Candles perfectly decorate the interior, create a home cosiness. But conventional products, even in a refined candlestick, look not elegant enough. The ideas outlined in this article will help you create real works of art with minimal time and money. Most of the decorative elements you can find houses in a drawer for needlework, in the kitchen or in the garden at the cottage.
Maybe some idea in the article you like, and you want to put something into practice.
Gel candle
Gel products look very beautiful and unusual. Variations can be many: an aquarium, Christmas balls, a product of geometric bodies, a flower, a "glass of cognac". It all depends on your imagination and what kind of decor you want to use. It is important not to pile up too many decorative elements. Laconic and tastefully executed product will look great.
To make any gel candle you will need:
- Capacity of glass. It will serve as a form;
- Candle Gel;
- Paint for gel;
- Mineral oil;
- Wick reinforced;
- Decorative elements.
Now - the master class itself. For example, to make a candle of marine theme, as a decor we use colored sand. Pour some colored sand onto the bottom of the glass vessel. This is the bottom of the sea-ocean. Now you need mineral oil to impregnate the decor. This is to ensure that in the body of the future candle, numerous bubbles do not form. Impregnate with oil and other elements of the "seabed": pebbles, shells, etc. "Redeem" in oil and wick. Mineral oil is also present in the candle gel, so visually in the finished product it will be invisible. Place the decorative elements inside the glass vessel, fix the wick at the bottom. Now it's time to take up the candle gel. It can be melted in a water bath or directly on a plate in a steel container. Add the dye to the gel to get a bluish hue. Fill the decor with gel and cut the wick. The nautical theme candle is ready. Do you think this is too difficult? Here is the simplest version: take the usual shells from the eggs, insert the wick, holding it with chopsticks, then pour the shells with a multi-colored gel. Colors - any. Quickly and beautifully!
Read also: Selected decor ideas from tree branches with their own hands
Decor with dried flowers
To decorate the product, you will need to work.
- Candle;
- Dried plants;
- A spoon;
- Pincete;
- Scissors;
- Another candle (needed to heat the spoon). Let's call it "working".
Light the work candle, heat the spoon over its flame, the convex side up. Take the dried flower, press it against the surface of the decorated candle. Start to gently smooth it with a spoon. Keep the flower stuck completely, and the petals do not stick out. Pass along the stem a little more strongly, pressing the movement. Cut off the excess part of the stem. Next, choose dried flowers to your liking and act in a similar way. In any case, you will get a unique decoration for the interior. To fix the most delicate elements, use the adhesive for decoupage. The last step is to fix the result. Remove the wick from the "working" candle, melt it over low heat. Take care that the paraffin does not boil. Dip into the prepared paraffin the decorated candle, holding it for the wick. Once, as a rule, it is enough.
It is important that the paraffin does not boil, otherwise the decor will shift and all beauty will be broken. To dip the candle was convenient, select the container so that it fits the size of the product.
An exclusive product with a décor of dried plants is ready.
Delicious Candles
Of course, for lighting the room, these items are hardly suitable, but the decoration for the New Year's table or birthday cake will be beautiful. And, by the way, very tasty and useful. So, prepare these ingredients:
- Grapes (a variety does not matter, but it is desirable without pits).
- Packing of ready-made fruit jelly (you can prepare gelatin solution yourself). If you use a ready mix, add water half as much as instructed. Candles will be more elastic and do not melt quickly.
- Wooden skewers.
- Syringes of 20 ml, without pistons (needle with a plastic cap is put on the syringe).
The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- Prepare the jelly solution.
- String the grapes on a skewer. Place it inside the syringe.
- Pour the prepared jelly into the syringe. To prevent liquid from escaping from the needle hole, wrap it with tape.
- Place the syringe in the refrigerator vertically.
- After solidification of the jelly remove the needle, and lower the syringe for 2-3 seconds in hot water. To make it more convenient to remove the product, lightly blow into the needle hole.
- "Flame" is made from a tangerine slice.
- Put the finished candle on the toothpick and decorate the cake or apple.
Similarly, you can make decorative fruit "candles" from forest or garden berries, grains of pomegranate. They will not shine, but they are completely edible. And the table, decorated in such an unusual way, will be magnificent.
But a good idea to use as a candlestick ... real fruit. Just cut the indentations for small candles in apples. You can use a mandarin. Fortunately, these fruits for the New Year abundance. Suitable as a candlestick and tangerine peel.
New Year's
Beautifully executed candles with New Year's accessories are able to decorate any interior, create a festive atmosphere. The usual dishes made of transparent glass serve as an excellent and original candlestick:
- The easiest option is to tie a few white candles with a thin tape from the satin and place them in a low glass container. The candlestick can also serve as a dish made of a shiny metal like a mirror.
- You can easily create a luxurious composition with Christmas balls. Arrange on a beautiful tray a few glasses of thin glass. In some glasses put salt candles in the usual salt, others fill with small balls.
- Decor candles for enthusiastic needlewomen. Start preparing for the New Year holidays in advance. Tie the remainders of the yarn "cup holders" to the candlesticks. Choose the color and pattern yourself. Original knitted fabric, decorated with artificial berries or dry leaves.
- Natural materials - this is a real frenzy of imagination for decorating New Year's candles. The first thing that comes to mind is the traditional cones, spruce or pine. A more unconventional idea is decoration with cinnamon sticks, birch bark, coffee beans, corn cob, pine needles and fern. Such a composition will decorate the fireplace or a festively laid table. Cinnamon, by the way, also serves as aromatic sticks.
- Floating candles. Great idea - decorating the New Year table with a vase of clear glass with water, with Christmas balls and floating candles. If desired, the water can be lightly colored. You can do it as in the photo, but you can also show creativity.
From burlap
It turns out that the rough burlap is a beautiful decor element, which you can even decorate candles on the wedding table. Original combination looks, for example, sackcloth with lace, beads or satin ribbons. You can use this material if the wedding is in a rustic style.
Here is the simplest master class. To decorate the product, you will need:
- A white candle is the basis of the composition.
- A piece of burlap or unbleached linen cloth.
- Cord from jute.
- Lace.
- Dry leaves.
- Rigid packing paper.
- Clay "Moment Crystal".
- Scissors.
Cut a strip of burlap or textile with a width of 50-60 mm. The length of the strip corresponds to the girth of the candle, corrected for the overlap. Spread the fabric from the top and bottom so that the same fringe is obtained. If the strip is not exactly flat, you can trim the fringe. Wrap the strip with a cloth. Glue a cord in the place of the overlap and wind it evenly at a depth of 1.5-2 cm in the middle of the burlap. Stick a thin lace over the jute. You can decorate the composition with dry leaves or sheets of wrapping paper, artificial flowers or beads. Beautiful and unusual will look like a living orchid. The main thing is that the decor is not too much, otherwise all the elegant simplicity will be lost. The rustic-style candle is ready.
On Halloween
Indispensable attributes of the holiday of Halloween are apples and pumpkins. Of course, you can insert a candle inside the "gutted" pumpkin, but it's already customary to banality. Much more interesting is the novelty of the season - candles, "crying with bloody tears." Making them is easy! Dig on the white candles painted paraffin with red candles or simply sprinkle them with red paint - done! Not a bad option - jewelry from artificial spiders or worms (a store of fishing goods - to help). Beautifully looks decoration of the candles with decoupage depicting skeletons, vampires, revived dead, bats and other culprits of the holiday.
See also: Methods of painting decorative stone by own hands
To date, to buy in the online store beautifully decorated candle for a gift - it's not a problem, but the desire to do something yourself on many people is indestructible. However, this is very cool, because the thing made by own hands is unique. Decoupage technique helps to get a beautiful product that keeps the heat of your hands, your vision of beauty.
Лучший материал для декупажа – это специальные декупажные карты, выполненные из рисовой бумаги, или многослойные салфетки. Decoupage – техника достаточно древняя, уходящая корнями в Средневековье. Но она не потеряла актуальности до сегодняшнего дня. Оптимальный вариант для декорирования в этой технике – белые толстые свечи с плотным верхним слоем. Можно ли использовать цветные свечи? Можно, но фон картинки нужно подбирать к оттенку декорируемого изделия. Красиво и романтично смотрятся тексты или рисунки с нотами. Подготовьте для работы:
- A white thick candle;
- Fan;
- Scissors;
- Stationery knife;
- Ruler;
- A brush.
Decide on the length of the paper line. Especially it concerns the full decoration of the product. Cut the paper so that the seam turns out to be imperceptible. Therefore cut out with a margin of about 1 cm in length and width. If you use a multi-layer napkin, remove the 2 lower layers. For the work, only the top layer, on which the pattern is applied, is needed. This point can not be neglected. Otherwise, the product will turn out to be a fire hazard. Then proceed in this order (step by step):
- Attach a napkin to the candle, as tightly as possible.
- Turn the hair dryer on full power. Wait until it warms up. Now direct the hot air to the candle. Move the hair dryer along the product. Be careful not to burn your hands by accident. Try to fix the napkin with your fingers, so that it sticks securely. If the wax permeates the paper, there is nothing to worry about.
- If wrinkles appear on the surface during work, try to smooth them.
- Make sure that the paper is well adhered. If there are missing areas, manipulation with a hair dryer will have to be repeated.
- Cut the paper at the base of the candle, bend it. Warm the base of the candle so that the bent portion of the napkin is well attached.
- Using a clerical knife, cut off the remains on the opposite end of the product, from the side of the wick.
All very quickly and simply. And, if you have already acquired some skill, then very quickly. The decoration of one product takes about half an hour. It remains to find the original gift wrapping - and the gift is ready.
Doing the decor of the candles, do not for one minute forget about safety and whether you can use the finished product for its intended purpose. It is possible that you will only have to admire your own masterpieces, but it's great! Your family hearth will be the most elegant and cozy!