The Victorian style in the interior is considered one of the most recognizable all over the world. It is characterized by good elegance and classic luxury. There is no absurd combination of colors or unnecessary screaming details. This style is restrained and royal in English. It immediately stands out against the background of other interior styles with noble colors and the quality of the materials used. For such repairs, you should not use low-quality cheap materials of dirty colors. Otherwise, it will not be a classic English living room or bedroom, but a parody of them. It is in the Victorian style that the quality of the details is important. Even a small saving, for example, on curtains or flooring can significantly worsen the overall picture. English interior is an expensive pleasure. This should be taken into account when drawing up a repair estimate.
Characteristic features and distinctive features of the style
The main feature of the Victorian style is a combination of exotic and classical styles in the interior.
There are many elongated stripes of various motley ornament, arched, vertical and horizontal lines. Original ornament and bright exotic accents perfectly complement the English restraint of colors. The Victorian interior is characterized by the design of rooms in different styles: Gothic, Rococo, Baroque, etc. When describing the Victorian interior, it seems that its creators are afraid of empty space. Each centimeter of the room is filled with something: embroidery, an unusual statue, an exotic plant or an antique cupboard. For this style is generally characterized by an abundance of quality solid furniture from an expensive tree of noble breeds. And often it is decorated with gilding and precious stones. On the ceiling is often stucco molding. Windows are made in the form of arches, on them hang multi-layered curtains.
Design Features
The Victorian style of the interior is characterized by eclectic confusion. Next to the massive wooden furniture were adjacent fabrics with a rather exotic and even frivolous ornament. In this way, the owner of the house demonstrated not only his own financial reliability and stability, but also the originality of his thinking. If the house or apartment is made in a Victorian style, then they have no place for fake paintings. Most of the paintings should be presented only in the original. Exceptions are reproductions of famous paintings, originals of which are kept in museums. The Victorian style is characterized by the presence of a fireplace with a wide shelf, on which are placed all kinds of figurines and vases. The fireplace is usually made of granite and placed in the central part of the room. In the living room, you can put the piano on bizarre curved legs.
Color spectrum
При оформлении жилых помещений в викторианском стиле цвета выбираются по контрастному принципу. Предметы интерьера не должны сливаться друг с другом, даже на однотонном фоне должно присутствовать яркое пятно. Но при этом выбор нужных оттенков производится в порядке их расположения в цветовой палитре. Такой подход позволяет создать интерьер максимально гармоничным и целостным. Color spectrum, характерная для викторианского стиля, во многом объясняется материалами, которые используются для оформления интерьера. Этот стиль пропагандирует натуральность, поэтому тяжелые деревянные двери не станут красить в кислотные оттенки, покрывать мраморный камин красной лаковой краской или менять оттенки натуральных драгоценных камней. Викторианский стиль отличает английское чувство меры, поэтому для его создания используются следующие цвета:
- brick;
- red-brown;
- lavender;
- burgundy;
- pale pink;
- almond;
- emerald;
- yellow;
- light beige, etc.
Materials and methods of finishing
All materials used to decorate the room must be as natural as possible. No plastic or synthetic materials, you can use wood, natural stones, silk, wool and metal. As a floor covering use natural parquet from a tree of expensive breeds or a high-quality tile. The doors are only wooden, finished with brass. Walls can be decorated with fabric wallpaper, but it's better to choose oak panels that match the color scheme. But today the Victorian style does not require insanely expensive materials. Thanks to the global trend for the production of environmentally friendly materials today you can find cheap building materials for finishing the premises. But they must be of good quality, otherwise the interior will look ridiculous. Some of them can be bought in stores of well-known brands during sales.
Walls – это показатель стабильности и надежности в любом доме, поэтому в помещениях с викторианским интерьером они должны быть сделаны из качественных добротных материалов. Если для отделки стен используется дерево, то это должны быть фасады только из дорогих пород: мореного дуба, ореха, красного дерева и т.д. Интерьер, конечно, получается мрачноватый и строгий, но в духе эпохи английской королевы Виктории. Walls гостиной и спальни можно украсить текстилем или дорогими качественными обоями с узнаваемыми рисунками. Часто на таких обоях изображают полураспустившиеся бутоны роз, небольших птичек, сочные ягоды, аккуратные принты или строгие вертикальные полосы. Английский дизайн позволяет сочетать текстильные обои в верхней части стены и деревянные панели – в нижней. В ванной же комнате будет уместно украсить стены дорогой классической плиткой или панелями с гравировкой.
Floor and ceiling
As a floor covering it is necessary to use a parquet, but today for the sake of economy it is possible to use expensive laminate "under a tree". If you repair an old apartment with a pre-revolutionary parquet floor, then you just need to restore the floor, otsiklevat parquet and do not change it to the laminate. The floor in the room should be of a dark noble color, as an exception to it, you can put a good carpet of natural wool. In the kitchen, for example, the floor is made of expensive tiles with ornament or unusual patterns. The ceiling must be light or even white. It can simply be plastered, painted with white latex or acrylic paints and complemented with an elegant historical molding. If the budget allows, the ceiling can be decorated with expensive satin fabrics with symmetrical ornaments or light wallpaper for painting.
Windows and doors
The Victorian style is characterized by elongated massive windows, but they can be done only in your own house. In a typical apartment will have to beat the existing window openings. Frames in the Victorian style should be wooden. If you do not want to leave the old windows, then you can put wooden double-glazed windows. They are more expensive than plastic, but they fit perfectly into this royal interior. To decorate the windows you need to use multi-layered opaque massive curtains of brocade, velvet or silk. For the harmony of the interior shades of curtains and upholstery furniture can match. Curtains for the Victorian style is better to make to order, so that they are decorated with an elegant fringe or border on the edge. The doors in the Victorian style are made only from an expensive quality wood with beautiful inlays.
Choosing furniture
Furniture in the Victorian style is massive and good quality.
It is made of quality wood of rare breeds, looks expensive and elegant. Such furniture has smooth curves of shapes and lines, no right angles or sharp contours. But do not forget about the combination of different styles. A strict wooden bed in the tradition of the best aristocratic families will be perfectly combined with an eastern forged table. There is no canopy, canopy or curtains near the beds. Royal style does not tolerate sliding sofas or armchairs. These interior items should be made of wood, upholstered in expensive cloth and inlaid with natural stones. All furniture should be comfortable: the chairs are welcomed high backs, and the sofas - soft pads. Cabinets for storing things should be made of expensive wood with inserts of transparent glass or stained glass.
See also: Interior of the living room in a modern style - photo ideas
Since the Victorian style is sometimes characterized by dark colors, the lighting should be good. This interior is characterized by a classic type of lighting. The central element of illumination is a huge ceiling chandelier with all sorts of inserts and patterns. Often it is made of crystal, but much depends on the color palette of the interior. For spotlighting individual areas of the room, wall sconces or floor lamps are used. To better match the interior of the XIX century, you can use fabric shades, but in this case they should be in harmony with furniture upholstery and curtains indoors. Since the Victorian style refers to historical interiors, when decorating it can be used lamps, stylized candlesticks. For piquancy in the bedroom you can use candelabra with real candles, but then at home you should definitely have a fire extinguisher.
Decor and Accessories
Викторианский стиль отличается насыщенностью аксессуаров. Walls помещения должны быть украшены фотографиями или картинами (подлинниками или статусными репродукциями). Королева Виктория любила живые цветы. Во время ее правления цветники и оранжереи были практически в каждом доме обеспеченных англичан, поэтому для этого интерьера характерно обилие цветов: живые цветы стоят в вазах, а их изображения украшают тканевую обивку мебели или обои. Все аксессуары, которые используются для украшения помещений, должны быть дорогими и статусными. Исключения составляют только поделки своими руками, которые делают интерьер максимально уютным. Особое место в викторианском стиле занимает фарфор. Фарфоровые статуэтки можно поставить на каминную полку, в шкаф за зеркало или просто выделить под них отдельные полки.
Design Features комнат
Victorian style is ideal for spacious rooms with high ceilings. It is characterized by eclecticism and a variety of ornaments. Each room in the "purely English" house can be decorated in a separate individual style: rococo, baroque, gothic, some ethnic style, etc. But inside the room, these styles should not be variegated, it is better to stick to one direction. The interiors of the premises are rich and luxurious, which indicates the prosperity of the owner of the house. In the classic Victorian style, one of the rooms must be converted to a home library. In the conditions of an ordinary standard apartment it can be difficult to single out an isolated room exclusively for reading books, so you can zonate the living room or study, assigning some part of the room to the library.
Living room
Викторианская гостиная подчеркивает богатое убранство всего дома. Лучше всего ее украсить дорогим антиквариатом или мебелью по собственным эскизам. Главное, чтобы она имитировала подлинные старинные вещи. Living room – это парадная комната, призванная для приема гостей, поэтому она имеет право быть вычурной и излишне роскошной. Это помещение – визитная карточка собственников, свидетельство их благосостояния. Центральным элементом гостиной считается камин, который в сегодняшних условиях может быть и электрическим. Напротив него можно поставить кресла с высокими спинками. На каминной полке можно поставить различные старинные безделушки и аксессуары, а также фотографии родственников или акварельные миниатюры. Помимо кресел в гостиной должен стоять удобный мягкий диван с большим количеством подушек.
Kitchen в английском стиле отличается роскошным убранством и старинными предметами декора. Все современные технические устройства запрятаны в функциональные ниши. Для этого королевского интерьера подходит только гарнитур из натурального дерева. В качестве напольного покрытия выступает паркетная доска, паркет или плитка. Walls кухни можно оформить натуральным камнем, плиткой или деревянными панелями. Фартук кухонного гарнитура можно декорировать кафелем для усиления эксплуатационных качеств. В центре кухни нужно поставить массивный стол из натурального дерева с красивыми резными стульями, а над ними повесить массивную люстру. Это еще раз подчеркнет самобытность и величественность викторианского дизайна. На стенах кухни также рекомендуется размещать фотографии или репродукции известных картин.
In such bedchambers rested royal people and aristocrats. As a bed suitable for a comfortable bed of expensive wood. And it should be double, even if only one person lives in an apartment or house. Victorian style does not endure saving. Near the bed, you can put an antique chest and store in it some important little things or bed linen. Above the bed you can hang a large beautiful chandelier, but do not forget about the bedside lamps, because the main task of the Victorian style is to make a person's life in the house the most comfortable. As for the walls, the ideal solution for the bedroom will be textile or silk wallpaper with hand painted. To create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere it is recommended to choose light warm shades, although, for example, the floor or furniture can be dark.
See also: Etchikol in the interior of the apartment and the house
Bedroom в викторианском стиле – это классические музейные палаты.
Cabinet должен быть в любом доме, выполненном в викторианском стиле. Для этого можно выбрать небольшую комнату с окном. Для рабочей зоны уместно использовать и пастельные, и насыщенные тона. В кабинете должен стоять добротный стол из хорошего дерева и кресло с высокой спинкой. Мебель может иметь абсолютно любые оттенки: шоколадные, красного дерева, кирпичные и т.д. Ее также можно украсить драгоценными камнями или позолотой. Для отделки стен подойдут классические деревянные панели, а для пола – паркет или качественный ламинат. При необходимости на пол можно бросить дорогой ковер из натуральных материалов. Когда нет возможности выделить для библиотеки целую комнату, часть кабинета может играть роль библиотечного уголка с массивным книжным шкафом, небольшим журнальным столиком и мягким креслом.
Entrance hall / corridor
The hallway belongs to the front rooms of the house, so you should try very hard to decorate it. The corridor is the first thing that guests see. The task of the style of Queen Victoria from the very first minutes to let them know that they were in a luxurious house with antiques. The interior of the hallway can be even slightly pretentious. Do not use modern materials to decorate the room.
All furniture should be made only of wood or metal. On the walls are welcome paintings in beautiful wooden frames and lamps, decorated in the old days. The Victorian hallway can not have halogen or LED lamps or soffits. The interior of the room should resemble old England of the XIX century. Of the characteristic elements of the Victorian style for the hallway can be noted:
- large round mirror;
- a coffee table on which stands a vase of flowers;
- comfortable chair with a high back;
- stand under the umbrellas.
Bathroom and toilet
The Victorian bathroom is very elegant and English aristocratic. It should be as light as possible, although dark colors can be used for the floor covering. For walls it is recommended to use a tile with oriental ornaments, heraldry or a Scotch cage. If the bathroom has a window, then it can be decorated with stained glass. To ensure that the bathroom complies with the general principles of the Victorian style, red and brown tones must be present.
As for the bath itself, it is better to choose models "antique" on curved copper legs. A classic Victorian bathroom should have a fireplace, but in an ordinary apartment it will be very difficult to do. For lighting will suit a classic ceiling large chandelier and sconce in the form of candelabra. The toilet, as a rule, is made out by a separate section.
Victorian style is suitable for country cottages and large apartments, but in miniature one-bedroom apartments or studios it will be cramped. In small rooms, it is lost and loses its greatness, it is better for them to use other interior solutions. This aristocratic style of royalty, so anyone who dares to use it, should be ready for big expenses and long repairs. The Victorian style is characterized by elegance, luxury and richness of the interior. Eclecticism makes it possible to experiment and use different materials. An important point: you need to correctly combine colors and use only high-quality materials. Exotic accessories and objects of painting will give real completeness to the interior. The room, made in a Victorian style, there should not be free space: everything is occupied with any interior items.