A tiny apartment is in the forefront, a platform for deliberate and optimal interior decoration, and also a great reason for one's own discipline.
If you do not want the dwelling to look like Plyushkin's residence in a couple of years, you need to learn accurately, to put values, especially if the problem is personal things.
1. Small-sized furniture
For the future, either of us hopes for a large living space, a large mansion or a plot of land. However, up to these times, as long as our business has not achieved the desired, we need to take a closer look at the choice of furniture in a narrow space.
Visually, your home will look much more comfortable, if, for example, the sofa does not occupy half of the room.
2. Storage systems
They necessarily need a lot and, in the future, let them remain half empty. Try to keep fewer different magazines and papers. They have the feature of increasing in a catastrophic size, do not let them.

3. Decorative elements
Candles, photos, caskets, art objects, pads: any of this adds individuality to your apartment, however in our case the number has significance.
4. Front
It must be done. Even when the plan did not provide for it. A few hooks, a rug and a box for small things - and pretty.
If there is no space at all, do not worry, your way out is hinged shelves. Boxes and baskets.

5. Dishes for the kitchen
Load elements of the kitchen is very simple, especially if you prefer to cook yourself and a very hospitable person. For you it will be difficult, but try to save only the most needed and favorite.
6. Coloring
The main color as a whole must be neutral and light. In this apartment - it's snow-white and ash gray.
However, look at how the design comes to life from light pink strokes. Light shades expand the space and become an excellent background, on which you immediately see excess things.