When a person purchases a one-room small apartment, he thinks: how to equip it so that the kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom are located? This question is especially acute if the apartment is tiny - only 23-25 sq. M. This room will suit a married couple without children, a student, for temporary residence of the mother with children.
The undoubted advantages of a small apartment:
- the organization of a full-fledged repair will require much less time, effort, building materials than for the improvement of a more spacious room;
- costs for "extra" things, items, accessories will be significantly reduced - they simply have nowhere to store;
- payment for utilities will also be relatively small.
To visually expand the space, use a large wall mirror, a minimum of furniture, light wallpaper. Very well, if the apartment has a heated balcony, a loggia. When combined with the main room, they will give an additional two or four meters, which are used to organize a resting place, a working mini-cabinet. To expand the kitchen "take away" a piece of the hallway, the living room is combined with the bedroom, separating from the kitchen with a narrow folding table, bar counter.
If the family living in a small apartment owns a garage or an additional small room in the basement, then everything is stored there unnecessary - a table-book, in case of large-scale reception of guests, a bicycle, a suitcase on wheels,
Stylistic direction
The styles of the design of a small apartment exist the same as the large ones:
- classic - the interior is decorated with gray, brown, bronze, beige tones, luxurious draperies;
- minimalism is the very minimum of objects. The colors are bright or bright, contrasting, matte. The decor is almost absent, the furniture is maximally functional, inside of which everything is superfluous;
- Scandinavian - a lot of natural light, white and pastel shades, natural materials;
- hi-tech - an abundance of chrome-plated metal, glass, shiny surfaces, built-in appliances. On the windows - shiny blinds, on the walls - black and white photos in the frames;
- loft - perfect for a mansard floor. Walls with brickwork or its imitation, deliberately underlined water pipes, radiators for heating, open ceiling beams;
- Provence - wooden floors, linen bedspreads, wicker furniture, panels of natural materials on the walls, mat on the floor. Very "in the subject" will have floral prints;
- fusion - a mixture of many styles. It should be used with care, in moderation, so as not to clutter up space.
Baroque style for a close studio does not fit - it involves excessively bulky furniture, accessories.
It is not recommended to demolish and remodel the bearing walls independently - this threatens to collapse the entire structure.
Color Solutions
The more light colors used in design, the more spacious it seems a small apartment. The sleeping area is decorated with pastel tones - there must be a quiet atmosphere, which is favorable for falling asleep. You should also be guided by your own feelings - one "lulls" the black and brown color, another violet, the third - woody. Bright colors are only allowed as decor elements.
Carpets in any part of the studio prefer monophonic - so they do not "hide" the space. You can lay the whole flat with a plain laminate, and the middle of the living room, the bedroom, the hallway, with rugs of various colors.
If there are not enough windows, the position will be rescued by 3D stickers with their image - many firms produce them as large as a real window, realistic pictures-landscapes behind such a window.
Zoning Space
An apartment of a limited area zoning is not as difficult as it seems. The kitchen can be combined with the living room, which at night becomes a bedroom, and the sleeping plane is conveniently located above the desk where the laptop is located.
The breakdown into zones is:
- folding screens;
- through shelving;
- Japanese curtains;
- decorative gratings;
- height of the ceiling, floor;
- cupboard, table;
- with the help of light;
- glass, gipsokartonnymi partitions;
- different colors, textures.
A square or rectangular studio is the easiest to plan. Conveniently U-shaped zoning with different floor heights. In this case, on the one hand, there will be a kitchen on the podium, with a sleeping place on the opposite side, between them there is a small dining area, a bathroom is closer to the exit. In the room of an asymmetric configuration, you can apply a variety of non-standard solutions - a bedroom or a study in the bay window, a child on a loggia or in a niche, a kitchen work desk that is a continuation of a wide window sill.
The layout of the studio for a single person: a rectangular room, to the right of the entrance - a combined bathroom, left hanger. Along the right wall is a kitchen set with a bar counter, a refrigerator, a gas cooker, a washing machine. Left - folding sofa, corner cabinet. The window in front is decorated with a wide window sill. Above the window and the sofa are pendant lockers.
Kitchen-living room
The kitchen area will occupy almost the entire one wall - a sink, an oven, a hob, a washing machine, an extractor, a refrigerator. All equipment is acquired narrow, small-sized, built-in. The space for cooking and eating is shared by the bar counter. Kitchen utensils, utensils store in a high cabinet-pencil case, mini-sofa, with built-in sections. It is important to install a powerful hood in the kitchen so that smells do not spread. The dining area is easy to place on a loggia or insulated balcony - then the table top is mounted where there was a balcony window with a door. The TV is placed on the living room wall, an acoustic system, and other similar attributes - on shelves, under or above it. In the corners put high lockers. A wardrobe separates the bedroom from the living room, but more often it is replaced by a floor-standing hanger of the necessary size, a chest of drawers for laundry.
Read also: Design of a two-room apartment raspashki: 5 variants of redevelopment
The area of the window sills should be used to the maximum - if the window is located in the kitchen area, then put a microwave, electric kettle, toaster. On the window in the living room will accommodate books, CDs with movies, a hand sewing machine, a house for a domestic cat.
Место для сна выделяют подиумом, ширмой или даже балдахином. Там ставят кровать или складной диван. Если в квартире предполагается проживание двух человек, то для них вполне подойдет двухъярусная кровать. Для семейной пары такой вариант не приемлем. В случае, когда высота потолка составляет не менее чем три метра, рассматривают вариант двухуровневого пространства – внизу высокий встроенный шкаф, рабочий стол, наверху – спальное место двух-трех человек. Для подъема на второй «этаж» используют складную или приставную лестницу. Bedroom отлично обустраивается на лоджии или в нише.
For the organization of the bedroom-children's room is chosen the brightest, warmest corner. The room is separated by a screen, for an older child a crib is made on the "second floor" - above its working or playing place. To sleep parents in these cases can on a sofa in the living room, combined with the kitchen.
От прихожей желательно отказаться почти полностью, выделив только место, где можно разуться, повесить верхнюю одежду. Corridor от основного помещения отделяют шкафом, который повернут «спинкой» к двери, на этой плоскости крепят вешалки для одежды, небольшие полочки для обуви. Встроенный шкаф также устанавливают в коридорной нише, если таковая имеется. Оригинально смотрится зонирование прихожей с помощью напольного покрытия – контрастного по цвету ковра, ламината, плитки. По возможности, миниатюрную прихожую отделяют раздвижной дверью. Это весьма полезно, когда квартира не очень теплая – дверь послужит дополнительной защитой от холода с улицы. Текстильные занавески, матовое стекло, витражи, металлические перегородки с плазменной перфорацией – отличное решение. Lighting коридора должно быть достаточным не только для того, чтобы снять ботинки и пальто, но и нормального причесывания, нанесения макияжа. Положение спасет специальное гримировочное зеркало с яркой подсветкой по периметру. На коридор выделяется не более 1,5-2 м. кв.
Bathroom and toilet are most practical to unite, allocating for them no more than 3.5 square meters. m. In another option, a toilet is allocated up to 1.5 m. closed space, and instead of a bathroom put a shower. The corner booth saves a lot of space, like a miniature bath - triangular or shortened. Specificity of the bathroom is that it can be located only in a certain place of the apartment - near the "riser". The washbasin here is also preferable to the corner, miniature, if you have a bath from it you can completely refuse. The device of a warm floor in a bathroom will serve as additional heating of an apartment - there is not enough space for volumetric batteries.
Read also: Design of a two-room apartment - planning and interior (50 photos)
Competent arrangement of furniture
Zoning the space of limited footage is possible with the help of furniture - it is preferred narrow. Relatively low objects divide the room, high - set along the walls. All possible pieces of furniture are made folding or folding. No cumbersome tables, massive armchairs - they only "steal" an already limited space.
The closet-bed is a wonderful acquisition. At the time of sleep, it is a bed, and in the daytime the sleeping plane rises without taking up unnecessary space. A sofa bed at night will serve as a bedroom, being a day as a compact place to relax. Angular folding sofa perfectly fits in the small studio, decorating it. Furniture with wheels is very convenient - the bed folds in the afternoon, "leaves" for the night in the center of the room. In closed shelves place almost all things, so as not to clutter the space. A good solution is racks with built-in mirrors. The mirror in itself visually creates space, high racks are roomy storage space.
It is desirable to furnish all or most of its furniture, to choose one color, similar in shape and style. High furniture visually saves space - roomy cabinets to the ceiling, bar counter with high chairs, "loft" bed.
When there is a lack of natural light, artificial should be taken care of twice - an abundance of light visually expand the room. The backlight is selected local - for each zone its own, as well as the total, adjustable brightness. In the "sleepy" zone do dim dim light - ceiling lights, special plafonds, sconces. For the kitchen, a contoured illumination is suitable, combined with common ceiling lighting. Dense curtains visually reduce space, because they are replaced by blinds or roller blinds, located close to the glass. This will effectively use the area of the windowsills.
The work area should be well lit - enough to fully read, write, work on the laptop. In the presence of a nursery, it should be very light in the day, and before going to bed a night light with an ambient light sensor is activated.
When developing a studio design, measuring 23 "square", it is taken into account who will live in it and how long. Ideally, this room is suitable for singles, temporarily and less comfortably there will accommodate even two or three people. Such an interior combines compactness with comfort, originality with multifunctionality, this is a fundamentally new format of housing. The problem of tightness is solved competently selected furniture, zoning, minimizing the number of decorative finishes.