Today, regulars of our portal will learn to use captured furniture and constantly changing contemporary art as the decor of an ordinary family nest.
Living in Amsterdam artist Highland Mather and members of his family have long been accustomed to dragging home various things found on the street. Some of them are useful on the farm, and some are not. It depends on two main criteria: the presence of personal meaning and compatibility with the rest of the situation.
The main personal meaning of the home is expressed through works of art that the owner of the house has accumulated during his twenty years of work in the art world. And the compatibility can be seen in the organic "friendship" of the handmade table with building pallets or chairs, found at the construction site, pulled out of the garbage can.
Who lives here: Highland Mather is his wife Malia Mather (knitting designer) and their son Addison. Location: Amsterdam, Size: 90 square meters, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom.
On the painted gray drawing-room there is a whole wall with selected works of modernity. And the table top of the coffee table consists of different parts found in building debris, carefully ground, oiled and connected together.
Highland and Malia wanted together to give a second life to certain subjects, which, in their opinion, too early, in their opinion, were discarded as unnecessary.
Mather visited the world art gallery in the mid-nineties, now op tries to recreate such a wall of art, posting works of some of his favorite artists, for example, Evan Nesoch and Fayle.
Own work of Highland differ freedom of thought, originality, uniqueness, which he draws from the game of colors and textures, until he feels that he created a character.
Many of the drawings were found on the site of Battalion, where Mather created his own page.

In the center of the apartment is a very comfortable and spacious couch, which on cold winter days in Amsterdam is covered with a large number of warm blankets and pillows.
Along the entire perimeter of the living room is an original racking system that shows a rotating collection of all collected items and details.
Such a decision may not appeal to people who love stability and do not understand the constant flurry in their eyes, but it is this change of impressions that inspires the owner of the house, since he believes that the life cycle will never end.

Almost all the chairs in the apartment are found on the street. Here are collected such rarities as the school classic seats of the middle of the century, the later Danish stools of the 60s and other specimens, completely organically getting along with each other.
One of Mather's most beloved art works is the violin-playing black and white silhouette of the androgen angel, which is called the "Classical Violin". The author of this work is Black Le Ret, who is recognized as the greatest master of absolute silhouettes.
In the kitchen, the family has a favorite dining table made of natural wood, for which it is collected for lunch or dinner. The walls are decorated with old kitchen utensils, and on a simple shelf are pots and pans. This approach, according to the owners, allows you to save space and contribute to the development of appetite.

A suitable place for housing was searched with great difficulty, because Mather, first of all, was looking for clean lines and high windows in the living room.
Therefore, when the apartment was still found, family members were so happy that they did not undertake repairs for some time to feel that they had indeed found their own house in which they could organize exactly the space that would suit them all.
They gradually got used to the idea that the dream they had long cherished, therefore, despite the rather gloomy initial situation, repairs did not begin immediately.

Maser's favorite place is the brown leather chair where he works, reads, thinks. This chair belonged to the father of the artist, so the whole family knows that it is forbidden to occupy it.

The most expensive painting, a portrait of artist Amanda Marie's painting "Face to Face with Your True Nature", hangs over the couple's bed. The rack, which also fits in the bedroom, Mather, as always found on the street.
All the wooden objects decorating the apartment, carefully updated and re-processed. Each of them is found a worthy place, and both spouses are proud that they are engaged in such a noble cause. They can not pass by a thing that is capable of attaining a second chance at life. If at least some people decided to repeat their experience, there would be much less trash on the streets of the city.

The maser rests on the couch with Addison.