We all want a huge family kitchen, but usually we have to deal with something less. Who said that regardless of the size of the room requirements for the placement of furniture in it remain the same? The kitchen should be functional, but it is important for us that there remains a place where you can gather your family during a meal.
We hasten to inform you the good news: with the right layout and thoughtful design, all this can be realized even in a small space. It is this fact that demonstrates the following inspiring examples.
Use every nook and cranny
This advice seems obvious, but in cramped conditions it is of paramount importance. It is necessary to use all available options. What can mean the commissioning of service blocks at home. Shelves and cabinets must match the space, and not be bought in the finished form. Think about the possibility of using even the most uncomfortable nooks in the room. Since the number of such places is limited, and the size of the kitchen is small, the individual design will be quite economical.
Add elements in the style of rock and roll

In a small room, wall cabinets take up too much space. Preference should be given to light systems, such as hangers, rails, S-shaped hooks and thin shelves. They can hold pots, mugs, cutlery, utensils and even kitchen accessories. If you partially cover the wall with black paint, this will allow it to be used as a recording board. Here you can leave messages and make shopping lists.
Add a streamlined shape to the space

Massive and incompatible furnishings clutter the room and create a sense of confusion. For the kitchen area, choose a minimal design with smooth transitions, as demonstrated in the picture. On it we see the table top, which wraps around all the basic units of furniture and, expanding, turns into a bar counter. This kitchen is filled with natural light, so the color of the furniture blocks "invigorates" the space.
Find a separate place for laundry equipment

Quite often washing and drying machines are installed in the kitchen. However, if the area is limited, a good solution will be to find an alternative place for them. For example, you can take sublime space or think about placing washing equipment in the garage, if you have one.
Organize your storage system

There are many compact elements that can be built into the headset. Their main purpose is to free space in the room. If you start the kitchen arrangement from scratch, consider such storage systems, as thin racks, drawers in the lower part of the kitchen cabinets and built-in cutting boards, which will, if necessary, slip over the sink.
Try using detached elements in the interior

Cabinet furniture also has its advantages. If the room is close, it is important to organize good lighting, then each element of the situation looks more harmonious. A separate working area with a stove, sink and cabinets, as in the photo, has a beautiful appearance and elegantly fits into the space.
Lift the ceiling

The size of the room can significantly increase if it involves some architectural changes. In a one-story building, lifting the ceiling, you will see a sloping roof. This will give the kitchen a sense of light and airiness. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to install skylights that give more light than vertical windows. In addition, the height of the wall will increase, on which additional boxes or shelves can be installed, ensuring a maximum kitchen space organization.
Install cupboards to the ceiling

The floor area can be limited, but the vertical space, even in a small kitchen, is quite large. Modern kitchen sets allow it to be used by creating shelves that stretch almost to the ceiling. A small gap between high cabinets and the ceiling will add a lightweight headset, so that the room will not seem too tight. Keep on top shelves rarely used items.
Set the drawer doors smooth handles, so the blocks look more streamlined, seamless and do not dominate the room.
Give preference to embedded technology

You can wish for a huge stand alone cooker with five burners, but a small kitchen is not the place to install it. The ideal solution is built-in home appliances. It will free the space of the countertop and give the kitchen a uniform look.
And why not install a water tap with boiling water to do without a kettle?
Organize portable mini-platforms

In addition to the built-in modules, there are many other interesting storage systems. For example, it might be incredibly useful to have a small movable unit with shelves similar to that on the photo. It will occupy a small area and at the same time create an additional storage space. A stand-alone piece of the interior will also add ease to the surroundings.
Perhaps you would like to have something like that, but a limited area of the kitchen does not allow this. In this case, the bookshelf can be installed on a site close to the premises.