Once people give up paper, for the sake of incredible technologies, maybe even we can transfer information directly to the brain of the interlocutor, but to this day we still use standard gadgets for writing texts. However, not so long ago a unique and useful product appeared on the market - Lernstift. This pen will save you from writing a text with errors, well, or at least try.
The Lernstift pen analyzes the written text and reports a simple vibration about the errors that occur when writing. The main segment of the market, which was originally targeted by the company, were children, but after some tests and subsequent analysis, it was also revealed that adults do not mind having such a gadget in their bag. As for the cost of this device, it is quite impressive and is about 120-170 euros, which in translation into rubles will be from 5000p., in my opinion it will not be used successfully in Russia. It should also be noted that the novelty is running OS Linux.
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