The choice of the color design of the living room is the main and most important stage, from which further design and overall perception of the room will depend in the future.
- The meaning of color in the interior of the room
- Working with color
- Some secrets of color perception
- We place the accents
The meaning of color in the interior of the room
The color of the walls in the living room plays a big role, because the room itself performs several functions at once: it also serves as a room for rest, and a guest room and a bedroom in small apartments. Dimensions of the living room do not always allow you to realize all the design ideas, but with the help of color visually adjust the space, zoning it - it becomes possible.
Color can do even the most modest repair - bright, stylish and comfortable. To do this, it is enough to choose the actual gamma in this year and correctly beat it in the interior.
Color design - a whole direction, which has its own rules, canons and foundations.
After reviewing samples of the design of rooms in popular catalogs, you can see that the very colors of the walls are quite simple and laconic, without metallic, luminescent, holographic and other effects, but their combinations are real art, which creates the entire style and mood of the room.
Working with color
A rich palette of colors and shades is often taken by surprise and makes you think about how to choose the right color of the walls in the living room. After all, this is the room in which all members of the family, as well as relatives and acquaintances, gather, rest, spend a lot of time. And psychologically comfortable, cozy in the living room should be everyone.
Everyone knows that there are two palettes of primary colors and shades: warm and cold.
The warm are:
- red;
- Orange;
- beige;
- теракакота;
- yellow.
The cold palette includes:
- blue;
- blue;
- purple;
- green and their derivatives.
Any colors somehow influence the psyche: warm shades - excite it, increase the mood, tone, even appetite, and cold - pacify. Therefore, to select the color range of the living room is necessary, based on the temperaments of his family. In a family of choleric people, for example, it is preferable to make out a room in a cold scale, and in a melancholic family - in a warm one, so that the color of the walls balances with temperament and evokes a feeling of comfort.
In addition, the same color, depending on the lighting, can look both warm and cold. This, as well as modern trends in the choice of color is not necessary, but it is desirable to consider, wanting to get the most satisfying to all the needs of the result.
Of no small importance is not only the lighting, but also the texture of the material in which the finish is made. Matte colors look strictly glossy surfaces - more elegant, besides, they reflect the sun's rays and make the room visually - more spacious. And the relief surface deepens the perception of color, it seems more saturated.
Some secrets of color perception
Depending on many factors (shape, distance, lighting, relief), our perception of this or that color is changing. So:
- The warm colors of the walls make the room visually more compact, and the cooler - spacious;
- the saturated colors of furniture and other objects make them more approximate to each other, and pale, pastel - distant;
- A light ceiling against the background of dark walls will appear higher;
- too high a ceiling can visually "lower", if, for example, tighten it with a glossy pvc-film;
- dark furniture, located along the side walls, will help visually compress the space along the width;
- room with windows to the north side, will become "warmer" if you paint the walls in warm colors;
- "Cool" the living room with windows facing south, will be able to cool shades of color palette;
- in a room with oriental windows it is better to use muffled, soft shades, otherwise in the rays of the rising sun bright colors will become even more flashy and aggressive;
- in the living room with the western windows, the cool shades that will "warm up" and "come to life" during the sunset will organically look.

We place the accents
The color of the walls in the living room combined with the kitchen is not the only object of color. Colors also have floor, ceiling, furniture, textiles and decor elements. And the task of the designer-colorist or the owner of the apartment, which independently is engaged in repair in the living room - competently combine several colors in one room.
So, if in the living room it is planned to make a dark floor, then the color of furniture must necessarily be a few tones lighter.
In no case can not combine in the interior design of one room (especially a small footage) more than five colors. It is a design mauveton, which, moreover, is very colorful and tasteless.
If we are talking about shades of the same color, for example: coffee, milk chocolate, beige, coffee with milk, then their variations in the interior can be much larger.
Bright interiors, in order not to look flat, need bright details of contrasting colors. For example, in the interior of the white living room, a stylish brown sofa with orange or light green cushions will look very stylish.
In addition, refresh the hospital white walls can be with linen curtains, curtains, tablecloths and upholstery furniture in champagne or cream-pink.
If the furniture in the room is dark, then drapery is better to choose light shades. And to emphasize the richness of dark wood species and the depth of their color can be with the help of metal fittings and glass accessories. For example, a glass table on the background of an oak sofa with a coffee-colored upholstery.
As for the bright shades of furniture, they directly depend on the style in which the interior of the living room is made, as well as on the individual preferences of its owner. As a rule, bright pieces of furniture are typical for hi-tech and pop art styles.
The choice of colors for painting walls in the living room is a responsible and important event that requires certain knowledge (color, combinatorial, psychology), thinking and planning. Careful selection of the color scheme of the living room will take a lot of time and effort, but the final result will give a lot of positive emotions and delight.