Before each person who started repairs or decided to change the situation in the house, there are several questions - what color is the main choice in the interior, how to choose the best combinations and combinations, and where to start? As a rule, professional designers offer us quite complex combinations of colors and materials that look great on pictures in the magazine, but what about real life? This is where you need to calm down, and go from the simplest, not trying to repeat the intricate pro projects. So let's turn to a shade of bleached oak, fairly basic and neutral, so that it can easily fit into any interior.
Color palette
To get the whitening effect on a natural oak board, it is treated in a special way. First, with the help of brushes, soft fibers are removed from the surface of the board. Formed grooves are filled with a light composition to whiten, emphasize the natural pattern of the tree, and on top the board is covered with a transparent protective varnish. Of course, not only natural solid wood of this shade is represented in the modern market, but now widely distributed are eco-veneer, laminated board, and MDF and laminated chipboard with a coating of bleached oak. But the palette even inside this shade can be quite wide. It can be warmer - yellowish or bright beige shades, and colder, silvery colors with the effect of an aged tree.
In the shade of bleached oak, the following materials for finishing the floor are presented:
- natural parquet;
- laminate;
- porcelain tiles.
Covering the color of bleached oak, whether it is parquet flooring or laminate, not only visually makes the space wider, but due to the presence of a woody pattern on the surface will add a touch of "naturalness" to the interior. Particularly well, "woody nature" looks in apartments and houses in Scandinavian style, Provence style, country, but in a modern minimalistic interior the floor in shade of bleached oak will look organic.
In large rooms, it is necessary to visually delineate the space of the light-colored floor, so that it does not seem "blurred", using dark furniture, or darker doors and skirting.
Remarkably, with the appearance of ceramic tiles "under the tree", a shade of bleached oak can be applied on the floor or walls of the kitchen and bathroom. In addition, tiles with a wooden pattern in the bathroom - this is one of the fashion trends in the interior.
Wall and ceiling panels
While this type of finishing materials is not very popular in mass consumption, but the use of wooden panels can achieve an amazing result. Such a panel can be presented as a solid sheet, tile or a separate board and slats.
The walls and ceiling of the woody shade will introduce a touch of simple luxury into the space, and make the interior more stylish and interesting.
If you own a wooden large house, then interior decoration with such panels of a shade of bleached oak will give the interior a more modern sound. At the same time, the decoration of walls and ceiling with wood will look very natural and natural. Do not be afraid to use the panels and in small spaces - in a shade of bleached oak, they will "look right" even in a small apartment and help zoning the room. It is not necessary to fill all the walls or ceiling with them - just place the accents - designate the area behind the TV or the dining area.
Furniture такого оттенка очень универсальна, она не загружает пространство и смотрится невесомой, по сравнению с темными предметами интерьера. Это просто находка для маленьких квартир и темных помещений. При чем любой тип мебели в цвете беленый дуб будет выглядеть стильно. Шкафы купе и системы хранения с фасадами в этом оттенке смотрятся менее громоздкими, стенки и гарнитуры также приобретают более легкое звучание. Небольшие элементы обстановки комнаты, такие как тумбочки, кофейные столики и полки, в цвете белёный дуб лучше вписываются в интерьер – не создают визуального шума, при этом продолжают выполнять свою функциональную нагрузку.
See also: Living room in brown tones: design and interior
Doors являются очень важной частью общего жилого пространства: к выбору цвета и дизайна двери стоит очень серьезно подойти. Светлая дверь не загружает пространство, и создает хороший нейтральный фон. Так же фактура выбеленного дуба замечательно будет комбинироваться со стеклом. Через остекление в двери может осуществляться дополнительное освещение, что очень актуально для темных помещений. При чем можно добиться интересного эффекта, выбирая различные оттенки и степень прозрачности стекла. В целом, атмосфера жилья со светлыми межкомнатными и входной дверью будет более легкой и воздушной. Они замечательно подойдут для узкой прихожей и стесненных пространств.
Combination with other colors
The color of bleached oak peacefully "coexists" with rich, contrasting colors. They emphasize the naturalness and natural beauty of a light coating.
- Floor. If you decide to use a bright floor covering to finish the room and the room has a large area, it is better to choose, as already mentioned above, a contrast plinth. It can be a completely painted plinth, without woody patterns. Good shades of gray - it is basic and classic, will be combined with everything. If you prefer a skirting board with a wood texture, it is better to choose a darker shade, but the same degree of warmth of color as the floor.
The plinth must necessarily be the same color as the door, then the interior will look finished and in harmony.
The pitch of the bleached oak gives a wide choice of the color of the walls, although to create a comfortable, in terms of visual perception of the situation, it is better to stay on natural shades: white, shades of beige, mustard, brown, pistachio, green, gray, blue and blue. If the room is large, you can try enough dark shades of the walls in combination with the light floor.
- Wall and ceiling panels цвета беленый дуб будут замечательно выглядеть вместе с кирпичной кладкой, штукатуркой, окрашенными однотонными стенами нейтральных оттенков.
- In furniture, a combination of bleached oak with black or fresh, juicy colors will look trending and interesting. Bright facades of the kitchen or living room sets in combination with the frame of a neutral light shade will be a good color solution and refresh the boring interior. Turquoise, yellow, orange and even pink, if desired, will perfectly fit into the situation. For those who are not yet ready for bright furniture, the variety of textiles of interesting colors will help to place interesting accents. It can be curtains, bedspreads, pillows, even such complex shades as purple, emerald, bright red only emphasize the restraint and freshness of the bleached oak, and create in a fashionable contrast in the setting of the room.
Use in rooms
Living room
This is the room where the family most often gathers and where guests are invited. The atmosphere in the living room should be calm and comfortable, having to communicate. The texture of the whitewashed wood on the floor, the walls of the room and in the objects of furniture contributes to the creation of an easy laid-back atmosphere. The main thing is to observe the balance, and following the advice on the design of space, which was given above, dilute the light interior with a bright chair or interesting sofa cushions.
Bleached oak in the interior спальни создаст умиротворяющую обстановку, способствующую отдыху и расслаблению. Flooring и мебель натурального светлого оттенка, замечательно подойдут для этой комнаты. Интересным решением станет оформление стеновыми панелями с древесной фактурой зоны за изголовьем кровати.
In the shade of bleached oak, you can perform not only the frame, but the kitchen set as a whole. Cabinets of light woody shade and a stone table top of natural shades with a black hob will create a nice composition together - the kitchen will look simple, but at the same time luxurious. The style of furniture can be absolutely anything - both country and high-tech, in bleached oak look wonderful. Dining group: a table and chairs in the color of bleached oak, look very stylish and will not visually clutter even a small kitchen. In addition, they will fit almost any facade of the kitchen set.
As already mentioned above, the tile "under the tree" looks good in the bathroom. A light shade will increase the space, and the wood texture will give a flair of naturalness and a sense of intimacy with nature. The facades of furniture for the bathroom in bleached oak look expensive and thorough.
Entrance hall
Since in the corridor most often artificial lighting, the use of a light shade for the floor, furniture, walls or doors will be very appropriate and will create coziness even in a very small dark space.
If you want to create a laconic and modern interior, but at the same time keep a cozy atmosphere at home, then the finishing materials and furniture in a shade of bleached oak will be a good basis for your design ideas. This color is very easy to combine with different shades and textures, and correctly fit into any room of the house.