The special atmosphere of the New Year holidays depends on many details: the general inner spirit, the New Year's fuss, the choice of gifts for people close to the heart, the surrounding decor, which pushes the waiting for a fairy tale and a miracle. Factory decorations can not provide enough uniqueness and coziness, which can be provided if you create New Year decor with your own hands. Every year new and bright ideas appear to create unforgettable ornaments from improvised materials available in stores. New Year's interior does not contain any unusual elements: a Christmas tree, long-loved garlands, Christmas wreaths, various interior compositions, hangers, etc.
From their implementation depends on how stylish and tasteful the room will look:
- Do not combine too bright and catchy colors. Simultaneously used, for example, a bright red, yellow, purple color in the interior, quickly tired and will be importunate variegated. This applies to the colors of metallic: for example, a bronze or gold shade can not be combined with silver. This is considered a manifestation of bad taste.
- Do not use different stylistics in the design. For example, the classic glass angels will not be in harmony with homemade birds made of textiles.
- Observe the dimension. Do not place too small elements on large surfaces and vice versa.
- Always know the measure in decorating. Do not abuse the decor, arrange around the room evenly, so as not to focus in one place. For example, a garland, a wreath with a Christmas tree in one corner will look through the chur.
Correctly selected decorative objects can create a full holiday atmosphere.
Choice of style
When deciding to make New Year decor by own hands, ideas for this can be different. Everything depends on the overall stylistics of the room:
- Lovers of the classics will approach a tall fir tree with traditional decoration (angels, stars, balls in gold and white tones, beads as garlands);
- For the eco-style, crafts made of natural materials, rags, felt, dried fruits will become topical;
- Scandinavian style, high-tech will also look actual with the "classics";
- Minimalism can be present in any design of the house, since it implies the use of only a small amount of decor.
It is necessary to take into account not only the interior, but also the size of the decorated room. Small rooms should not be made abundant with decorative items, as they will interfere with habitual life activity. It will be enough to have several notable accents (for example, a Christmas tree, a Christmas wreath, a composition). "Spray" in this case is not necessary. Minor details will steal space, this will not lead to a qualitative New Year's decoration.
Many choose a style for the Chinese New Year, the decor at the same time differs from us familiar. The predominant colors are red in the decoration, artificial trees are decorated with fresh fruit in sugar, candied fruits. It is customary to place trays with 8 different types of fruit on different corners of the house. But choosing this style should take into account that the dates of the New Year celebrations in our country and China do not coincide, so this celebration may not be relevant.
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Having chosen the design for the New Year, it is worth paying attention to each piece of decoration separately, making sure it is appropriate.
Decoration of a New Year tree
What is the holiday without the main party - the Christmas tree? Decorate a holiday tree in various ways: buy toys, garlands in the store, and you can make them yourself. But before decorating a fir tree, it is necessary to immediately decide on the general style of decorating a house. Using all the decorative elements at the same time will lead to a tasteless appearance of the room.
Purchased toys
The Christmas tree in the interior occupies a central position, so dress it up properly:
- You should use the classic version of the selection of colors. Optimum for a decent appearance using two colors. Three or more will look tasteless. Trend is the selection of jewelry in one color scheme with the use of different tones and textures of the chosen color (for example, pale blue, blue, matte blue, dark blue, etc.);
- Choose the size of toys, respectively, to the size of the tree. Small size for a large tree is unacceptable, the same as for a large tree. The best option is to use the dimensions "incrementally" - from the top of the tree to have small sizes of jewelry gradually increasing the size to the bottom of the New Year tree;
- Tinsel and garlands should be arranged so that they do not cover the main decor of the Christmas tree - balls and other toys-pendants. Do not pile a tree with a variety of tinsel, but it is better to use beads not in the tone of toys, electric garlands;
Decorating a Christmas tree, adhere to a simple rule - everything should be in moderation. Then the festive center of attention will look stylish, tasteful.
Homemade Toys
You can make all necessary decorative elements yourself. To do this, use different materials.
From food products
To decorate a holiday tree, you can prepare such elements:
- Gingerbread. Welcome to the New Year theme - Christmas trees, snow-covered houses, bunnies, stars, etc. You can achieve originality through the design of their multi-colored glaze.
- Candied fruits and dried fruits. The latest trends are the decoration of a Christmas tree with dried fruit (for example, pineapple rings, kiwi slices, orange slices, lemon). Such specimens in combination with the smell of needles will fill the room with a special aroma.
- Caramel and chocolate. Wrapped in a transparent package of colored caramels, figures of chocolate will look good on the tree. If the house has children, they will appreciate such edible suspensions.
- Figured pasta. Pasta compositions covered with glitter, metallic paint or foam foam will be the original solution in the decor.
For the decor on the New Year almost all food products are suitable, from which you can make crafts (for example, cereals that glue on a cardboard base, and then color). The main thing - a fantasy and a desire to surprise your loved ones.
Of textiles or felt
To make a suspension on the tree, use bright textiles or felt. According to the pattern, parts for toys are prepared, sewed and stuffed with synthetic cotton wool. If necessary, the products can contain elements of embroidery, beads, beads, rhinestones, stripes, ribbons, braids and so on. An integral element is a hinge for hanging the finished toy on the branches of the Christmas tree. Various elements can be depicted - angels, stars, trees, birds, hearts, etc.
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Of natural materials
Gifts of nature can be useful not only for decorating a Christmas tree, but also for making other New Year decor.
What can I use?
- pieces of woody bark;
- cones, nuts;
- twigs, sticks;
- dried berries on the branches;
- dried curly leaves, etc.
All the blanks can be covered with sequins, the paint of your favorite color. Using various materials and techniques for making jewelry, you can make a unique New Year decor and toys for the house with your own hands.
Room decoration
It will be right that the decoration of the house coincides with the style of the Christmas tree outfit, then all the decor will not cause dissonance and the overall look will be worthy. The decor of the room for the New Year can be made with the help of the above mentioned elements: garlands, wreaths, panels, compositions.
To keep house around them is evenly and not piling up in one place. Use for decoration can be different surfaces: walls, windowsills, curbstones, floor, ceiling, windows, doors, fireplaces.
The simplest option is simply to acquire everything you need. If the factory toys were used for the Christmas tree dress, then the decoration of the house by the New Year should be done in the same theme.
If it is decided to make all the decor by the New Year with your own hands, then do not forget about the harmonious combination of elements. For example, dried oranges on a tree can not be correctly combined with sweets in bright packages. It is appropriate to combine oranges with beige or brown toys made of textiles or felt.
Christmas wreath
New Year's decor of the house, which means the use of factory elements, can be supplemented with a Christmas wreath made independently, it can be hung on the door or put on the table as an ornament for a candle.
By purchasing balls, they can be turned into a stylish decor element. This will require a frame (wire, rattan, foam ring). Selecting the desired version of the base under the wreath, balls are attached to it (it is better to choose an average or small diameter up to 5 cm) so that they are densely located one to one. The final point will be a ribbon tied in a bow at the bottom of the wreath.
Making a wreath of dried fruits, you also need a base (skeleton), but in this case it is better not to use wire. To the frame with a hot melt gently attach the selected dried fruit. As a decor, you can use an organza ribbon, a linen cord or a braid made of natural material. From the top you can cover with sequins or small foam plastic. Similarly, wreaths made of sweets, natural materials and sweets are made.
In modern interiors, garlands are rarely found. You can buy the finished version in different interpretations: foil, cardboard and paper, tape-based with suspensions, etc.
You can make this decor by the New Year yourself. For a basis take braid or tape, a rope from flax. You can attach any elements: dried fruits, sweets, natural materials. Use better with hot melt. After the work is finished, the product is covered with sequins or other decorative elements.
To place such garland is appropriate contact way: near the wall, fireplace, furniture. The method of free hanging is more suitable for factory versions of the product.
A recent trend that brings New Year's design to a new level are different compositions that are placed around the room on surfaces: pedestals, chests of drawers, window sills.
Such decor for the New Year with their own hands is easy to make. The basis for it can be:
- Vases for flowers. The composition can consist of dry branches, on which additional decorative elements are attached: balls, cones, beads and so on. The branches are put in a flower vase and complemented with improvised objects: feathers, glitter, beads. If the house has a glass transparent vase, then it is also simply filled with decor.
- Vases for sweets. In the vase put different elements that fit the general style of decorating the room.
- Single compositions made of related Christmas balls with ribbons and candles, tree branches with dried oranges and chopsticks, etc.
- Suspended compositions of balls, sweets, dried fruits can be fixed on walls, furniture, windows.
- Candlesticks. Decoration of candlesticks occupies a special place in the New Year's decoration of the room. In the course go as transparent glasses, in which are placed short candles, and ordinary cans, which are decorated with acrylic painting, decoupage, fastening tapes, rhinestones, etc. The use of traditional wreaths around the candle is also relevant. Use the materials that decorate the main part of the room.
Pursuing one style of design and stocking the relevant attributes, you can create a unique New Year decoration of the interior.
Window decoration
Familiar since childhood snowflakes on the windows did not cancel anyone. That's just limited to only snowflakes is not worth it.
There are stencils, which simplify the task of applying artificial snow on the glass. So you get nice drawings of Santa's sleigh, New Year trees, deer, bells and other New Year's attributes.
In addition to drawings on glass, a new trend was the design of window sills with paper cuttings. Elements in the form of houses, towers (subjects varied) are cut from a cloth of a paper. Houses are exposed on the windowsill in two or three rows along the entire length, between them at the base they hold a light garland. So the "town" will be highlighted in the dark.
For a long time the usual light garlands on the windows are also widely used. Only here various figures from them to do it is not necessary. Laconic manner in European garlands are attached around the perimeter of the glass. This location will fit into any interior.
If you can make New Year decor yourself, ideas need to be drawn from your own feelings and moods. The usual ways of decorating a house are sometimes changed, letting in your home something new and unusual.
To dramatically change the appearance of the room, you do not need to invest a lot of money. Self-made creations from natural materials and old rags will help to update the annoying New Year's interior.