Despite urban motifs, which literally imbued with modern styles, a person still has a craving for natural, and sometimes even primitive elements. It is to this type of decor include fireplaces. Their first prototypes appeared in the Stone Age, when a man learned how to extract and maintain fire. The ancient "fireplaces" were open hearths, the flames in which were maintained for heating and cooking. No decorative function in those days, these elements are not carried. The way of life and the constant struggle for survival did not leave ancient people time to admire the beautiful. When dwellings began to acquire a more "civilized" appearance, they began to install stoves. At first they were built of stone, but already had primitive chimneys, which made it possible to protect the room from smoke and soot. Then for furnaces began to use a more modern brick, and the fireplaces began to decorate themselves with expensive apartments. In the Renaissance, they began to decorate with marble and decorate with mosaic. In large castles and fireplaces installed the appropriate. It is rumored that in the Middle Ages at the knight feasts they roasted wild boars wholly on a spit.
Varieties of decorative fireplaces
There are three main types of decorative fireplaces and one separate type:
- Biofireplaces. They work on special fuel, give a "live" fire and partially warm the room.
- Electric fireplaces. On the front panel install the screen, as in a TV that simulates the tongues of this flame. Conditionally they are classified into imitations that give heat, and functional fireplaces that are used exclusively for heating. Second models are usually not designed for decorating a room, so they are not considered as a design art object.
- Gas fireplaces. They have a real flame, they are used for additional heating of the room.
- Decorative structures that are made by themselves. Simulation of fire is achieved through the use of candles or light bulbs. Most models do not heat the room. In some cases, ekokamines are installed in an improvised focus.
By arrangement decorative fireplaces are classified into three types:
- The central ones. Installed in the middle of the room;
- Corner. Are convenient for decorating small rooms, since they do not take up much space;
- Wall-mounted. Are located at one of the walls. This type is considered the most popular.
Electric fireplaces in the interior of the apartment
Electric fireplaces are divided into three types according to the type of installation:
- The floor. The portable unit is a conventional electric oven, which is stylized as a fireplace.
- Suspended. A relatively new model, which is hung on the wall. Such variants fit in modern styles: neoclassic, modern, high-tech, minimalism.
- Built-in. They consist of a hearth and a "portal" - a box that mimics the original fireplace. Embedded models in special niches in the wall or even furniture. To distinguish them from the original at first sight is almost impossible.
Electric fireplaces do not need constant cleaning, they do not give smoke and soot. In comparison with their gas "relatives", these models are safe to operate, since they do not have a "live" fire. Models equipped with screens can boast of a picture of a dynamically moving flame.
Bio fireplaces in the interior
Bio- or ekokaminy have become a real fashionable "trend" in recent years. They do not imitate flame, but give real fire. The combustion process is not accompanied by the release of odor, smoke and soot, that is, no by-products are released into the air. This miraculous effect is achieved by using a special type of liquid fuel - denatured ethanol. During combustion, it releases water vapor and carbon dioxide. Both substances are absolutely safe for humans. The hearth is in a securely protected "nest" of stainless steel, and the intensity of the flame is regulated at will. The assortment is rich and presented as models with glass panels and elements of wood in the best traditions of eco-style, and variants "under the old days". Prices for such a technique so far slightly "bite" the purses of buyers. The constant purchase of cans with fuel, too, will involve additional costs, although ethanol is a renewable resource. Bio fireplaces are versatile and can decorate the decoration of the kitchen, living room or bedroom.
Gas fireplaces: a living fire in a city interior
Gas fireplaces at one time came to replace the wood. These units can not be called cheap, as they themselves, and their installation will be expensive. It is more convenient to install such models in apartments where central gas heating is supplied. Otherwise, you will have to purchase additional fuel in cylinders, and they in turn need to be stored somewhere. In the construction of the fireplace enters the furnace and chimney, and the ash pan is not needed. Gas fireplaces are classified into closed and open types. In the first case, the flame flares up behind a partition of refractory glass. To the chimney of the gas model requirements are less stringent than to wood fireplaces: it can be narrower and have fewer "knees". The device heats the room perfectly. Actually, their use in apartments, where conventional batteries can not cope with the main task. There is also another classification according to the number of glass walls:
- One-sided. A traditional model, where one can observe the flame only from the front;
- Two-sided. Usually, these are angular variants equipped with two glass walls;
- Three-sided. Wall models or central, built-in decorative columns, which are open to review from three angles.
Gas fireplaces do not require constant fuel throws, but its imitation usually adorns the focus to create a greater similarity to the wood-burning original.
The gas models need to be used with greater caution than the electric ones, since the former create a "living" fire. Before switching on the equipment, it is necessary to read the instructions for use.
Falsch fireplaces
An exciting process will be the creation of an exclusive fireplace yourself. In modern design, often such interior solutions are found. They can be made from plasterboard, decorative brick, plywood, polystyrene, polyurethane or plain cardboard box. Imitation of course has two drawbacks:
- Visually it can not be confused with the original, but the quality made thing will be beautiful in its uniqueness.
- The false fireplace is not suitable for heating the room. It is set exclusively for beauty. Imitations are made quickly enough, if the "box" is executed qualitatively, then the decor will last for more than one year. Also, false models are classified into three types:
- Actual. Maximum authentic imitate the original. Usually performed in a classical style with stucco or artificial stone. In the hearth, a burner or eco-fireplace of smaller dimensions is installed - a rather expensive option.
- Actual without heating. In fact, they are full-scale mock-ups. To simulate the flame, use candles.
- Conditional. Can be made from any improvised materials. This type includes even painted on the wall foci, as in the tale of Pinocchio.
Decorative false fireplace with own hands
It is possible to make imitation independently. If you do not have building skills, then resort to the simplest options, work on which is more relevant to needlework. By the way, such an object of the interior is able to hide obvious defects of the wall, they are simply closed to them. If there is a niche in the room, then it is used as a natural recess for arranging a false hearth. Since these models do not require additional installation of the chimney and are small in size, they can be built and installed even in bay windows. The role of the mantelpiece will be performed by a decorated window sill. Consider step-by-step master-classes, where they work with different materials.
From plasterboard
You can make a plasterboard fireplace in a couple of days. Before performing the basic work, it is necessary to prepare a project: to draw a future product on a piece of paper, having worked all the details. Some go further and make layouts from cardboard in order to visually assess the appearance and make adjustments if necessary. Place the future fireplace free of furniture and begin to create a frame. Make it from metal or wooden bars. Then the plasterboard sheets are cut into modules of the required dimensions. They are attached to the frame and primed so that the lining is better laid on the surface. The finishing stage is decorative finishing. Any material can be used here: from foam to artificial stone. The practice of imitating bricks with elements of stucco is widely practiced. Such fireplaces will believably represent the classics of the genre: wood originals, which were used in the last century.
From carton box
When choosing boxes are guided by its size and thickness of cardboard. The denser the material, the longer the design will last. On the wall of the box, which will be the front, a contour of the future hearth is applied with a pencil. It can be square, semi-circular or combined. The superfluous part is cut out, but in such a way that gaps remain on the facade sidewalls and the "ceiling" part. They need to be folded inside and glued to a double-sided adhesive tape. Only in this case the contours of the hearth will acquire a neat appearance. If you plan to create a complex relief on the surface, then this will help other smaller boxes, from which the necessary elements are cut out. After the cardboard frame is ready, it is decorated. Since cardboard is not particularly strong, it is not necessary to revet the structure with heavy finishing materials. The best option is foam. With the help of a stationery knife, a soldering iron and paint, you can create a quality imitation of the brickwork. The inner back wall of the hearth is painted black. Finish decorating by stacking slides of real churochek. Put candles inside the structure is not recommended. Such a fireplace is good for its mobility, if necessary, it is transferred to another place.
When the foam is heated with a soldering iron, the material emits toxic substances, work outdoors. Cover the surface can only be water-based paint, and glue without acetone in the composition. Polyfoam melts upon contact with aggressive chemicals.
Of brick
Although the design can not be used for its intended purpose, it is monumental. Brick fireplaces perfectly simulate the real ones, but they do not have a chimney or ash pan. Keep in mind that it is already possible to move this interior element, so determine the location for its placement in advance. To create a similar decor, you need cement mortar and brick. The work is carried out by analogy with the erection of walls. For the decoration of the fireplace, a ceramic tile is usually used, which will tighten firmly on the surface. In the hearth, candles are lit or electric bulbs are installed, since the material is not afraid of real fire.
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Of polyurethane
Polyurethane fireplace will last a long time and you will not be afraid of mechanical damages. The material will withstand the "blows of fate" in the face of random kicks or drops of heavy objects on it. When heated, it does not burn, but melts, so the focus will be purely nominal. The fireplace is made by analogue gypsum board, but without a frame. Fasten modules better with screws, rather than glue, as sooner or later the parts can simply "fall off" of the structure. The main advantage of the material can be considered a variety of forms of its surfaces. The finished fireplace can have many bends and neat details simulating stucco molding. Complete the work of painting the structure in the desired color. Usually choose a shade harmonizing with the rest of the interior.
Of plates with laminated coating
Perhaps, the most difficult thing in working with this material is to cut it into modules. For this purpose, hacksaws and saws with small teeth are used, and the slabs are kept at a certain angle to facilitate the process. Creating a fireplace from this material is similar to making a product from gypsum board. The frame is installed at will, if it does, the construction will acquire additional strength. During the final design, the slabs are painted or pasted with foam, simulating brick or stone.
What to put inside
Inside put candles, electric lamps or "bare" lamps, miniature ekokaminy. The latter option will require additional costs, since the technology still belongs to the category of expensive. The meaning of such a combination is only in those cases where the bio-fireplace is small and looks too modern for the interior in one of the classic styles. Decorative "box" will correct the situation. Candles can only be placed in the hearths of brick fireplaces. Models made of other materials can trigger a fire in direct contact with fire. Optimum solution - electric light, but even with it it is necessary to be more careful. Place the bulbs away from the walls of the hearth as they are heated for a long period of time and can passively affect the temperature sensitive materials.
Decoration of false fireplaces
When decorating, the following tools are used:
- Paper and cardboard. Suitable for those who can draw;
- Wallpaper. Cheap and practical material;
- The cloth. A non-trivial option that emphasizes the "artificiality" of imitation;
- Wood veneer. Lightweight material that will not weight the design and give it a neat appearance;
- Styrofoam. Pokatliv, therefore with the help of a soldering iron it is easy to create an original relief;
- Artificial stone or brick. Suitable for false fireplaces with a "claim" for maximum similarity to the original.
This list is not definitive, since any of the available materials can become part of the design. All that is required for this - a fantasy.
A live fire in the house will become an attractive center of the room, in which the family and guests will gather. Unconsciously, a man reaches out to the heat and to the tongues of flame that give him. Sensation of coziness by designers is achieved in various ways, but the most "correct" is the arrangement of the hearth in the room. It can "draw" an environment from any interior, but it will remain an independent element outside its framework.