Every morning, preparing food and going to work, you do not want to spend a lot of time searching for the right things. All that needs to be done is simply to organize the space in the house correctly. It will be pleasant not only to you, but also to the family, as chaos and disorder will disappear.
We offer simple ideas that will allow more time to be released. And believe me, in the morning you will have time to have a cup of coffee!
Order on her most worried about a woman, since she is the mistress of the house and the keeper of the hearth. But sometimes it's so hard to find the right things, and, after all, dinner is not cooked in time.
Conduct an inventory in the kitchen cabinets, discard all the old boxes for food storage. Consider installing a shelf, or drawer, as shown in the photo below. It contains knives, spices and other commonly used items.

What are you storing in the closet ?! Many people think that they are designed to hide all unnecessary things. Not true! If there will be all laid out on the shelves, then it's not a shame to open it with guests. And there will be less time spent searching for clothes and shoes.
If you have a large pantry or a high pencil case, use storage boxes to sort out things and store them. They can be signed, and then you will see what lies there and will not have to be extracted and opened by everyone. By the way, this method is also convenient for seasonal clothes.

Organization as a decoration
Optimization of space can look like a part of the interior. In the hallway under the stairs make a rack. There, guests can leave their jackets, backpacks, shoes.

In the room, put bookshelves to store your favorite trinkets, books, photographs. All these little things will help your relatives stay organized, quickly find the right things, as well as save your time.

Assess the situation in the house and take into account the wishes of all who are members of the family. This will help you organize space in the house for comfortable and efficient living.