A real fireplace can bring incredible comfort and coziness. But such a home is not only available in private homes and some townhouses, but also in ordinary apartments. Here a decorative hearth comes to the rescue. You can make it yourself from various materials or buy in a store. To make an artificial fireplace looked actual and stylish, you will have to think over a lot of details: from its appearance and ending with the location in the space of the room. Correctly made hearth can completely change the appearance of the room, complement the interior of the living room, create a romantic bedroom atmosphere.
This kind of artificial stoves looks like the real one among all the false fireplaces. Its size and appearance so well imitates the hearth that the difference to an uninitiated person is not immediately obvious. The only thing it lacks is a chimney. Similar similarity becomes possible thanks to materials from which a reliable fireplace is created. For this purpose, metal profiles, wood, stone, ceramic tiles, parquet, plasterboard, even bricks are used. The concrete material is chosen proceeding from a design style of a room, financial possibilities, and also readiness to use the present source of heat inside a false-fireplace. Credible fireplaces are often made to order, as some building materials require professional processing. Therefore, such a focus is significantly different in price from other species. It is also worth noting that a reliable fireplace is the only kind of artificial hearth inside which you can put a burner or electric fireplace.
If you plan to install a real source of heat inside the hearth, select heat and heat resistant materials for its creation.
With this imitation of the hearth, the artificial portal appears directly from the room partition, so its depth is much less than that of the authentic one. Install inside a real burner or electric fireplace, as with a reliable false-fireplace, it becomes impossible. Therefore, small firewood, candles, and other decorative small items are put in the furnace niche. A small depression of the conditioned fireplace is compensated by a mirror surface inside the portal. External resemblance to the real hearth is achieved with the help of decorative elements outside the falsh-fireplace. It can be mounted on the shelf cumbersome candlesticks or carved furniture, imitating tiles of medieval furnaces.
Symbolic or painted
As follows from the name of this type of decorative foci, it performs solely the role of decor, complementing the general style concept of the room. To make such a fireplace with your own hands is the easiest. For this purpose even the simplest materials, for example, a box from the TV, will do. Some designers do not make a symbolic false fireplace at all, but draw it on the wall and decorate it with a ceiling plinth or other material. When creating a painted fireplace, you need a minimum of money and special skills, so this version of the artificial hearth is available to every family and any apartment.
Advantages of decorative fireplaces
Advantages of artificial fireplaces before the present are obvious:
- They can easily be installed in any apartment without having permission to re-plan and install a chimney.
- You can mount a false fireplace in all parts of the room, and some types can even be moved to another location if necessary.
- Artificial foci are available for price and maintenance, do not require additional costs after installation.
- Decorative stoves are safe, and therefore you can use them even for families with young children.
- Change the external design of the falsh-fireplace can be even after its installation, without being bound for many years to a particular design style.
As already mentioned before, a huge plus of a decorative fireplace is that it can be located in any part of the house or apartment, focusing exclusively on convenience and home interior. As a rule, future owners of an artificial hearth prefer to place it at one of the walls, but you can mount a false fireplace in one of the corners or even in the middle of the room. The main rule that must be observed when installing decorative falsification is free access to it. In addition to the aesthetic function, this part of the decor also has a relaxing function. There is not one person who does not want to sit next to the fireplace, even if artificial, in a comfortable chair and with a book in his hands. To spend quiet family evenings in such an atmosphere is very pleasant.
Near the wall
The variant of placement near the wall is relevant in several cases:
- If you want to emphasize the classic interior of the room.
- If it is part of a wall furniture complex.
- If the hearth will be used as an additional source of heat in the apartment.
- If the free space of the room where the false fireplace is installed is limited.
Before installing a wall decorative pattern, make sure that the wall is flat. Only then there will be no ugly gap between it and the hearth. The location for the arrangement of the falsh-fireplace is best chosen on the center of the wall. In this case, the fireplace will emphasize the harmonious design of the room.
In the corner
Corner decorative hearth is ideal for rooms with a small area, because it takes up little space. More functionality has a fireplace installed in the opposite corner from the entrance. Next to it you can arrange a soft area with a sofa or armchairs. In addition, when entering the room with such a false fireplace, it will be he who will be the primary focus. Particularly interesting angular focus looks in rooms with uneven corners, protrusions of bearing beams. With proper decoration, these designs will look like a chimney, which adds realism. The structure of the corner fireplace is such that even a conditional version will have a fairly wide portal and shelf, and thus not only save space, but also provide a fairly large storage area.
Island искусственный очаг для своей установки требует гораздо больше свободного места, чем пристенный или угловой, а потому этот вариант используют в больших комнатах, студиях. Его особенность в том, что подойти к источнику тепла можно с любой стороны, но при этом никакого дискомфорта или тесноты вы не заметите. Встречается такой камин гораздо реже остальных, но если такой установлен, то внутрь его закладывают горелку или электрический очаг. Декоративный островной образец удачно дополнит дизайн скандинавского или любого другого минималистического стиля. Чтобы самостоятельно сделать фальш-камин островного типа необходимо приложить не мало усилий, поэтому чаще всего они заказываются у профессионалов или покупаются готовыми.
Materials and methods of manufacturing the portal with their own hands
There are many photo and video master classes that tell how to create different kinds of hearths with your own hands. In many cases, even a dilettante of design art is able to make a false fireplace. The most difficult part is making a portal. Before you start, you need to select a specific design and find the materials that will be used. Most often in the creation of decorative furnaces used plasterboard, brick, stone, plastic, laminated boards, wood, cardboard. Select materials should be based on several parameters: the general style of the room, the size of the structure, the type and purpose of the fireplace. Special tools are also required for work.
From plasterboard
Drywall is the most popular material for creating a decorative fireplace. In addition to it, you will also need metal profiles, screws, putty and some tools (screwdriver, Bulgarian, etc.). Creation and installation of plasterboard passes several stages:
- Draw a sketch.
- Determine the installation site and apply the appropriate labels to the walls.
- From the metal profile, the carcass parts are cut, after fitting them to the place where the false-fireplace is installed, a complete construction using screws is assembled.
If a reliable fireplace is assembled from the plasterboard, in which the installation of an electric fence is planned in the future, at this stage of creation it is necessary to take care of bringing the electrical outlet to the installation site.
- The finished frame is covered with plasterboard.
- The frame is mounted in a wall.
- Ready portal shpaklyuetsya, painted and decorated.
Of brick and stone
To make a false fireplace of brick or stone, you need to make sure of the high quality of the materials used. To save on the purchase of bricks is not worth it, to create a portal they will not need much. The work is carried out according to the following scheme:
- A sketch is drawn and tags are placed in the installation site.
- A small brick cushion is laid out under the entire area of the fireplace.
- The portal is laid out, starting from the corners of the hearth. In this case, the next row can be started to stack only after the previous one has dried up. In addition, each row should be checked with a level, and when there are gaps between rows, carefully cover them with a sand-cement mixture. This will make the fireplace smooth and neat.
- The top of the fireplace is covered with a table top.
- The decoration of the finished portal is done.
Of polyurethane
Polyurethane makes it possible to make a very durable and fire-resistant decorative hearth. In this case, the material is suitable for creating artificial fireplaces of completely different styles: from classical to modern.
Steps to create a step-by-step:
- Create a sketch.
- Preparation of the installation site, namely, marking on the walls, leveling and drying.
- Then the polyurethane is applied to the markings on which parts of the fireplace are cut.
- Elements of the construction are fastened together with self-tapping screws and glue.
- Decoration of the portal is carried out.
Of plates with laminated coating
A false fireplace made of laminated panels is rare. Firstly, because it's quite difficult to cut these plates on your own. Secondly, because of the high cost of materials. In general, the technology is very similar to the production of decorative fireplace from gypsum board:
- Draw a sketch of the hearth.
- Make marks on the walls.
- We cut the details of the frame. If you can not do this yourself, you can ask for help from specialists.
- The frame from the cut out parts is assembled into a single portal, the corners and joints are abundantly filled with mounting foam.
- The dried foam is given a shape corresponding to the sketch.
- The fireplace is decorated.
From carton box
A decorative fireplace cut from a cardboard box is made so easily that even children can help you. The best thing for this job is a box from a large TV set, if you want to make a wall, and a box from the refrigerator and other three-room household appliances, if the fireplace is corner. To create a false fireplace, located near the wall, you will need:
- Think of a sketch.
- Arrange lines of folds on the box.
- Further in the center of the box is cut the furnace hole, the necessary sides are bent inside the box, imitating the groove in the portal.
- The resulting frame is carefully glued with adhesive tape and glue to make the surface as smooth as possible.
- The finished portal is painted and decorated.
The corner artificial hearth is made according to the same scheme, with small features:
- The box is installed directly into the corner where the fireplace will be located, the dimensions of the corner are adjusted and the triangular shape is given.
- In the front wall a furnace hole is cut out, the necessary parts of the box are bent inside.
- The triangular shape is carefully fixed on all sides with glue and tape.
- Top, as a table top, plywood is laid.
- The finished fireplace is decorated.
It is worth noting that the fireplace, made of cardboard, is very short-lived. It will easily decorate your apartment during the New Year and Christmas holidays, however if you want to use the false fireplace for a long time. We recommend making it from other materials.
Of wood
As wood materials in the creation of a fireplace-forgery can be used plywood, dsp, bar and other materials. Before starting work, as in other cases, it is necessary to draw a drawing and make markings on the wall. Next, the progress of the work will vary slightly, depending on the material selected. If chipboard is used:
- Plates are cut into elements in accordance with the sketch.
- Edges are smoothed using a special tape.
- The frame of the portal is assembled from the metal profile.
- The finished frame is covered with particle board.
- The decor is produced.
The same focus is made of a plywood outfit. If it is based on a bar or board, the course of work is as follows:
- Materials are sawn according to the sketch.
- The frame is assembled into a single structure.
- Then moldings or other decorative elements are cut from individual bars and nailed to the frame.
- The decor is produced.
Decorative finishing
Из какого бы материала не был изготовлен ваш декоративный камин, последним этапом его создания будет процесс декорирования. При этом способы украшения различаются, в зависимости от вида камина, его размера, назначения и стиля помещения. Символический камин, выполненный из коробок, прекрасно декорируется обоями, пенопластом, бордюрами. С их помощью можно придумать рельеф очага-подделки. Для украшения достоверного камина из гипсокартона подойдет керамическая плитка, изразцы, мозаика. Conditional камин можно декорировать сайдингом, пластиковыми панелями.
Flame inside the portal
A fireplace without a flame, even a counterfeit, will not bring the pleasure that real fire brings. To simulate a fire, you can use several different options:
- Draw a fire on a paper canvas and paste it on the back wall of the portal. This option is especially good for false fireplaces made of cardboard, since the use of even lighted candles in it can lead to tragedy. If the artistic talent you do not inherent, order a picture from the artist or print the finished version of the Internet.
- Install inside the hearth a small LCD display that broadcasts a burning fire. Such devices, designed specifically for artificial hearths, are sold in stove and building stores.
- To illuminate the furnace opening with a small decorative lamp, for example, saline.
- Use New Year garlands or LED stripes. In this case, the bulbs fit into the very center of the portal and are slightly covered with thin branches.
- Use lighted candles.
Examples of using a decorative hearth in different rooms
An artificial fireplace, unlike the present, can be installed not only in the living room, but in any other room. In the children's room during the New Year holidays, you can build a hearth out of boxes and decorate it in accordance with the traditions of Christmas: hang socks in which to fold the treats for toddlers. In this case, the fireplace should be placed in front of the crib, so that it attracts attention immediately after awakening. In the bedroom next to the window the authentic fireplace perfectly fits. You can put a rocking chair next to him and spend long winter evenings reading books in a cozy atmosphere. If the hearth is installed in the living room, then it is advisable to do this in front of the soft zone. On the floor in front of the fireplace itself, you can lay a small carpet with a long nap. Such imitation of the hearth will delight not only the hosts, but also the guests of the apartment.
Unusual design
In addition to the classical methods for decorating an artificial fireplace, the designers have long used more unconventional variants that correspond to the style of the room. Various vases, plates and statues decorate the fireplace, located in a room with an ethnic interior. Pictures and photos, inserted in the framework, will add a twist to modern styles. The romantic atmosphere is complemented by fireplaces decorated with flowers, pillows, various beads. With the external design of the hearth, you can not be afraid of experiments and look for the most suitable option for yourself.
A fake fireplace is not just a tribute to fashion, but a real design find, which everyone can realize in any apartment. And the earlier you think about installing a decorative hearth, the more different options you can implement. Ideally, to conceive a fireplace before finishing the apartment repair when moving. Then it can be easily entered into the interior with minimal economic costs. But even later to come up and realize an interesting sketch in your apartment is entirely within your power.