With the workload of people at the moment, it is important to save precious minutes and in the first place you need to start with your own home. The perfect solution for this is the living room combined with the kitchen. The design of the kitchen-living room can be as diverse as you can possibly want, because the functional component of such a solution is very extensive.
When creating an interior, you need to purchase a strong hood or ventilation system, since smells coming from the kitchen area will be present in the guest.
What to consider in design
The most important detail is a selection of colors and shades for walls, floors, and ceiling, because this affects the visual change of space. The most advantageous colors for this are cold, neutral shades. Ideal options are white, beige, coffee or light green. White color carries an energy charge, beige and coffee give the room a feeling of coziness, light green calms the nervous system and helps to relax after a hard day. Be careful with shades of dark-brown, gray and black colors, they visually narrow the space.
The second most important item is the style in which your kitchen is decorated living room. It is better to make both the kitchen and the living room in one style, if possible, as different styles can contradict each other, spoiling the general impression. Variants of stylistic solutions for the modern interior of the living room-kitchen:
Classic | Suitable for people of a conservative warehouse and will look great against the background of illumination by spotlights. This style primarily promotes comfort, elegance, not tolerating the heap of furniture. |
Minimalism | Подойдет для людей, которые мало времени проводят дома или, например, не любят готовить, и проводить много времени на кухне. Только необходимая используемая техника, многофункциональная мебель, прекрасно впишутся в этот стиль. Minimalismу присуще сочетание белых, песочных и черных цветов, а также элементы арт-декора, например, зеркальные вставки. |
High tech | This style is suitable for modern people who are not afraid of experimentation and includes practical and functional elements of decoration. This style is focused on the functionality and use of high technology, combined with a restrained decor, decorated in ultramodern materials. |
Scandinavian | Style is laconic, light and unusual design. In it there are more natural materials, such as stone or wood and colors of the white palette. Style distinguishes the desire primarily for comfort and family atmosphere. |
Loft | Ideal for apartments with an unusual layout and a large area, it is characterized by high ceilings, practicality, lots of light, discreet shades of colors. In this style, industrial elements are easily combined with interior items. It can be beams, ceilings and brickwork. |
It is worth paying special attention to the arrangement of furniture, namely the zoning of the kitchen and the living room, it will help to clean up, clean and order much faster, and also work more productive, relax, and spend time with relatives. To abstractly divide a room, you can use:
An excellent example can serve as a dining table. It will not only separate the kitchen from the living room, but can also serve as a work surface during cooking, or a dining area. Lighting devices located on the ceiling, walls, within it, can also demarcate the room.
Bar counter
Bar counter несет в себе, как практичное, так и зачастую декоративное значение. Если для создания кухни-гостиной, вам пришлось сносить стену, вы можете, не сносив ее полностью, использовать как барную стойку, оформив декоративным камнем или штукатуркой, а также создав заодно оригинальный дизайн, взять за основу саму стену, например, сделав стойку необычной формы, вставив разноцветные стекла или разрисовав красками. Она создает дополнительную рабочую поверхность для кухни. Специальная ниша или навес для хранения бокалов, будет способствовать очевидному разграничению.
Kitchen Area
Kitchen Area четко распределит границы рабочих зон, при таком разграничении пространства следует учитывать мягкое покрытие уголка, которое должно находится на приличном расстоянии от кухонной техники.
Materials and Lighting
Walls in the kitchen can be covered with plastic panels, tiles, or decorative stones, while in the living room, use wallpaper, whitewash, decorative plaster or plasterboard. The floor in the kitchen can be tiled, while the living room is linoleum or carpet. If the materials are in the same color palette, this will create a noticeable contrast in the volume, which when reflected light, will indicate how the zones are optically separated from each other.
False walls
Excellent fit decorative panels or screens. It is important that the decorative panels do not require special installation or preparation of the wall surface, leaving space for bold design solutions, as they can be made for tile, stone, sand and so on. Screens are great for options when you want to separate a specific zone for a while, for example, if someone is working in a recreation area while you are cooking or when accepting guests to make some part of the kitchen inaccessible.
See also: Design of a square living room - 20 photos of an interiorLighting
In the kitchen, you can use the built-in lamps and lamps located in the center of the dining area, and in the living room use spot lights, along with the sconces, located as needed. You can set the brightness control of the light, which will help to disentangle the surrounding space. Embed the backlight in the bar, which will provide both the illumination of the working area and the light separation necessary for zoning.
Contrasts of colors and their shades
It is better to choose colors in one color palette, the contrast of which will not irritate the eye, tangibly dividing the parts of the room from each other. Often, this is perfect for, for example, white, cream, ivory, and magnolia.
Finishing of ceilings
This solution is more suitable for rooms with high ceilings. In this case, you can use decorative suspended structures or built-in ceiling lamps for suspended ceilings made of gypsum board.
Multilevel structures
In this case, racks are perfect. They can be demonstratively from the floor to the ceiling, or, they are made only half the wall, and can be quite low with inserts made of any material, such as wood, plastic or glass. You can use a shelf for storing things, decorating, photographing or planting.
Raised floor in one of the zones
This creates a visual impression of the podium, but it is worth considering that this solution requires high ceilings.
This zoning option can be used in conjunction with others, for example, with a bar counter or a dining table. This will increase the visual sensation of separation of rooms.
Kitchen area
Furniture на кухне должна быть темных оттенков, в отличие от стен, полов и потолков, потому что мебель в светлых тонах, делает помещение гораздо меньше визуально, что идет врознь с первоначальной целью дизайн проекта. При выборе цветовых решений стоит учитывать, конструкцию самой мебели и расположение осветительных приборов. В качестве материала отделки использовать натуральное дерево и камень.
It is necessary to provide illumination, important working areas: a sink, a plate and a table top.
Particular attention should be paid to the location of furniture in the kitchen, as this will help to save more working space. There are several options:
- For a country house or dacha, mainly if there are only a few large rooms in the house, the island type of furniture arrangement is better suited.
- For single-room apartments or small rooms, where each centimeter of space is taken into account, the most suitable position is the letter G or one row.
- For rooms with a large footage, you can install furniture like the letter P or in 2 rows.
When choosing furniture for the kitchen, it is important to consider that the furniture was made of materials resistant to moisture and steam.
A floor covering for the kitchen, tiles will be better served, so it is more functional for highlighting the kitchen area and practical for cleaning.
The technique should be compact, as well as maximally functional. For this, the option of built-in technology is perfect, since it meets all these requirements very clearly, allowing you to save a lot of space. It is also important to note that the technique should be as quiet as possible, so as not to cause discomfort to people in the living room.
Living Room Area
При размещении мебели надо оставить пустое пространство, достаточное для того, чтобы была возможно передвижение или изменения расположения мебели, применительно к ситуации. Furniture лучше всего выбирать исходя из углового или островного типа, что обеспечивает оптически большее свободное комнатное пространство.
To decorate the room you can use carpets or carpeting, upholstered furniture, pillows, decor elements, distinctively opposite from the kitchen, which should be extremely practical, as this zone should meet all standards of comfort and look good, being the main room in the house.
Lighting должно быть не ярким, приглушенным. Лучше сделать светильники в разных частях комнаты, всего-навсего не используя люстру, так как это отвечает двум важным условиям, во-первых, это помогает зонированию помещения, а во-вторых, тем самым можно создать комфортное для отдыха, работы и приема пищи освещение, которое нельзя использовать в зависимости от необходимости. Например, если вы хотите почитать на диване с чашкой кофе, вам не нужно зажигать весь свет, вы сможете использовать светильник в конкретной зоне. Отличным вариантом будет мелкоточечное освещение многоуровневого потолка. В этом случае вы можете включить или выключить необходимое для вас количество ламп, создав романтическую или рабочую атмосферу.
In the room flooring can serve as carpet, and parquet, which is much more concise, compared with the tiles in the kitchen, which contributes to the allocation of a rest area. A competent distribution of the zones of the living room, of course, requires special attention. The working area should be arranged next to the window, in addition to electric, there was natural light. The rest zone is to be made in the opposite corner, as far as possible from the kitchen, so that nothing will interfere with your comfort afterwards. The dining area should be closer to the kitchen in order to multiply functionality, saving your time.
When considering the design of the kitchen, combined with the living room, there are a lot of options for decorating and arranging furniture, and the biggest plus of this layout is that there are no strict rules or prohibitions when creating this interior. Guided by this article, you can create an interior of the living room-kitchen of your dreams.