Which bed to choose for a girl in the bedroom? What kind of lamp, carpet, wallpaper and so on to choose? So many questions come immediately to mind when decorating a child, and how much more will come? With an incredible number of problems, parents face the birth of a child and during his growing up, some solve problems with the help of a professional, and some try themselves. That's just for the second, and we collected these inspirational ideas for the children's room for the girl.
Muted green tones
The upper floor of this house in West London is entirely dedicated to children, and the bedroom decoration for the girl was done in subdued green tones. The skill of the designer Hugh Leslie can be seen in every detail: in small niches lined with wooden panels, there is a bed, and behind it - a spacious built-in wardrobe.
Dancing stars
A scattering of black stars flickers on the walls and window shutters in this modern children's bedroom. These stars are especially noticeable against the backdrop of a bright shade of shutters. Stars can be replaced with animal tracks - they can be painted on the floor and furniture.
Circus as a source of inspiration
In this children's bedroom, inspired by a circus theme, designer William Yeword was able to add a hand-painted hand-painted wardrobe in the form of a tent. A wonderful chest of drawers, a bed and a bedside bench make up an ideally harmonious interior.
Эта детская спальня со съемной горкой, коллекцией подушек на верхнем уровне и занавесками с веселым принтом, оформленная фирмой Violet & George Interiors — воплощенная мечта любого ребенка.
Funny shapes, like this bed with a frame in the form of a house - a modern variation of the bed with a frame for the canopy. Since the furniture is painted in a neutral color, it does not hurt to add bright touches with the help of bedding and a variety of accessories.
Combination of orange and blue
Если и есть два решения для беспроигрышного оформления детской комнаты — это красочная цветовая гамма и забавная отделка. Для покраски стен этой детской спальни была использована краска Farrow & Ball, экологичная и совершенно безопасная как для оформления детских комнат, так и игрушек. В качестве необычной мебели было использовано подвесное кресло — действительно роскошный элемент интерьера детской спальни..
Time for games
This charming play area in the form of a mini-gallery is located on the upper level of the children's bedroom, directly above the bathroom.
Beautiful pattern
The combination of cotton fabric and small checkered pattern is the charm of this children's bedroom, designed by designer Edward Balmer. And there is also a miniature sofa and a window seat for comfortable reading.
Warehouse for toys
Designer Bunny Turner came up with a great place to store toys - a green ottoman at the foot of the bed. However, in a capacious box, located under a soft quilted lid, you can store anything. The ottoman in the photo, for example, is used as a stylish chest of drawers and storage for gymnastic supplies.
Little Owl
Unfortunately, it's not always easy to see things with the help of which the interior of the children's bedroom will become truly unique. In the case of the bedroom in the photo, the designer was lucky: he was able to find this wonderful rug in the form of an owl. Perhaps you will find something equally interesting.
Dream with mezzanine
This cute children's bedroom, created by designer Trine Miller, performs a dual function: creates an incredibly interesting zone for games and places enough storage space for toys - so much that almost all of them are hidden from the eyes.
Corrugated wood panels
В этой детской спальне предостаточно места для хранения вещей и столько же решений по эффективной организации пространства. Кроме того, в оформлении спальни использовано и несколько очаровательных штрихов, как вот этот настенный светильник в виде грибов-поганок. Corrugated wood panels и гипсовые стены стали элементом оформления не только детской спальни, но и дома в целом.
High ceilings
In this children's bedroom in a Venetian house, high, trimmed with quilted upholstery, the front headboards emphasize the height of the ceilings with painted ceiling beams.
Head of bed with quilted upholstery
Designer Samantha Todhunter created the design of this children's bedroom, combining this stunning original bed in the form of a sofa with a high quilted back with magnificent curtains with floral prints, funny prints and a zebra mat.
Lovely curtains
The decoration of this children's bedroom shows a combination of many drawings and patterns. Particularly noticeable is the picture with a festive dress in a frame over an improvised fireplace and curtains made of cotton with a funny drawing.
On the seventh sky
Designer Henry Fitzwilliam-Lei divided the walls into two zones, creating an impressive, conspicuous effect with the help of a bright pattern of clouds in the upper part of the walls and a muted pattern of wallpaper at the bottom.
Safe sleep
In this children's bedroom, designer Hugh Leslie not only created a luxurious color scheme of primary colors and graphic designs, but also designed the front and side panels for the bed with soft upholstery so that the child, no matter how twisted in his sleep, was deprived of even the slightest opportunity to get hurt.
A key condition for modern children's bedrooms is the combination of quality design (which would be envied by any adult) and strokes that children will surely like: for example, bright colors and toys at hand.
Purple Kingdom
Prints in the style of pop art and original ideas (for example, the inscription in French over the bookshelves) make this bedroom for the girl and interesting and fun, and incredibly stylish.
Vintage Pink
The style of this children's bedroom resonates with the motives of the 1920s: wallpapers with prints in the form of withered roses, an original image of a flower on the wall and a shimmering chandelier.