How to choose a shower door: types, functions, ideas and

Shower enclosure - a design that has long been included in the daily use of each of us. This ergonomic and convenient construction is appropriate not only in small-sized and studio apartments. Even if you own a hundred square meters of housing, the shower cabin will become an indispensable attribute of the bathroom and to design it correctly - it's not a matter of the lungs. Today we will tell you how to choose doors in the shower, which will fit well into the interior, will be functional, reliable and will serve for the benefit of your family for many years.


Doors in the shower: types

At the moment there is a huge choice of shower doors with different functionality, guarantee of durability and design. To get lost among such variety is very easy, so let's understand together!

door to shower, photo 1shower door, photo 2door for a shower in a niche, photo 3doors to shower, photo 4shower door, photo 5custom made shower doors, photo 6door to shower, photo 7door to shower cabin, photo 8door to shower cabin, photo 9

So, traditionally shower doors can be divided into three types according to the opening method:

  1. Sliding
  2. Swinging machines
  3. Folding (accordion principle)

And also on two types of construction:

  1. Wireframe
  2. frameless

Let's start in order.

Sliding двери в душ

Sliding двери в душ имеют множество вариаций, прочны, удобны в использовании и занимают немного места. Наверное, именно поэтому раздвижные конструкции — хит бытового обихода.

sliding doors for shower, photo 10

The main advantages of such doors are:

  • Space saving
  • Simple installation system
  • Strength

Обычно такие двери устанавливаются в угловых душевых кабинах, крепления же монтируются прямо в стену. Sliding двери относятся к каркасным видам конструкций и крепятся внизу и вверху на шарнирных рейках.

Sliding двери для душа могут быть выполнены из прозрачного или тонированного стекла, а также из пластика, который обеспечит безопасность в использовании.

plastic shower doors, photo 11door to the shower plastic photo 12

Attention: when choosing doors in the shower, be guided by the quality of the materials used. It is desirable that the frame is made of strong stainless steel, and the door itself is made of high-quality, durable materials. This will help avoid early wear and ensure maximum safety in use.

swing door for shower, photo 13door to shower, photo 14swing door for shower, photo 15door to shower swing, photo 16door to shower, photo 17sliding shower doors, photo 18раздвижные door to shower, photo 19shower doors, glass, sliding, photo 20

Swing door for shower

Swing door for shower по сравнению с её раздвижной «подругой» используется реже, ведь ванная комната для такой двери должна быть достаточно просторной.

Advantages of swing doors for shower:

  • Quiet when opening
  • Reliability in operation
  • Easy to install and replace

Also, the swing doors have a wider and more convenient opening that allows unhindered access to the interior of the cabin for older people or people with physical disabilities.

Most often, this design is used as a door to a shower-niche. The swinging door, protected by three walls, is attached directly to them, which undoubtedly simplifies its mounting.

This door can be easily ordered from glaziers, only by measuring the parameters of the niche, and then install it yourself. The only wish is that the glass door in the shower should be made of a hardened material or at least sealed with a toning film on the outside.

Folding shower door

Folding shower door работают по принципу «гармошки». Довольно необычное и красивое решение для дизайна ванной комнаты. Особо отличительной функциональностью дверь-гармошка похвастаться не может, однако некоторые преимущества всё же имеются:

  • Allowable partial opening / closing of the door
  • Ability to use different materials
  • A small glass surface is sufficiently resistant to the appearance of cracks and chips.

If we talk about the drawbacks, the folding mechanism is much more complicated than the sliding mechanism, and accordingly the breakdown is more prone. In addition, folding doors are known for a low level of sound and heat insulation, which is also a minus of their functionality.

складные shower door, photo 21складные shower door, photo 22

Decorative design of doors for shower

As you already understood, the doors to the shower are completely different. Which door will fit nicely into your interior and be the most convenient? Let's think together.

Glass doors for shower

To date, the undisputed leader among the design styles of the bathroom is hi-tech. If you decided to decorate the shower with just such a spirit, then you will not have to worry about the design of the door. Make a choice in favor of a transparent glass (ideally frameless) door, this will give the cumbersome cabin a feeling of lightness and make the room visually more spacious.

High-tech assumes also the maximum ergonomics of space, and so, if desired, you can even not install a pallet. Make a drain in the center of the shower, outline the boundaries of the cabin with a tile of a different tone, and a stylish shower cabin is ready!

doors to shower from glass, photo 23стеклянные shower door, photo 24glass door in shower, photo 25стеклянные shower door, photo 26glass shower doors to order, photo 27стеклянные shower door, photo 28glass door in shower, photo 29

Read also: Sliding стеклянные двери для душа: 35 фото в интерьере ванной


If in your apartment the shower and toilet are adjacent, it is appropriate to shade part or all of the surface of the glass door. To do this, you can choose frosted glass in the interior of the furniture or apply a tint with a special film, which is sold in large building stores.


Orracal — это всем известная самоклеющаяся виниловая плёнка. Сейчас существует огромный выбор такого материала для отделки ванных комнат. Любая текстура, цвет, форма и элемент могут быть с лёгкостью воплощены собственными руками, стоит только пофантазировать.

The above three options for the decoration of shower doors can be completed without the help of professionals. If your choice fell in favor of engraving, spraying, mosaic laying or even incrustation - contact the specialized salons, where you can purchase custom shower doors.

doors to shower, photo 30

Practical recommendations for the care of the shower door

Stylish doors in the shower - not only beauty and convenience. Like everything else in our apartment, they have properties to be damaged and lose an attractive appearance. This can happen for two reasons: incorrect operation and improper care.

So, how is it right to keep the shower doors clean, tidy and serviceable for many years?

The answer is simple.

  1. First: use fasteners for joints and frameworks of reliable materials: stainless steel, high-density plastic, aluminum.
  2. Secondly: daily treat the shower with a special cleaning agent, suitable for the material from which the doors are made.
  3. Third: to ensure that the bottom of the frame (if any) does not stagnate water. This can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and the appearance of mold on the door.

The choice of a shower door is a responsible and uneasy task, however it is possible to make a chic, stylish shower room from a bathroom in a hruschevka or a small-sized new building. We hope that our advice has been useful to you. Create, be inspired and surround yourself with beauty. Good luck!