Beautiful and stylish chronometers can be installed in any room. They allow you to easily monitor the time, emphasize the originality of the design of the premises. There are many models that differ in size, installation method. You can choose the right products according to the color scheme, ease of use. But also designed, floor, table and wall clocks in the interior will be appropriate, if you choose to take into account the shape and style of the models. They should harmoniously complement the situation of the room: combined with decoration, furniture, the rest of the decor. If necessary, the old clock mechanism can be independently updated, replacing its base, decorating the body, arrows. A simple alteration of the chronometer will make it possible to make a unique object with unusual design and at the same time retaining functionality.
- floor;
They have the form of rectangular wooden boxes with a height of 1.5-2 m. They are supplemented with a pendulum. Can be equipped with hidden compartments - hiding places for storing money, jewelry.
- desktop.
This category includes digital and mechanical models with or without an alarm clock. Installed on tables, pedestals, mantels.
Some types include watch projectors and designer chronometers, executed in the form of interior elements. The latter include the mechanisms installed in bicycles (and even motorcycles), tables with a glass top.
Variations of the dial
Modern chronometers can have a dial of different types. Mechanical models are usually equipped with an indication with Roman or Arabic numerals, arrows (hour, minute, second). They can also have non-standard indications in the form of figures or figures. In this case, the arrows on some mechanisms may be completely or partially absent. Electronic analogues are equipped with LED-displays, to which figures are output. They for convenience of use can be equipped with a backlight or a speaker for scoring the indicators of the current time. There are also such chronometers, which have no indication and arrows at all. These include an hourglass. They are mainly used for counting a specific time interval. Can be used as a stylish and unusual decor of the room.
See also: Bouquets and compositions of artificial flowers
Under the styles of the interior
The original design of the apartment and the design of each room will be helped by the correct selection of chronometers. Choose them according to the style of the room:
- classical;
For classics, dark tones and strict geometric shapes are inherent. Therefore, the model case can have brown, burgundy, dark green or dark blue color. But the display and the arrows will be black, golden, silvery.
- chalet;
Items that include a wooden base (boards, pieces of wood, pieces of logs) can emphasize the direction. Suitable and models with decor from the branches.
- loft;
For such stylistics models with metal and wooden elements are suitable. For example, it is well complemented by gears with gear wheels, skeletons.
- Provence.
For easy French stylistics, models in light colors with different shapes and sizes will suit well. They can have a cellular background or background with floral-leaf patterns of pastel tones.
In the living room
Chronometers of any size can be installed in the halls. In a spacious room will be appropriate to look and large models, and small products. It is better to arrange large clock mechanisms on a free wall, where there is no other decor. They can be equipped with a housing or integrated into gypsum plasterboard partitions, niches.
For such models, the following elements can be used as an indication: pebbles, cubes, saucers and cups. It will be interesting to look in the hall and stand alone designer products (in the form of a wheel, a globe, figurines). Small desktop models can be installed on a coffee table or curbstone, located near the sofa. Outdoor chronometers of dark wood are good for living rooms, decorated in a strict style. But it is customary to install light models in halls with royal stylistics (rococo, baroque).
In the bedroom
For bedrooms to choose the clockwork is necessary, based on all the features of the design of the room. Chronometers complement the decor around the case for the ultra-modern direction. These include models with circles, butterflies, stripes glued near the base. The decor can be flat or bulky. You can get a stylish combination when choosing products with different patterns based on: landscapes, abstractions, images of sights. The appearance of the room of the product with a mirror base (solid, filigree) will be added in an original way. The chronometers will also look great, with indications from the frames of different sizes, family photos. It is recommended to place mechanical models opposite the bed. So, their course will not be heard, and the hosts themselves can easily view the current time. Electronic analogues can be placed on the desk, bedside table.
In the kitchen
Non-standard chronometers will help to make the design of any kitchen stylish and original. These include models whose base is pasted with croup, coffee beans. Effectively look products with decor of sackcloth, jute thread, spoons, forks, ladles or blades. For rooms without a dedicated style of decoration, chronometers with images of flowers, coffee cups, still lifes will suit. In this case, for small rooms it is better to choose models in the form of a small square, a rhombus, an oval. And for large rooms suitable products in the form of large rectangles or circles. For rooms designed in the direction of high-tech or modern, chronometers in black and silvery tones will be preferred. To supplement this style will be able to electronic models with large numbers.
For rooms in which food is prepared, you need to choose simple-care models. These include strict chronometers with metal or plastic arrows (without decor) and models with a body covered with glass.
In the nursery
In the nursery комнате будет хорошо смотреться большой хронометр с нестандартным оформлением: в виде животного, сказочного героя, мультяшного персонажа. Мальчикам понравятся хронометры в виде футбольного, баскетбольного мяча. Девочкам подойдут модели в виде бабочек, сердец, воздушных шаров. Это могут быть хронометры с объемным или плоским пластиковым корпусом. Полезным дополнением детской станет и часовой механизм, встроенный в настольный светильник. В качестве оригинального декора подойдет часовой проектор. Он сможет отображать время на стенку, потолок. При этом модель может дополнительно проектировать фигурки животных, звезды, планеты. В дневное время на таких хронометрах время отображается на LED-дисплее.
In the hall
To emphasize the stylistics of a spacious hallway, it is recommended to choose floor chronometers. They will help the owners to leave the house on time, not to be late for important meetings, classes, work. And when installed in a corner will not limit the space of the front. In this case, the battle of such a mechanism will be heard in the rooms remotely, not too loudly. To install an old or new product is recommended near the banquet, curbstone, coffee table. But near the cabinets the floor chronometer will be inappropriate: all its attractiveness and sophistication will be lost on the background of high furniture. With a small area, it is better to choose a model that will be suspended above the entrance, next to the mirror. Such a chronometer can be standardized, equipped with a discreet plastic or wooden case. For styling it is better to give preference to the model in the form of a sea lantern, compositions with relief figures of people and animals.
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In the bathroom
Bathrooms can be equipped with conventional mechanical and electronic clocks. The first is recommended to be located as far as possible from the sources of water supply. It is necessary to have good ventilation. Removal of moist air from the room will eliminate the appearance of rust on the mechanisms and subsequent damage to the products. For sale in bathrooms and special models with sealed enclosures. They can be mounted in any part of the room. The water falling on their body can easily be removed with a towel or sponge. Electronic models for bathrooms are usually supplemented with special sensors. They analyze the information about the humidity and air temperature in the room. Some electronic chronometers are equipped with a timer. With it, you can conveniently locate the time of water and beauty treatments.
Custom-made furniture
Even the most difficult chronometer can be transformed by one's own hands. For this, the following ideas will be useful:
- Change background background.
Sealing of the base with fabrics, ribbons, sackcloth. Decoration with old newspapers, decoupage with napkins. Coloring with acrylic paints, gouache.
- Replacement of display elements.
The figures are replaced by dominoes, dice, flat figures (animals, people), keys, small pictures or photographs.
- Decoration of the case.
Bonding to the back of the cutlery, inserting the base in the frame, old frying pans. Framing with paper decor, thick threads and ropes.
When gluing the base, it is necessary to remove the clockwork and arrows. For work transparent universal adhesive is suitable. It has an increased density, which makes it easy to apply.
Helpful Tips
Choosing a chronometer, you need to consider the color scheme of the design of the room, the predominant geometric figures, patterns. The clock mechanism can become the main element of the decor or simply complement the look of the room. It is recommended to comply with the size of the chronometer and the nearby objects (paintings, vases, furniture). When buying models with a fabric, mirror base, surfaces should be cleaned frequently. Otherwise, the dust settling on them will quickly spoil the appearance of the product. Removal of dirt should be done carefully, without touching the arrows. In this case, the ingress of moisture inside the mechanism should be avoided. It is better to clean with pipidastrom (special broom) or a soft brush. Mirror and glass models can be wiped with rags, pre-sprayed with a means for washing glasses. Careful cleaning will help keep the appeal of any chronometer.