Hortensia tree is popular with our gardeners no less than the paniculate variety of the plant. Its most famous brand Anabel grows up to a meter and a half and annually until the autumn pleases the whitish-green inflorescences in diameter up to 15-20 cm. The plant is frost-resistant and unpretentious. Care for him is not complicated. How to plant a hydrangea tree and perform basic care for it, read on.

A large shrub of white hydrangeas on the background of the country house.

Summer residents appreciate the hydrangea for lush flowering with large buds.
Acquiring a seedling, you should pay attention to its root system. Better that it be closed. On the seedlings 2-3 large shoots with healthy kidneys and living roots should be present. In the root system of the seedlings taken out from the pot at the same time as the earth coma, young roots should be visible. They have a lighter shade than adults. The situation is reparable even when the seedling has turned out to be crooked or one-sided. It can be given a harmonious appearance with time, performing competent pruning of the plant.
Planting seedlings with an open root system should be carried out in the spring. Taking root over the summer, they will become stronger and easier to bear the winter. Hortensia is a tree-like tree, which is sold in pots, does not require a specific season for planting. It can be planted in any warm season. The only thing you do not need to forget about is the pritenie of the plant in the summer heat and the watering of the bush.
In this article, read:
- 1 Selecting a landing position
- 2 Feeding the bush
- 3 Reproduction of hydrangea in a tree
- 4 Rules for pruning a hydrangea tree
- 5 Varieties of hydrangea tree
- 6 Hortensia is a tree-like variety and care. Video
- 7 Hydrangea tree on a garden plot. A photo
Selecting a landing location
The place under the hydrangea tree planting will suit both sunny and shaded. Pit for these purposes tear off by 0.5 to 0.5 meters and lay a fertile mixture of peat and humus. A favorable effect on the development of the plant and on its subsequent flowering is provided by the refueling of the pit specially designed for rhododendrons by the earth.
Experienced growers recommend adding hydrogel when the hydrangea tree is planted by seedlings. This drug helps to maintain water balance in the soil, even in extreme heat. Penetrating the swollen granules, the roots of the plant absorb as much moisture and nutrients as necessary. For this, a swollen substance is pawned in the pit, and not a dry one. If a dry hydrogel is laid, then when it swells in the ground and increases in volume, the seedling may be ejected together with the soil.

Hydrangea is a gently lilac cone-shaped.

Delicate buds hydrangea tree.

A beautiful island of white freshness, and the pride of the gardener.

A path of white hydrangeas.
Also, planting plants pay attention to the root neck of the seedling was flush with the ground. Then the plant is watered abundantly, sprinkled with soil and mulched by the coniferous circle with coniferous fallace or peat.
Feeding the bush
In the spring period, at the very beginning of growth, complex compounds (for example, FERTICA) are used. When budding, a mixture of superphosphate (50 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g) is added to the soil. Further fertilizing is carried out every 2 weeks, but the volumes of the mixture are cut by half and exclude nitrogen fertilizing from them, so as not to reduce the winter hardiness of shrubs.

So it looks properly manicured hydrangea.

The beautiful beauty of the house is on the threshold of the house.
Reproduction of hydrangea in a tree
Reproduction of hydrangeas should be carried out by cuttings with lignification. In the beginning of summer they are cut from shoots of last year's growth and are rooted, planting in a greenhouse-cherry. Cuttings of hydrangeas are performed in cloudy weather. Cutting is done with two knots: the first cut is above the kidney by 2 cm, the oblique cut is made from below. The cut is treated with a root growth stimulator, half the leaves are cut off.

Hortenseия махровая.

Purple hydrangea is terry.

Hortenseия махровая.

Hortenseia varieties.

Hortenseia varieties.
Cuttings are inserted into a mixture of sand and peat (in equal proportions) at an inclination of 60 °. The lower node is deepened by 2-3 cm. The watering is abundant, they are covered with a film. After a few days they are watered and sprayed. In the heat it is often done. A small increase on the cuttings indicates a successful root formation. For the winter cuttings are left in the greenhouse, removing the film. The following year, spring is planted in a permanent place.
Rules for pruning a hydrangea tree
Negative impact on flowering untimely pruning and thickening of the bush. Despite the recommended time for pruning in spring (March-April), most florists perform this in the fall. They believe that pruning in the spring weakens the plant. Trim the twisted and weak branches. The remaining crop is shorter. They leave up to 3-5 formed kidneys. The pruning of the bush is usually planned for the third year from the date of the landing.
Varieties of hydrangea in a tree
Most often in the gardens you can find a variety of Annabel, which has large (up to 25 cm in diameter) spherical white inflorescences. Hortensia is a tree-like Bella Anna is absolutely not afraid of frosts. Varieties of this variety:
- Pink Anabel (Invincible) with pink lush buds, like lilac flowers;
- Strong Anabel is distinguished by the strength and strength of the bush, the long-term preservation of color in the round inflorescences.
It is much less possible to imprint a hydrangea tree-like Grandiflora and a variety of Sterilis with similar thick hemispherical inflorescences. Grandiflora, for example, does not tolerate a prolonged drought, it is better for her to choose half-shaded areas.

Hortense Bye Anabel.

Hortense Bye Anabel

Hortenseia Strong Abanel.

Hortenseia Strong Abanel.
Hydrangea Hayes Starberst is a tree-like frost-resistant variety with double flowers in round form in inflorescences (diameter - 25 cm). Color of flowers first greenish, later - white. The bush is low, (0.8-1.2 m) with thin shoots, on which are located heavy inflorescences. Blossoms until the frost.

Hortense varieties Grindifora.

Hortense varieties of Sterilis.

Hortense varieties Haise Starbers.

Hydrangea is a pink variety.
Hortensia tree-like Inkredol is able to modify the color of the buds throughout the flowering period.
The pink tree-shaped hydrangea fascinates with its gentle shade of flowering.
Hortensia Bounty tree for growth requires an abundance of sunlight and light. The flowers of this plant are small, with a snow-white tinge, collected in a single large "bouquet."
The hydrangea variety of the tree-like Pink Pinkushen is very distinctive in that it has a slightly different (pyramidal) structure of the inflorescence.
The sort of terry tree-like hydrangea is expressive in that it looks like a fluffy bead of fur.
It is not so difficult to choose a suitable sort of treelike hydrangea, which would make up a harmonious ensemble with other species of vegetation on the site.
Especially since planting and caring for him is not difficult. And there is no need to doubt the acquisition of such beauty even after the first superficial acquaintance with the plant.