A dream catcher or Lakota is a talisman of Indian tribes that protects people's sleep from evil spirits. At first, the amulet was a complex interlacing of coarse fibers, hair and threads, which were located around the willow ring with splashes of colored feathers. According to the beliefs of the ancient Indians, bad dreams get tangled in the web, and good slip through the hole in the middle.
Dream catcher is a charming decoration for a sleeping place, which can be made independently, due to which it acquires special value and energy. It is very important to get rid of bad thoughts before the beginning of the work and tune in to a positive wave.
Table of contents of the article:
- What you need to create a job
- Step-by-step instruction
- Photo of dream catchers made by own hands
What you need to create a job
Many wonder how to make a dream catcher yourself. Now there are no strict rules for creating an amulet, in contrast to the old times. It is enough to follow the basic principles. To do this you need:
- Ring. It can be made from various materials, whether it is wood, metal, embroidery frame or something else. The diameter varies, but for convenience it is better to choose about 15 centimeters;
- Cord. In principle, instead of a cord suitable decorative ribbon or tight thread. It should be taken into account that a small thickness is required and a relatively large length, approximately 12 meters;
- Threads. Suitable are any strong thread, preferably made of silk, wool, linen or cotton;
- Beads. An excellent addition will be beads, buttons and other small details that previously lay idle;
- Feathers. In any store of needlework a rich choice of various colored feathers, if necessary, you can get feathers from the pillow;
- Auxiliary tools. In addition to the above, you will need scissors, transparent glue, a hook for knitting and a thick needle.
Step-by-step instruction
You can help make the dream catcher your own hands by step-by-step instruction that will consistently show the performance of the required work. Butterflies with their own hands - a master class to create paper butterflies for the interior (50 photos)
1. First you need to fix the first end of the cord on the hoop, and wind the second end around. Since the cord is long for convenience, it can be twisted into a hank. In order for the cord to fit snugly against the ring, it should be pulled. The closer to each other will be the curls of the cord, the more beautiful the cobweb will turn out.
2. After wrapping the entire hoop, you need to connect the tails of the cord, securely tying them. One of the ends must be cut off, and the second, with a length of 15 centimeters, should be left.
3. Next, you need to tie the thread around the lace knot.
4. Every 3-4 centimeters is a half-node around the ring.
5. Thus, we make half-nodes along the entire diameter of the hoop.
6. The next half-nodes are wrapped around the thread itself, stretched at 4 points.
7. You should repeat 6 points in a circle, do not forget to string beads.
8. The result is a spider web. In the center with a thread to work harder, then use a crochet hook, which greatly simplifies the task. Step by step the loops decrease, as a result they converge in a circle approximately the size of a finger. Circle of threads should be carefully pulled off for smoothness of the resulting mesh. It is necessary to tie the thread tightly and cut it off.
9. In 2 points one lace of the lace was left. Now on the opposite side, you need to tie two 30 centimeters of lace.
10. The string is sewn with beads and buttons. The other end is attached to the feather with a special fastener or simple winding around the feather. It is better to hide this connection with a bead. On the next cord, you can attach any trinket and, so that it does not come off, tie a strong knot.
11. This procedure is done with other shoelaces.
12. To the catcher dreams can be hung, you need to make fasteners. To do this, cut the cord, pass it through the hoop and tie the ends. As a result, a loop is obtained, on which the talisman-amulet will continue to hang. That's all, the dream catcher is ready.
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We have clearly demonstrated in the photo how to make a dream catcher yourself. But do not hold back your imagination, go to work creatively, show creativity and original thinking. Dream catcher can be hung in the bedroom, but also it will look great at the entrance of the house and securely guard it. Counterfeit cones - the best ideas of exclusive imitations of cones with their own hands
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