type of activity once again emphasizes one of the principles of minimalism - orderliness. This kind of interior is ideal for those who do not accept the "cluttered" space and larks in detail.
See also: Style 60's in the interior: how to create
Colors that please the eye of a philosopher
Goethe wrote: "color is a product of light that evokes emotions." Color is always imperceptible to us determines the emotional background of a person. Therefore, it is extremely important to approach with all seriousness the choice of colors in the design of the room in which you will spend a significant part of your life. The main color is white or its variations: ivory, beige. The secondary color is added to the main color, which is tied to it by contrast. Natural shades prevail:
- Grassy green;
- Sunny yellow;
- Rich violet;
- Steel gray;
- Chocolate brown.

Ideal is a harmonious combination of two or three colors, if you use more, then the unobtrusive interior will begin to disappear. Contrast should be present, so that the simplicity of the details does not "blur", and the eye was what to catch on.
Tones are used necessarily homogeneous: no patterns, ornaments, curls and flowers.

Fundamentals of light composition
As already mentioned above: lighting and space are one, they complement and open each other's possibilities. It is important to adhere to the illusion of openness, so that a person "breathes" not only with his body, but also with his spirit. A similar effect helps to achieve well-distributed lighting. Minimalism often uses a multi-tier model for the distribution of lighting fixtures. At the very top of our light pyramid is a chandelier. Under it are allocated backlight zones: wall and floor sconces, lamps, built-in lighting fixtures.

In the form of a supplement to the triumph of light, glass or mirrors can be used. Particular attention is paid to windows. Daylight should not just be a lot, but a lot, so you lose the feeling of squeezing inside the box with walls and roof. A detailed panorama of the night city with a patch of starry sky will satisfy your aesthetic needs in the dark. At the moment, French windows remain an ideal option.

Subtlety of interior decoration
When interior decoration of the premises, either natural or artificial materials of high quality are used, imitating the first. This element of minimalism in its time was a real boom: the walls decorated with a rough brick began to appear in most apartments, studios and offices, whose owners watched the latest fashion trends from the world of design. Among the natural materials that are preferred, the three leaders look like this:
- Wood: oak, cedar, larch.
- Natural stone: granite, marble.
- Metal steel, brass and even cast iron.
The form in minimalism practically reached, seemingly inaccessible perfection. Note the prevalence of conventional geometric shapes: triangles, squares, circles, or their combinations. Sometimes the decorators resort to the use of soft bends, but only to dilute the overall geometric "ideality". If the color scheme gently hints at restraint, then straight lines clearly indicate uncompromising.

Principles of furniture selection
Minimalism implies not only restraint, but also multifunctionality. When choosing furniture, the principle of saving space is also taken into account. On the one hand, it should fit organically into the overall composition, and on the other hand combine several functions at once. Therefore, for this style often use tables - transformers, beds with drawers for storage, cabinets with secret boxes for additional things, shelves with extendable table tops, armchairs with hidden niches.

The drapery of the room is made of natural fabrics. Such as flax, cotton, cambric, silk, calico, chintz, chiffon, felt and even burlap. Often, deliberately rough fabrics are used to once again emphasize the closeness to everything natural and easy disregard for the generally accepted norms, shining from the blurring. Fabrics should be monophonic, acceptable is the combination of two fabric fabrics of different colors and different textures, if they do not violate the overall harmony of style.

In small things lies the truth
Minimalism does not accept the abundance of small details.
If we decided to adhere to the principle of simplicity in everything, we will have to say decisive "no" to sweet knick-knacks and funny trifles. Without accessories, the room, decorated in a minimalist style, may seem unnecessarily bared, sterile. It is in accessories that softness of shapes, bends of lines and an easy color game are welcomed. Plaids, soft pillows, lamps, vases, paintings.

Although accessories - this is the only time when you can slightly "fool around", go beyond the basic principles of style, thereby enlivening the space. They emphasize the universality of the direction. After all, any of the small parts at any time can be replaced by another, more appropriate to your mood. It is desirable to add to the general palette a piece of living nature - a house plant in the original, sustained in a common theme, a stand. Very colorful look in the decoration of bonsai trees, not only as a tribute to the ancestor, but also as a symbol of absolute idyll.

On the borders of a small home world
So, the wide windows letting sunlight into the small world of the triumph of perfection of simplicity, will not tolerate curtains of dense, dark fabrics. After so much effort was made to maximize the opening of the room towards the large world through windows, it would be blasphemy to completely curtain and bury them under the layers of fabrics. Therefore, the choice is made only in favor of airy light curtains, reminiscent of a light haze or water ripples.
Read also: French style in the interior of the apartment
The ceiling is painted in a uniform color. You can install stretch ceilings, but without any patterns, drawings. A multi-level ceiling, as one of the options, will favorably highlight light solutions. On the floor is best to put a soft, one-color carpet with a hard, long pile. Walls either glue solid wallpaper, or decorate them, using finishing materials with imitation of natural materials.

Asymmetry as one of the principles
Asymmetry is inherently a lack of symmetry, but not lack of balance. In the world there is not one absolutely symmetrical face, the body of man or animal. By common error, one should strive for symmetry, which personifies an ideal. But we all know that nothing ideal exists, and the urge for utopia turns into a tedious journey without end. Therefore, when we talk about asymmetry, we should make a special emphasis on its natural naturalness, which nicely fits into the minimalist picture of the world.

The principle of asymmetry can be used in the arrangement of furniture elements, and in small details.

In the second case, the spaces for the scope are much larger: the little things in the hands of the master become the finishing brush strokes in the artist's hands, without which the picture will miss its atmosphere.

Out of time
The crazy rhythm of modern life, the continuous flashing of small details, flashy commercials, neon colors, luxury alternating with bad taste - all this exhausts and annoys. Therefore, minimalism has become an ideal design for those who want to come home and relax in a simple, elegant environment, having received moral relaxation. Or you can come to work, where you can calmly gather your thoughts and start solving complex work issues.
Minimalism has long ceased to be just a fashionable trend in design, it has become a reflection of a person's worldview, in which he finds harmony with the surrounding space and restores his peace of mind. He is firmly rooted in our life and our culture. And now it is slowly but surely gaining popularity. Since its inception, this style has established itself as a model of elegance, not tolerating kitsch or excess. To this day, this beautiful and laconic style remains out of fashion and time, maintaining the status of the eternal.