Every house has its own atmosphere, spirit, family traditions, with an unconditional "heart" beating in the living room, so the interior of the hall, beautifully designed is the key to spiritual balance. In the hall the friendly family gathers in front of the TV in the evenings, guests come, noisy parties, celebrations with feasts. Unfortunately, the owners of modest apartments face the issue of choosing a beautiful design, which will be suitable not just as a picture for guests. A house designed for people, a comfortable life, is the main task for the designer. It is easier to design the design of apartments, for small apartments, the main priority is to use all the tricks and tricks. Turning the shortcomings of space into real virtues. Design ideas, for a hall that are truly capable of visually increasing space, the finding of small apartments. Be prepared to learn the subtle nuances of furniture trends, the basics of coloring, to prove yourself a designer capable of accommodating many aspects of the life of your apartments in one space.
Modern apartments, differ in that they can combine not one or two genres, but even three. The first acts dominant, while others, in the form of decor, characteristic colors, shades, patterns and patterns, gently fit in, complementing the situation. An excellent symbiosis can be considered an example of a mixture of classical style with art deco, African country. Want to have a stylish house, prepare for small experiments, the results - the reward of pleasantly amazed guests, the joy of all household members.
Let's notice, it is very important, that the perfect drawing room, it is harmony between stylistics and the size.
Before you start the design, you need to understand the genres. There are really enough styles, everyone can find a special one for himself, from one glance to which the thought "Yes, this is it" immediately appears!
- Classical. Here you can safely classify, empire, baroque, modern, retro and gothic.
- Modern: minimalism, fusion, constructivism, loft, art deco, pop art, high - tech, neoclassic, kitsch.
- Ethnic: Japanese, African, Country, Mediterranean, Provence, Chinese.
Classic interior design - harmony, here there are also splendor of decoration, bordering on restraint, and expensive finishing materials, furniture from natural wood. Soft calm tones, quite a bit of shine and gilding. The same can be said about Empire, chic and pompous. Bright, catchy combinations of dark colors, cabinets with carved elements, chic textiles are all Empire.
Baroque же позиционируется как стиль четких линий, симметрии, но не без пресловутой богатой обстановки. Мебель из красного натурального дерева, акценты с глубокими по тону цветами сейчас мало кого заинтересуют. Более подходящим для повседневной жизни может выступить модерн, или ар нуво, как его назвали в ряде европейских стран в начале 19 века.
This genre rejects the clarity of lines, gravitates toward smooth plant elements. Architects and designers derive their ideas from nature, so modern interiors abound with plant ornaments, patterns, and flowing lines. With a floor area of 30 sq. Meters, it can quite claim the art nouveau, using quiet colors in the finish and a minimum of contrasts. Retro, pleasant memories of the past, with incredible color combinations, decor items, will be of interest to collectors and lovers of antiquity.
Stylish apartment arrangement is a feasible task in front of modern genres. Such as techno, high tech, similar to each other, give space a sense of freedom, rigor, cold.
Art Deco
Opposite to them is a bright, open art deco, incredibly powerful in energy. Art deco is desirable to be used in large rooms, because this direction likes contrast, combinations on dark and saturated colors.
See also: Design and interior of the living room in the style of minimalism
Favorite colors: from dark gray to black, shades of red. Loft, a sense of flight, freedom, ideally fit into a room with high ceilings, for those who like monochrome shades in the finish. Fusion, the fusion of genres, unfortunately in many turns into kitsch (bad taste) requires caution, do not overdo with stylistics, only one style should be contrasted and stand out against the general background, others gently complement it. All ethno directions are very peculiar, beautiful in their way, but still it is worth to divide them into calm ones, such as Japanese, Chinese. Strongly expressed: African, marine, Provence and country.
High tech
The design of the interior of the apartment in the genre of high-tech, in pure style can seem cold, strict, so it will not hurt to add decor elements from retro style. A pair of antiquities, a collection of statuettes, retro cars will find their place in a glass rack. It will be interesting if you competently approach the choice of materials, colorful cushions of pastel tones on the couch, a carpet on the floor of a light shade with a long nap, here are the details of the design.
Rectangular hall, most often found in typical houses, sometimes it becomes possible to decorate the art deco, the abundance of mirror coatings allows to increase the visual area of the room. And let the interior, designed in this style, it is always the presence of dark contrast materials, it is quite suitable for those to whom the living room is important only as a place of rest with the family, watching TV.
The budget option is much more pleasant to solve by mixing the two directions, and there is no need to acquire all the items in the same style. If the materials and furnishings are not made of expensive materials, add really worthwhile items, let's say one design chair of saturated color, a lamp or a lampshade favorably standing on a carved small table.
Modern style
Design in a modern style, this is a minimum of details, and more bright art objects, let's say the design of a rectangular hall in the country style will make it homey and cozy, but smaller in volume for perception, when both constructivism makes it spacious and free. The choice of country or other ethnic style will be to the liking of those for whom the living room is a place for the family.
But lovers of collecting guests, stop at constructivism. The interior of the small hall in the apartment is in light colors with clear straight lines, a minimum of furniture and bright enough bright accents: a red chair, an orange shelf, model cabinets in black and white combination, all for stylish citizens. The hall, which is necessary as a place for meeting guests, and for watching TV and a bedroom will not do without ergonomic furniture.
A simple and beautiful wall for a white TV, a roomy transformer sofa, soft pastel colors on the walls of green and sandy colors, white ceiling and light parquet, ideal for many.
Living Room Furniture
Any variants of hall design, imply the presence of cabinets, sofa, shelves, binding and decorative. Even simple furnishings of modern people have a minimal set: a soft sofa, armchairs, a TV cabinet, racks, shelves, a coffee table.
But it is important not just to acquire these items, but to arrange them correctly. Determine why you are building the hall? For quiet family gatherings in front of the TV in the evenings, or are going to make noisy parties, take your many friends. Or maybe the living room should perform sleeping functions at night for the hosts or often visiting relatives?
All this is very important, only having determined the priority, you can do furniture placement. It is better to immediately divide the room into zones: with soft furniture, storage space and television. It is worth adding a study, a compact cozy corner with a comfortable place, a computer desk, a pair of book shelves. It is important to choose cabinets, shelves, curbstones, consoles, walls in one style.
Upholstered furniture, sofa and armchairs
- Variants of sofas and armchairs are huge. From simple to rich from the Baroque series, so be guided by the dimensions of the room.
- For small living rooms it is better to put one sofa, if dimensions allow, then chairs, puffs.
- Angular sofa will help increase the space for planting, taking up, as a rule, less space than chairs.
- For upholstered furniture there are exceptions, you can mix with the design, for example, a simple loft sofa plus armchairs of bright colors, like EggChair or Pola.
- Designer chairs are so good that it is not necessary to use a pair, just one, it will save space in the room. If your house is constantly visited by friends, neighbors, do not despair, get a pair of compact pouffes. Mobile and comfortable, they will not take up much space.
- Transformers sofas for small houses.
Storage furniture
- Storage space in the form of shelves closed style.
- Shelves of an open type, with glass doors do not "overload" the living room, visually make it free, airy.
- For medium spaces in priority light colors for furniture, mirror, glass will help add air, expand the boundaries.
- Shelves and shelves of open type will be useful in the hall, where the working area is equipped.
- Modular cabinets come in handy to quickly change the face of the apartment. The combination of different shades and sizes is a winning option.
TV Zone
- You can abandon the curbstone for the TV, and the plasma panel to mount on the wall.
- If you choose a cabinet for a TV, then pay attention to models with built-in boxes, useful for storing various things.
- The walls for the living room already contain the most advantageous place for the TV. This option is convenient, ergonomic.
- The design of the hall in a private house can assume the presence of a fireplace. Be sure to divide these zones, do not build a fireplace under the panel, take a separate corner for it, in another part of the room.
Modern design in Khrushchev
Small apartments, Khrushchev, began to be built massively in the vastness of our country since the late 50's, serve as homes for thousands of Russians. As a rule, modest sizes do not allow to fully design a classic interior, or pure baroque, Empire. The best mix is modern, stylish. Pay attention to the minimalism, such spaces without unnecessary "congestion" of the room, everything is in its place, no riot of colors, numerous accent spots.
Especially minimalism is the only way out, if the hall is 3 by 5, the design of this style will help to delineate space, add lightness, airiness. It is enough to add a few smooth lines of space to find the look of Art Nouveau. Considering the reconstruction, take into account all factors of the hall life, purpose, natural lighting.
The interior of the hall in the apartment can be performed in fusion, taking as a basis the classics. Light wooden furniture, calm colors in decoration perfectly combined with the decor of African country: bright, recognizable drawings of textiles, black and white pillows, statues, lamps made of natural materials.
Light colors are perfectly combined with marine themes, adding coolness, airiness, lightness, memories of summer. Curtains usual apartment, can meet different: from Roman to dense curtains, for the Mediterranean, however, choose a light transparent tulle. Do not forget that the main colors of this genre are sky blue and marine, use these shades for decorating walls, textiles. The parquet of light shades will favorably emphasize the Mediterranean atmosphere, but will support the direction of the glossy stretch ceiling.
The design of the hall with a bedroom 30 sq.m. m.
The design of the bedroom-bedroom of 30 square meters can be solved cardinally, dividing the living room into two zones, with a full bed for the niche, decorative panels. Japanese minimalism can give a great option, a bed on the podium, without excess decor, hidden behind a decorative niche. Sandy tones, contrasting brown (umber), will make the room surprisingly warm.
Premises appearing on the shady side of the house should not be shaded by dense partitions, better than translucent carved panels. Excellent solves the corner sofa transformer, with an extra bed. At the same time the walls are decorated with a matt beige tone, accents are modular racks shelves. As a rule, all living rooms have one window, or a window with access to a balcony, a loggia. With the technical capability of the house, two spaces can be combined, a working area can be arranged: a computer desk with a chair and a pair of hanging shelves.
TV Zone, желательно напротив глухой стены, с диваном лофт. Вполне спокойно вместится большой шкаф купе, для хранения вещей, белья. Не забывайте о живых растениях, один или два горшка на полу по обе стороны от телевизионной тумбы оптимальное решение. Отдайте предпочтения тем видам растений, что растут вертикально, не помешают свободному движению по комнате. Декор для зала, в лучшем случае картины или панели, разместить на свободной стене у дивана.
See also: Design of wallpaper for the hall: 110 examples - combine and combine
Design of a square hall
The room with a square layout can be built on strict symmetry, a sofa, two armchairs on either side, a simple cabinet for a TV, but a wardrobe for clothes and other things to replace, on modular cabinets. Many lack the availability of storage space, fill one small wall with cabinets.
Furniture made to order will allow you to adjust the depth of lockers, not "stealing" the excess space of the room. Light facades, with a glossy decorate the room, making it practical, beautiful. Such a storage system will literally "merge" with the walls, it does not hurt to build a certain style. Hall, interior design, which decided to bring pop art, it is enough to add bright paintings in the style of Andy Warhal, a contrast based on black.
The design of the hall in an ordinary apartment with classic notes and cabinets on the wall is an interesting solution, the facade is replaced with a simple glossy on MDF, a natural tree with carved inserts. The walls have light wallpaper with barely noticeable and vegetative patterns.
Small room
Ideas for decorating a living room, a modest size, are usually aimed at how to accommodate all objects, and visually increase living space. Wins the room looks without strong contrast accents, give preference to close to each other shades.
The decor can be placed on walls, in the form of frames with family photos, the family tree painted on the wall. Modern decoration in general "loves" painting walls, whether it's patterns, ornamentation for accentuation of one part of the living room, or filled with painting the whole wall. By the way, with the help of painting, you can visually divide the rooms into zones, unobtrusively and beautifully. Classics or neoclassics are complemented by paintings in luxurious baguettes, with modern interpretation, you can slightly retreat, decorate the walls with polyurethane ceiling baguettes, thus highlighting not on purpose a television cabinet with a TV, a window opening or an empty wall.
A beautiful apartment can not be without decent lighting, like ceiling, floor lamps, floor lamps. Interior, with a modest size is better not to load the suspended ceilings, ideally stretch ceiling with a curb in which the lighting will hide, with a dozen lamps. Give up large chandeliers and sconces in favor of lighting from a famous designer.
Hall in a private house
Hall in a private house позволяет исполнить все ваши мечты, например, соединить гостиную и столовую зону, приемлемый вариант, в котором комфортно и отдохнуть перед телевизором, и принять гостей за столом. Классика сможет оформить столовую зону в прекрасный уютный уголок.
The set from the table and soft chairs, from natural wood, I carved elements, visually unite, when as a television zone we will equip in a minimalist style. Common, in this design hall design can be one color, and its shades, occurring in two different zones. The interior of the hall of a private house with two windows does not prevent the partition, separating a small part for the sleeping area. At the same time, colors can be completely different, although they are matched in one direction.
The decorated house, built according to the requirements of all tenants, can assume the presence of the office, hide it or highlight it with the help of color, depends on the area of the room. As an option, a podium with a computer table, or a partition of living plants, flowers, placed on vertical rails with pots. This layout allows you to use in the design of saturated colors, deep green or blue, with a matte effect.
Due to the fact that the room is well lit, you can not be afraid of dark tones. On the contrary, they perfectly match beige, white as contrast, materials of country style. Beautiful interior of the hall in the country, and even in a private home, will be to the liking of many. Soft, smooth transitions, favorite cage for decoration, textiles on windows: curtains, curtains and curtains, with strings, ruffles. Everything gives an unusually homely atmosphere.
Even if you have a hall of 5 to 5, the village genre will perfectly fit into such a space. A sort of grandmother's room, with a lot of decor, nice warm shades on the walls, framed windows. Add light colors, remove old, unnecessary furniture, replacing ergonomic options.