Together with readers of our site about small interiors we continue to track design ideas for the design of a close space and its visual expansion.
1. One of the rules for the visual separation of walls is the use of cold colors in their decoration.

2. The simplest scheme for unloading the interior is not getting rid of pieces of furniture, but disguising more overloading parts. It will be enough, for example, to put on one-piece covers on pillows and lay bedspreads of the same color.

3. It is best to buy immediately multifunctional furniture. For example, hiding in wardrobes and shelving beds, reclining table tops and ironing boards. By experience, we do not recommend closets-secretaries, in themselves these are rather bulky constructions.

4. Of course, large furniture takes place, which is already a deficit, but at the same time, some sofas and armchairs, unfolding for the night, can create comfortable conditions for sleeping. Therefore, they should not be abandoned.

5. Mirrors. These can be huge mirrored panels in the floor, built into sliding doors of cabinets or a set of small ones on the wall. In any case, the room will add light and air.

6. Unfortunately, a small space has a tendency to fast cluttering. Therefore it will be more practical to choose even sofas with built-in storage modules, benches, curbstones and tables with drawers.