Well, when the kitchen is spacious - it is easy to arrange it on your own. If the room is small, the folding kitchen table can be an excellent solution. This will help not only to optimally use the space, but to create a cozy atmosphere in the eating area. We suggest that you review the photos and choose a suitable option for yourself. Maybe one of them will help you introduce your renovated kitchen with a new dining table.
What are folding tables for a small kitchen - photo
It so happened that the kitchen - not only a place for cooking and eating. Often at the dinner table all the household members spend time. If friends come, then communication and tea drinking also occur in this room. That is why the decoration of the dining area and the selection of the table must be approached responsibly and with enthusiasm.
There is a huge selection of kitchen furniture. In order not to get lost in the variety of models of folding kitchen tables, you can see the photos and take into account:
- number of family members;
- how often you are visited by guests and how many people come;
- kitchen area.
A small kitchen a large dining table clutter and will look inappropriate, so it is better to choose a folding model. It can be a product from:
- wood;
- glass;
- metal;
- plastic.
When choosing, be guided by your taste preferences and interior styling. In the kitchen in African, classical or country style, a wooden folding table will look good. The photo below shows how harmoniously the tree is combined with the rest of the interior.
Для хай-тековского или минималистического дизайна больше подойдет вариант со стеклянной столешницей и металлическими элементами. Органично в стиль прованс, модерн впишется стол из белого матового plastic. Однако не нужно строго следовать определенному стилю — главное ваше удобство и комфорт. Сегодня модно сочетать отдельные элементы различных стилевых направлений. Так вы сможете сделать кухню индивидуальной и уютной.
Separately it is necessary to allocate glass folding tables. Look at the photos, as they visually add space to a small room and at the same time look stylish and effective.
Folding kitchen table - what design to choose
The design of the kitchen folding table should be selected from the account of its location. If space is enough, then we can consider the standard version, when the product consists of one or more legs and countertops. Here are photos showing how these tables look in the interior.
For a very tiny room, the ideal option would be a folding table without legs. It is mounted directly to the wall and folds out if necessary, being constantly in the folded position. This provides freedom of movement during cooking. How this design looks like you can see on the following photos.
The wall table also has no legs. It is rigidly fixed and also saves space - you can ergonomically arrange chairs around it.
Folding table-transformer - a real find for a small kitchen. It can be transformed into several provisions depending on the situation.
Stylish and original looks bar counter. This is a narrow and long table, which is usually located along one of the walls. It can be a bright color accent or repeat the shade of a kitchen set.
What form to choose a folding table for the kitchen
Folding table for the kitchen can be:
- square;
- angular;
- rectangular;
- round;
- oval;
- semicircular.
Choose a particular option should be based on the size of the kitchen. Rectangular, for example, is not suitable for a small kitchen. If you plan to place a kitchen table in the corner of the room, then the best solution is a square or corner option. In the examples shown as an example, it can be seen that this table does not take up much space and allows you to accommodate a family of 3-4 people.
But if on the idea of a folding table should be located in the center of the kitchen, that is, it makes sense to look at the round and oval models. Such a table minimizes the possibility of injuries if the house has children. And it is convenient for him to seat guests - there is enough space for everyone.
It looks interesting semi-circular table. Possessing all the advantages of round and oval, it densely adjoins the wall - just what is needed in a tight space.
Read also: Folding dining table: types and functionality
How important is it to choose the color of a folding kitchen table
When decorating the kitchen, color plays a very important role. Too dark colors can oppress, contribute to poor appetite. And too bright - with time will start to irritate. Let the main will be two or three colors, close to each other in tonality. Well, if it's natural shades.
In small rooms, light colors visually add height and volume. But to give the interior the dynamics, you can select individual elements in more daring color solutions. For example, a table by color can be combined with pots for flowers, a vase, a chandelier.
Want something original, then pay attention to the folding design table for the kitchen. However, it should not break out of the general interior mood - the main harmony. It is interesting to look at color tables, as well as models with photo printing on the table top - they can become a real decoration of any kitchen.
We hope that we helped to choose a folding kitchen table for your house. Even if you have a small kitchen, it can be arranged with maximum comfort for all members of the family. Then eating and simple gatherings will bring only positive emotions.