To carry out a successful design of a bathroom in a panel house means to be able to accommodate in an extremely small space everything that is necessary for a comfortable family life. As a rule, in the panel houses the rooms for the toilet and the bathtub are not combined, but even if the partition between them is demolished during the repair, the total area will still be very modest.
Save space
Step one - we demolish the partition.
To successfully accommodate the necessary elements, while retaining the aesthetics, it is better to demolish the partition between the toilet / bathroom. Traditionally in the panel house they go brick in the thickness of the half of the brick, and even such a wall does not exist. From this conclusion - most cases do not involve coordination in the Bureau of Technical Inventory of this project. We remove the partition, so we get a room, let it be small, but suitable for arrangement. And with the use of creative approach, a certain percentage of wit, then from this square of uninhabited area really build a real five-star bath.
Step two - we close the window in the kitchen with the mind
The design of the renovated lavatory does not imply a window into the kitchen, previously used for ventilation and additional lighting. It looked very ridiculous before, and now it's not his place at all. But this opening, if properly closed from the kitchen, can serve as an excellent small niche for all kinds of tubes, jars and other necessary cosmetic moments. A washing machine is the place to be just under the niche.
See also: Bathroom design 4 sq. M - modern interior
We put the basic plumbing in the corners
Step one - throw out the old bathroom. If you do not want to completely abandon the bathroom, it is better to equip a corner version with a deep wash basin, which simultaneously serves as a shower and a small bath.
Step two - change the toilet. The second corner, from the same wall with which the shower cubicle is installed, is equipped with a toilet. Most likely, this wall is opposite to the entrance. If the basic plumbing is placed this way, it will be a little troublesome with sewage. As for the toilet model, that is now corner models that occupy little space. And there is - with a tank-sink, where the water after washing your hands goes into the tank. This is an economical option, but you will often need to clean the drain tank of the designated type. Above the toilet there are shelves in the form of a niche. Such shelves can be made by yourself, but can be ordered from the master.
Attention, this is a traditionally wet room in which molds and harmful fungi like to grow and develop. Arrange for ventilation.
The third corner - the opposite to the oblique toilet bowl, can be equipped either for a dressing table, or for a huge towel on the whole wall. But here it depends on the needs of the family. Under the coil we set the sink. Some refuse it, but in vain. Over time, the shortage of this element is felt very strongly. Under the coil on the top of the sink can be made a continuous mirror surface - it looks interesting. Coils are of two types:
- coil working from water;
- electric coils.
Water works constantly when the hot water is turned on, but the electric will start to work when connected to the network and given the appropriate command. Therefore, this option is more economical. As for aesthetics, water coils can be non-standard, and if they are ordered for an individual drawing, they will add exotic - the design will become unusual. There is another kind - a combined coil, which can work on electricity and hot water.
See also: Options for laying tiles in the bathroom
Ceramic tile
The interior design of the bathroom in the panel house is not only a selection of quality sanitary ware and its wise layout, but also the choice of a good tile. Good - not necessarily expensive, but rather suitable. Bathroom design is creative work. Tile serves for the master as well as paints for the artist - the right choice of texture and color palette will be the key to the most interesting outcome.
Now the market offers many European and domestic. European is of three types: red, blue and green markings. The degree of anti-skid corresponds to the number. Red is considered the best, and green is the third grade. It does not say, they say, tile is bad, it's just more likely to slip. But glazed double firing for the floor does not fit - it's a wall-mounted version. For savings, you can skip places behind the shower, but, accordingly, covering them with waterproofing, because the bare concrete screed is a wonderful soil for the growth of the fungus.
Concrete screed, which is made for tile, should be treated with an antifungal mixture!
In a panel house that has stood for decades, a lot of pests live, which germinate immediately on the onset of more or less favorable conditions, so the antifungal treatment of the bath and toilet rooms is just as important as the timely replacement of other elements of the sewage system.
We increase space visually
The bathroom in the panel house is quite small, even if all the elements fit correctly, it will not look free. But there is a way out! Mirrors plus LEDs. Any niche will look more interesting if it comes out to equip it with LED lighting. This is an economy of electricity (such lamps take a minuscule of energy) while creating an illusion of space. And if the back wall of the niches is made mirror, then the effect of a light tunnel will be obtained. In general, white color is a priority for small rooms. But not in the pure state. If the walls are purely light, and the floor for a couple of tones is darker and with impregnations of another, darker shade - this is an ideal variant of the interior.
See also: Tile for the toilet: examples of design Very nice look interspersions of the color in which the basic plumbing is made. For example, the shower cubicle is steel. Inclusions in bright floor tiles should be done the same. It will look great. The panels are not better than the cardinally different color - a clear edging of the small room will make this defect even more noticeable. You will get a kind of frame. It's nice to visually separate the zones. For example, the walls and the floor near the toilet bowl lay out a small square tile-mosaic. Yes, it is not the most budgetary, but the repair is not done for two years.
Bathroom design - 10 turn-by-turn items
Each element of the bathroom should be in harmony with others - this is the only option to keep a decent appearance with a tangible lack of squares. Even if all plumbing and equipment are successfully placed in the corners, and storage shelves - in the form of a tier that does not occupy much space, still the result without the initial project with a step-by-step distribution is not ideal. Every centimeter is important here and there is a risk that if you do not comply with the drawing norms, you simply can not accommodate all the relying ones, so you should follow each step:
- We demolish the wall between the toilet / bathroom.
- We execute the drawing with the distribution of each centimeter after the measurement of the resulting area.
- We demolish all the old pipes, we bring in new ones.
- We rewrite the wiring, including installing spotlights.
- We treat every millimeter with an antifungal agent.
- We distribute the basic plumbing equipment - shower cubicle, toilet bowl, sink.
- We lay out the tile, after having treated the walls again with an antifungal agent.
- We let the tile dry.
- We install basic plumbing.
- We decorate small decorative elements.
On average, self-repair of a bathroom in a panel apartment with a separate bathroom with a demolition of the partition will take from two weeks to one and a half months. But with a planned calculation, this is an achievable task, so that the most intricate design of the bathroom is realized, it is just worth starting.