The dwelling of a convinced bachelor is brutal, charismatic, and, contrary to the speculation of envious persons, does not at all resemble a "den". This is a place where there is everything necessary for a normal life, where it is not a shame to bring a woman, to spend time with friends. Often a single citizen lives in a one-room, two-room apartment, less often - a spacious penthouse on the top floor of a local skyscraper. About how the design of an apartment for a bachelor looks, the principles of arrangement of each of the rooms, the present "man's" decor and furniture, read further.
Choice of style, color scheme
In bachelor apartments there are unacceptable hints of romanticism - ryushechki, kruzhavchiki, pink flowers, plush rabbits and stuff. Rare amateur aesthetes decorate the interior in the Baroque or Provence style, but this is more an exception than the rule. Since the apartment belongs to one person, it completely reflects its interests and hobbies. Billiard room, jacuzzi in the middle of the bedroom, an extensive bar or motorcycle in the living room - any design ideas are acceptable here.
The bachelor's dwelling is most often issued in the following styles:
- loft;
- industrial;
- high tech;
- brutalism;
- modern;
- minimalism;
- modern;
- Scandinavian;
- futurism.
One of the simplest styles. There almost no any decorations, bright colors. The walls are concrete, and if there are wallpapers, then monochrome. The floor - wooden or bulk, necessarily dark, the ceiling is most often made of plasterboard. Furniture is quite appropriate made by own hands from euro pallets or welded from iron fittings. The color spectrum is predominantly black-gray-white. In the bedroom there will be only a large double bed, a narrow hanger. If there are a lot of things, then behind the screen there will be a dressing room, in which clothes, shoes, skis, a vacuum cleaner, an iron are stored. When the bedroom is spacious, here they equip a sports corner - a simulator or bench with a bar, a pull bar, a Swedish wall and so on. The living room accommodates a large sofa, TV, on one of the walls, if desired, post wallpaper with a picture of the cityscape, cars. If this is a kitchen-living room, then the kitchen space is separated by a bar rack, a screen, a rack. Traditional cupboards are inappropriate here. The set in the kitchen is chosen strict, simple forms, without any decor. In the bathroom and toilet are also only the most necessary, from the functional decor - metal towel racks, a pair of the same soap dishes, detergents for washing and cleaning are hidden behind the screen under the bathroom. In the hallway there is a large mirror, a compact built-in wardrobe.
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All furniture should be placed along the walls so that the center of the room is free.
Loft подразумевает много свободного места, как можно меньше стен. В закрытом помещении будет только санузел, а также кладовка-гардеробная, куда будет складываться практически все. Материал стен – необработанный кирпич, преимущественно красный, декоративный камень также приветствуется. Пол бетонный или дощатый, на потолке ничем не прикрытые балки или фальшбалки, окна самые большие, панорамные и никаких штор – максимум металлические жалюзи. Все имеющиеся трубы также не маскируются, а наоборот, подчеркиваются, окрашиваясь в стальные либо медные тона. Мебель спальни добротная, деревянная или с элементами из металла, старинная или «под старину» — максимально удобная кровать, большой дубовый шкаф, кованый сундук для всяких мелочей. В гостиной – большой кожаный диван, черного или коричневого цвета, со стороны кухни – обширный бар с имитацией камина, барная стойка, объединенная с подоконником. В столовой зоне овальный стол на толстых ножках, крепкие, удобные стулья. Ванная также оформлена «под старину», особенно это заметно при взгляде на медные или латунные краны, трубы. Прихожая оформляется большим зеркалом в тяжелой раме, которое приставляется к стене.
If the windows are not too large, but there is a possibility to increase them, then this should be done.
High tech
There is also practically nothing that is superfluous. Home appliances built-in, furniture - transformable, modular, multifunctional. Windows and doors are sliding, materials are preferable natural. The luminaires are hidden, and everything is appropriate from the decor, but in small quantities - statues, paintings, even a telescope by the window in the living room.
Bedroom furniture - a bed and a dressing room, hiding behind the mirrored sliding doors. In the living room is a mirror or chrome-plated ceiling, a sofa, the largest TV set. Photo wallpapers with motorcycles, cars, industrial landscapes will be very appropriate. The dining area is located between the kitchen and the living room, everything is decorated in gray, white, sometimes brown, and there are a lot of steel parts.
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The floors in the rooms are wooden or laminated, in the kitchen, in the bathroom - from natural or artificial stone, tiles. Kitchen set implies the presence of a large amount of metal, glass. If business meetings are planned in the apartment, for example, with business partners, then a round or rectangular table is placed in the living room, several comfortable chairs that are in harmony with the sofa.
Modern style
The project of modern interior design implies the maximum functionality of each square meter of the apartment. With the help of different ceiling heights, podiums on the floor, the color of walls, partitions, furniture, the space of a bachelor studio apartment is zoned in a certain way:
- bed, sofa on the podium;
- a higher ceiling above the center of the living room, the lower one in the bedroom;
- several levels of the ceiling in the bathroom, to accommodate the original lighting;
- The dining area is separated from the kitchen, the bedrooms are photowalled on the walls;
- hallway or wardrobe fence wardrobe, shelving.
Modern style не предполагает много мебели, тем более что человек живет один. В гостиной отсутствуют стеллажи, шкафы, но приветствуется наличие множества полок, могут присутствовать отдельные яркие элементы декора, но основная гамма черно-белая, сине-серая, в коричневых оттенках. Главное здесь – удобство. Диван на полкомнаты, фальш-камин, парочка тренажеров, «игровая» зона с компьютером или подиум с барабанной установкой. Модульная кровать, постеры на стенах в спальне, несколько пуфов в холле, рядом со штангой для одежды. В санузле – душевая кабинка или просторная угловая ванна. Кухня просторная, мебели в ней немного, все необходимое скрывается в секциях кухонного диванчика.
Materials, methods of decoration
Finishing materials are chosen long-lasting, mainly natural, but suitable for stylistics premises, most often used:
- natural wood;
- stone - real or artificial;
- various metals;
- clear, frosted glass;
- brick, concrete;
- decorative plasters;
- wallpaper, wallpaper;
- gypsum board, PVC.
The apartment should be first and foremost cozy, and the idea of comfort for everyone is different. Someone needs a "home" wallpaper on the walls, combined with gentle colors of stretch ceilings and laminate floors. Another will have to taste the bare brick walls, rough thick beams under the ceiling, stone floors.
Small rooms with windows facing north are decorated in warm, light colors, spacious "southern" - in cold, dark.
Через большие окна в дневное время суток проникает достаточно света, в остальное же потребуется включить электричество. Lighting спальни выбирается приглушенное, если рядом расположен рабочий кабинет, то над столом свет требуется яркий. Для квартиры-студии предусматривается общее верхнее освещение, локальное, которое выделяет различные зоны, декоративное. Светильники для тесной квартиры выбираются встроенные, плоские, для более просторной, с высокими потолками подойдут более объемные люстры, бра, иногда — торшеры. Светодиодная подсветка кухонного гарнитура, гардеробной, ванной комнаты смотрится красиво, а если ее пустить еще и понизу, то создастся впечатление «парящей» в воздухе мебели.
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The smaller the room, the lower the ceiling in it, the more brightly it should be illuminated.
Bachelor furniture - what it is
Furniture for a single man - simple, strict, but strong, sound. Such as to withstand the holiday invasions of friends and girlfriends. Glass, plastic are acceptable if the apartment is not too abused alcohol, otherwise the risk of injury is high. The most "men's" furniture is made from solid wood - oak, mahogany, pine, walnut, and is complemented by forged elements. Individual firms produce complete lines of furniture, stylized specifically for men's themes. There is a bed in the form of a steamer, a desk resembling a car body, a sofa that can be easily transformed into a simulator. The living room will be decorated with a coffee table in the form of a beer barrel, as well as a carved hanger for clothes in the form of a female figure, made with her own hands.
Selection of men's decor, textiles
Textiles in the bachelor "den" are present in the form of curtains, carpets, bedspreads and are chosen mainly in dark colors:
- the black;
- терракотовый;
- blue;
- purple;
- burgundy;
- graphite;
- dark green.
These colors often combine with more neutral colors - gray, white, beige. Drawing on textiles will be photo printing in neutral colors, simple geometric shapes, stripes. If bright colors are present on any one textile drapery, then they should be repeated on the other. From the décor, depending on the preferences, the host's hobby is acceptable, indoor plants and an aquarium with fish are acceptable, a sea of books on all available planes and pictures of local artists in frames, portraits of a favorite dog on the shelves and a collection of rare antique knives above the bar, electric guitar on the wall and sculpture, welded from the remains of a car.
The description of a modern bachelor's house is not at all similar to what it seemed to be literally ten or twenty years ago. Then it was believed that a lonely living man is unable to maintain order independently, not "littering" the house. Times have changed, the latest models of household appliances are able to remove dust on the floor by themselves, wash clothes and dishes, cook almost all basic dishes according to the instructions. Any interior style is easy to decorate with your own hands, and if this is problematic - you can always turn to professional designers.