Your office can and should be a symbol of success and power. Every leader knows what, how and when to talk, often forgetting about one very important aspect: where it is necessary to say this.
No matter how you think about the conversation, the design of the cabinet will necessarily make its corrections to it - after all, the atmosphere sets the tone for the conversation. Think about the difference in meeting at the bar from meeting with the same people in the park?
The style of decoration has no special meaning here: it can be both pretentious luxury and minimalism. And the one and the other with the right feed can look powerful. Further in this article, we will definitely show you how the design of the cabinet can be in different styles. But first, let's find out the key points from which it is worth while building a personal cabinet.
The right message, comfort and productivity
This is how three components of a successful cabinet design look.
First, your office should talk about you, carry the right message about your character, tastes and habits.
Secondly, trying to make a spectacular impression, it is important not to forget about comfort and give preference to those things that will be convenient for you.
Finally, there are many ways to increase your productivity in the workplace. We will also tell you about them in this article, and you will be able to organize your personal space in such a way that it will save you time and inspire you to action.
What you need to know
There are a number of issues that should be carefully considered and given a clear answer to them before you take up the design of the cabinet.
- What will you do here? That is, what kinds of work will you do? Will you accept the partners and customers of the firm here (or just the staff subordinate to you)? Will there be various events in your office, including video conferences?
- What equipment do you need (computer, printer, plasma screen, projector for presentations, board)?
- How much time do you usually spend in the office? For example, if you do not have the habit or need to sit for a long time in one place, you can not especially bother with the choice of comfortable furniture and give preference to anything that you like in style.
- Demonstrate authority or friendship? Avoid this choice does not succeed, because the third option is not given. In the first case, the chair of the leader should differ from the chairs for visitors, that is, be taller and more impressive. This simple design move actually has a strong psychological impact. Therefore, if you prefer to show openness and friendliness to your interlocutors, let all the chairs in the office be the same.
- What inspires you? Photos, awards, the collection of something you collect - all this can be used to personalize your space. But these same items can work unintentionally against you! It is important to choose not just a distracting decor, but things that will complement you in the workplace.
If before you already had an office, try the following method of choosing a decor for a new environment. Write in writing the main values and mission on which your work relies. After that, look at your old office and determine what they are expressing here. Remove all other accessories and complement the interior with what is not enough to complete the picture.
6 Tips for Designing the Cabinet
1. Equipment.
A lot of wires not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also distract from work. With wireless technology, you do not have to long to understand where-what-cord, and in addition, it is easier to move. For the same reason, the laptop is preferable to the computer.
For existing cords and wires it is worthwhile to organize the correct storage system and fasteners. For example, you can do this:
Making a Cabinet - How to Hide Postings
Cabinet Design - How to Store Postings
2. Lighting.Good lighting is important. Ideally, the room should receive as much natural light as possible. Daylight sunlight is the most balanced source of white light, it has approximately equal parts of each color spectrum. Therefore, it is desirable to set the desktop so that it can be illuminated from the window during daylight hours. If your office is in a basement or a room without windows, then for its illumination you need to buy fluorescent lights.
In addition, you will need to equip the office with common and local lighting sources, since you will need to work both in the dark and on cloudy days. Low level of illumination can have negative psychological consequences for a person, including he causes depression.
And one more thing: do not put the top light directly above the computer screen and do not place the screen directly in front of the light source. This leads to blindness and visual overstrain.
Incorrect cabinet lighting
3. Organization.The old rule "the place for everything and everything in its place" was invented to avoid stress. It is always worth spending a couple of hours trying to think carefully about the system according to which you will store a thousand little things that are present at your workplace and quickly find them if necessary.
On the surface of your table there should not be more than two or three items other than your laptop or computer. And it's better that nothing at all. Select a separate box for office supplies. Find a special place where spontaneously accumulating cards and business cards will be stored. All kinds of knickknacks, photos
Also you, undoubtedly, should organize an effective system of storage of documentation. Ideally, it should have a separate cabinet with drawers or folders in which it will be stored according to the alphabetical or any other order, depending on the specifics of your work.
Cabinet MarcoPolo from Carpanese Home
4. Ecological compatibility.This is one of those rare modern trends that really benefit - both for your health and the environment, which are tightly connected.
In order to save energy, do not forget to turn off all the equipment when leaving the office, and when you pause in work, put the computer in the standby mode. Activate the power saving function on it. Do not dispose of the failed office equipment in the trash. A simple search on the Internet will tell you how you can dispose of it in your area.
Choose for your office environmentally friendly decorative materials. Moreover, natural wood and leather look very solid, which also matters for the manager's office. In accordance with this, you can also use glass and marble as countertops.
Working table with marble surface
5. Psychology of color.It is real. Different colors cause different emotional and physical reactions, mood and energy level influence differently.
Blue, green and lilac are considered cold flowers. They cause a feeling of peace and relaxation. The blue color lulled, and therefore is better suited for the bedroom than for the office.
Green color dominates in nature, and therefore is considered neutral. Surrounded by greenery, everyone feels comfortable. It causes fresh, soothing emotions and promotes concentration. Today, a new trend is the green shade of lime, which is combined with yellow tones. This combination will add freshness and vitality to your office.
Yellow color attracts attention. Note: the most popular markers are yellow. It catches your eye like no other color. This makes people happy and encourages. But the bright yellow color in the office can be distracting, overwhelming and even conducive to increased anxiety.
The red color is vigorous, it causes strong feelings and can create an agiotage. It can be used in the office, but only as an accent.
Neutral white, gray and brown shades are perfect for both self-use and for combining with bright colors. With them you will feel most comfortable.
Purple color stimulates the imagination, tones up and can cause a favorable reaction when focus and concentration are not required.
6. Working table
The most effective options for working are tables G-or U-shaped, which allow you to have at arm's length all you need. At the same time, it is important to provide enough space on all sides for passage and properly position the computer. The height of the screen should be comfortable for you and do not cause the need to crochet over the keyboard. First of all it concerns laptops. Today, special stands are being sold that lift the notebook to eye level and are often used in conjunction with an additional external keyboard. In addition, now more and more employees at the computer use 2 monitors: one, for example, for creating documents, and the other for placing toolbars and applications.
Cabinet design - how should the monitor stand

Cabinet design with two large screens
Choosing a cabinet design
Antique or ultramodern furniture? It is very important to choose your style here. Old traditional furniture creates comfort and coziness. It has a great view, but at the same time modern armchairs and work desks are more ergonomic, comfortable and look too strict to be combined with traditional decor. Therefore, whatever one may say, you will have to decide what is a higher priority for you: aesthetics or comfort.
We picked up for you several design options, which represent a "golden mean". We hope that in one of them you will see the ideal design of the office.
Classical offices
Cabinet furniture Bramante from Angelo Cappellini
The desk is located near the windows, while in the center of the office is a table for business negotiations. Notice that all the chairs here are the same.The office is light, spacious, devoid of extraneous pieces of furniture. The situation creates a working mood and promotes concentration. The only thing that can be considered a disadvantage is that, in the presence of two separate tables, the head chair does not have wheels for easy movement.
Furniture for cabinet Arcadia from Busnelli Adamo
Everything in this room says that its owner is a respectable person. But at the same time you can notice that all the luxury of this office is directed only at the visitor who will sit opposite. A richly furnished wardrobe, elaborate carving and gilding on the tree - all this creates a spectacular impression and does not distract the person sitting in the high chair from his important work.3.
Cabinet Furniture Gray by Busnelli Adamo
This cabinet speaks not only about the wealth of its owner, but also about its interests. This person is probably fond of art and probably had time to see the world. Despite the fact that the chair of the head here is higher than the seating for guests, the situation as a whole is open and helps to find a common language.
Cabinet Furniture Gray by Busnelli Adamo
As you can see, the furniture in this office combines the beauty and luxury of the classical style with some modern features. The executive chair has wheels and is adjustable in height.4.
Furniture for cabinet Bernini from Angelo Cappellini
Here you should pay attention to the chairs. At first glance, they look exactly the same, but the manager's chair is equipped with wheels for a more comfortable movement during work.5.
Design malogabritного кабинета
Few places - this is not the reason your cabinet can not be beautifully decorated in a classic style! Pay attention to the shape of the table - this is an excellent alternative to corner G- and U-shaped tables.6.
Design cabinet in a classic style
Nothing superfluous and at the same time this office can say a lot about the occupation of its owner.Classrooms in modern style
Cabinet in modern style
Despite the fact that this office is filled with a lot of trinkets, in general it is quite favorable for work, because the desktop is located opposite the window. The combination of a strict black color with a refreshing green and warm yellowish-brown hues helps to raise the mood and energy.2.
Cabinet in modern style
Nothing superfluous - the lack of any furniture, except for a table, chair and a cabinet for documents, combined with white walls and a large window creates all the conditions for keeping your mind clean.3.
Cabinet furniture Besana
The cabinet, resembling a room for rest, is an excellent option for easy and easy communication with the interlocutor.4.
Cabinet in modern style
In this office, you are unlikely to be offered to drink and chat. This is a strictly working space, which is perfectly suited for brainstorming and making important decisions.5.
Cabinet furniture Besana
The case where minimalism can be chic.6.
Furniture for cabinet Max from Della Rovere
Everything in this room speaks about convenience: a large L-shaped table, an ergonomic chair, a spacious closet with open and closed shelves, the absence of extra items. Yes, this is, perhaps, the ideal layout of the workspace.Let's sum up!
What is most important in the design of the cabinet?
A clean desktop with a functional calendar helps to increase productivity. Large windows and the right color scheme help to concentrate and tune in the right way. There are many ways to create a comfortable and attractive office, but still the most important thing in the design of personal space is that you make it yourself.
The designer can suggest options and add extra touches, but choose each piece of furniture for the cabinet itself. The room should reflect your personality, your aspirations and goals, and at the same time contain some of your favorite accessories that will allow you to relax and distract during a pause in work.
In the office where you like to be, no work is a burden. We wish your office to be just like that!