Design archways are usually designed and implemented into reality on their own. In our time, apartment owners are trying to design their homes stylish and unique. For these purposes, apply the most extraordinary design solutions and use unusual materials. The decorative arch allows not only to emphasize the delicate taste of the owners of the apartment, but also to give it a touch of light, exquisite luxury. Their history began in the Ancient East. Arches in those days were exclusively architectural objects, which were installed only on the streets. The cities with their help acquired a more "noble" and neat appearance. In the interior for the first time these objects appeared in the mosques of the East more than three thousand years ago. At first they were used only for decoration of majestic sacred places. Then the practice was adopted by the ancient Romans. This moment is easily traced on the ruins of their architecture. It is enough to wander in half-destroyed amphitheaters or admire the remains of the most famous of them - the Colosseum. Then the arches moved into the luxurious palaces of the rulers of the Western powers. At the end of the last century, this design element was not particularly appreciated, giving preference to experimental, defiant styles, where the classic entry was closed. But for the last two decades, fashion (and this lady, as you know, walks in circles) returned to the arches. And now they are already flaunting in ultrafashionable minimalism, high tech and industrial style. We will discuss in more detail the nuances of mounting arches, the options for decorating and decorating them.
Are not devoid of elements and disadvantages:
- To install the arch between the rooms it is necessary to completely dismantle the interior door and part of the wall adjacent to it. It is much easier to decorate the interior with a partition design.
- Owners will have to forget about the good noise insulation that the doors used to provide.
- Do not recommend installing arches in solitary rooms: the bedroom, the nursery.
- This interior element is not suitable for the kitchen. It will not become a significant obstacle to smells and particles of fat, which will miss the extractor. All this "disgrace" will go beyond the culinary room and soak up the upholstery of armchairs and sofas. Exclude the arched version for the kitchens adjacent to the hall.
In the design of the designs, there is a wide open space for the designer's imagination. As a rule, the arches either merge with the walls, or play the role of a stylish accent and are decorated according to the contrast principle.
Types and diversity of arches
The main feature of the design is its shape. Classification based on this feature is as follows:
- Roman (classical) options. Arch arch has an ideally semicircular shape. It smoothly and harmoniously passes into the side walls. The Roman construction visually smoothes the sharp corners in the room and lengthens the ceiling. Unfortunately, it can be constructed only at a certain ratio of width and height. Roman arch with artificial columns on the sides is considered one of the main elements of the luxurious antique style.
- The British version. Arch vault is a circle with a truncated radius. Organic look designs of the British type in wide doorways.
- Turkish arches. They are characterized by the presence on the arch of a pointed dome. Similar forms can be seen in any object of the architecture of the East. To decorate such a decor is best with a complex, delicate pattern, more like a hand-made lace.
- Arch using an ellipsoidal element. Its arch has a curvature in the middle, as if someone had flattened it from above.
- Slavic construction repeats the contour of the doorway, but slightly smoothes the sharp corners. Suitable for practical stylistic solutions.
- Gothic or pointed arches. These structures are present in the same architectural direction and its offspring (St. Bavona Cathedral, Westminster Abbey). Their arches are slightly extended upwards and have a definite point in the middle, where two lines meet.
- The Thai arch is "half": if the traditional design is cut strictly in the middle, then it will be this decorative element.
- Arch-transom has a deaf, glazed vault, under which is a classic doorway.
Choose the material for the arch
When choosing the material from which the interior arch will be made, the structural features of the room, the composition of the bearing walls and partitions, their thickness (massiveness) and the design style of design are taken into account. The possibility of selection will limit not only building standards, but also the laboriousness of the execution of architectural delights. The following building materials are suitable for erecting arches:
- Stone, brick (monumentality);
- Wood, plasterboard;
- Metal (profile or forged structures);
- Glass, various kinds of plastic.
To give solidity and monumentality to an ancient castle, an arch of stone can be placed in the room. If this is not the first floor and excess weight is undesirable, then artificial material should be used. Applying a different coating of stone adapts to many styles of interior decor. An arch made of wood will bring warmth, comfort and harmony. Natural natural material is suitable for any style: from minimalism to high-tech. The most "light" in terms of budget, weight and erection - gypsum plasterboard arch. In it, the most fantastic shapes are easily cut, multistage levels are created, lighting is built in. After processing (coloring, pasting) is suitable for any style of decoration. It is important to know. It is cheaper and easier to make an arch of gipsokartonnyh sheets. The material is pliable, accessible and does not require the master of special building skills.
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Size of arch
The size of the structure, as well as its shape, primarily depends on whether it is being built in place of any wall or load-carrying capacity (even if the inner partition is internal) will not change. In the first case, it is desirable to recall the points of application, magnitude and force vector. Then calculate the thickness, the type of the arch and the size of the arch so that it does not weaken, but strengthens the bearing properties of the former wall. In the case where the structure (partition) is erected in a place where nothing has happened before, its dimensions are not limited to anything and are conditioned by the taste and desire of the owner.
Materials for decoration
In the decorative design of the designs, there are almost no taboos and taboos. Their decoration is carried out using: stone, panels, wood, brick, wallpaper, paint, plaster, stucco molding and painting. For arches with niches and shelves, often resort to combined techniques to highlight accent zones. Combinations also need to be selected competently, so that both materials are equivalent in the composition picture.
Painting and painting
Perhaps, the most spacious way of decorating a structure is painting. It is relevant for such budgetary options. In strict and calm styles, solid arches can be lost in the overall design. In excessively vivid and colorful interiors, they will become a "soothing" element that will hold the situation. However, a truly original option will be painting the surface. If you have an artistic talent, then there will not be any difficulties with finishing, but what about those who do not have such skills? There are two ways out:
- Invite a specialist. Quite illogical solution for those who decided to save on decorating the arch using paint.
- Acquire special stencils.
The latter is stained with a brush or pigment from an aerosol can. When working with nebulizers in confined spaces, wear respirators. Drawings are various: thin ligature, floral ornament, geometric pattern, abstract outline.
Wallpaper на поверхность арки клеят так же, как и на обычную стену. Закрывают декором только конструкции из гипсокартона, дерева или пластика, а остальные материалы великолепно смотрятся в необработанном виде. Сцепление с тройкой вышеперечисленных поверхностей обеспечит обычный обойный клей. Если поверхность имеет неровности, то ее грунтуют, как простую стену. А уже после высыхания покрытия приступают к оклеиванию. Ассортимент обоев позволяет выбрать любую цветовую гамму и рисунок (принт), который будет гармонировать с дизайном конкретного помещения.
Lepnina and PVH-decor
To give the design a touch of antiquity or "heavy" Western baroque classics, it is decorated with stucco elements. They are sold in any construction shop. Elements, as a rule, are made of gypsum board and polyurethane. They are usually white in color. It is possible to paint the stucco in the desired shade after attaching it to the surface. PVC-decor refers to budgetary options. Panels and tiles made of plastic are absolutely safe for domestic and easily fall on any surface. The material repeats even the most intricate texture and has a rich palette of colors. PVC-decor replaces natural wood, stone and brickwork. Panels made of plastic will last longer than wallpaper. The material is recommended to be purchased from reliable manufacturers, since in cheap counterfeits, the upper protective film will quickly erase, spoiling the aesthetic appearance.
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Decorative rock
Идеальный вариант оформления конструкций из гипсокартона. Decorative rock их не утяжеляет, но позволяет создать стильный внешний вид. Обычно его приклеивают только по периметру прохода, а остальную поверхность красят или обклеивают обоями. Искусственный камень повторят текстуру любого натурального образца, и при этом отличается низкой стоимостью. В качестве скрепляющего вещества выбирают строительный клей.
Wood Veneer
Veneer - a material that differs from wood arrays at an acceptable cost. It is actively used for finishing any type of premises and in furniture elements. Veneer is the finest wood "sheets", which are glued on a basis of MDF or chipboard. Its "front" side has a wood texture with a unique natural pattern. Arches, finished with veneer, look noble and elegant. The original addition to them will be decorative niches, which are painted in discreet colors and backlit.
Stained glass, glass, mirrors
Simple and stained glass are suitable for arches-transoms. Their vaults are decorated with simple material without a pattern, if the overall design of the room is restrained and strict. Colorful stained glass windows are suitable for classical styles that mimic the setting of the rich houses of Italy, France and England at the end of the 19th century. Mirrors form the design in rare cases. First, it must be made of a strong base material to prevent damage to the fragile decor. Secondly, it is quite difficult to fit the mirrors organically into the overall design of the doorway. The most common option: "double" arch. The constructions have a second contour on the side of the opening, which repeats the main one. The gap between it and the end of the arch is filled with mirror modules, which are separated by special chrome rails.
The combination of arched openings with other interior elements
The interior arches are in harmony with the doors, which have a similar form of arches. Similarly, the hosts emphasize the unity of the style of the house. Constructions with smooth lines and rounded arches should echo and with the decoration of the room. For example, the Roman arch will find its continuation in the semicircular panels of the cabinet, the forms of the open shelves of the shelving or the windows of the living room. Gothic design will be in harmony with typical elements of the same name in the canopy bed, armchairs and coffee tables.
Do not forget that the arch combines constructive and decorative functions. Recently, it has become a stylish substitute for traditional doors. The desire for openness, lightness and minimalism in design, perhaps this was the reason. Practical savings and fashion for simple functionality not only change the outdated notions of the beautiful, but also return the long-forgotten interior elements.