Brick is one of the main materials in construction for many hundreds of years.
Therefore, the density of the brick plays a critical role, having learned the value of which one can understand the thermal conductivity and the volumetric weight, as well as the weight of the sample to unit volume.
- Dressing of rows of bricks
Table of contents of the article:
- Lime brick
- Ceramic brick
- Full bricks
- Hollow brick
- Clinker brick
- Fireclay bricks
- Facing bricks
- Tables of the exact density of bricks
Lime brick
This type of construction material is made of sand and lime in a ratio of 1/9. Having very low cost, this brick is one of the most affordable in the market.
Also to the pluses, you can include an extensive color palette, which produces silicate bricks.
Однако, он имеет высокую теплопроводность и большой вес, из – за чего не используется при постройке несущих стен, перегородок и каминов по причине деформации данного стройматериала под воздействием высоких температур. Lime brick делится на два вида: пустотелый и полнотелый, и имеет плотность от 1100 до 1950 кг/м3.
Ceramic brick
A full-bodied ceramic brick is used to build a variety of objects - bearing, internal and external walls, as well as columns and arches. His hollow fellow is used to build lightweight structures and fill carcasses.
The density for the first variant is equal to not less than 2000 kg / m3, and for the second - from 1100 to 1400 kg / m3.
Full bricks
It is also widely known as "building" or "private". Used to build literally all structures, whether it be poles, carrying systems, arches etc. due to the high strength and cold resistance, although the walls constructed with the use of this building material, require additional insulation.
Its approximate concentration is 1900 kg / m3. There is a red solid brick, which we often see as the main building material for the outer walls of houses, window frames and basement floors.
It withstands such loads due to its very high strength - 2100 kg / m3.
Hollow brick
Has internal voids from 13% to 50% of the volume and has a porous structure, which is why it is quite brittle and light. It has excellent noise - and thermal insulation and is perfectly suited for internal walls and partitions, as well as as a filler frame.
The density of this brick is from 1000 to 1450 kg / m3.
Clinker brick
It is made of red clay, which undergoes drying and roasting at extremely high temperatures, which gives the building material a high density - 2100 kg / m3 - and an increased wear resistance.
However, the minus of this brick is a high price, which is justified by labor-intensive production.
The second disadvantage is the increased thermal conductivity. It is often used in the construction of highways, for facade cladding and basement floors of residential buildings.
Fireclay bricks
Probably one of the most expensive building materials on this market. The high price is justified by the fire resistance, which allows you to withstand temperatures up to + 1600 ° C, being the leader in this direction.
It is produced mainly in trapezoidal, conical and arched form in yellow and bright red. Density is from 1700 to 1900 kg / cm3.
Facing bricks
Has a fairly narrow application due to a flat and "glossy" surface and is used for laying external walls with the requirement for a special plane.
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Produced in a variety of colors, which are achieved by selecting different clay masses, baked at different temperatures and time spent in the firing. Like other clay based building materials, facing bricks have increased thermal insulation properties and are practically non-corrosive.
The density of this brick is measured in the range from 1300 to 1450 kg / m3.
Tables of the exact density of bricks
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