What associations do you have when mentioning the oriental style in the interior? Many will present luxurious, fabulous, mysterious chambers. In our time, the east is attracting more and more people when choosing the future interior.
Certainly, that the oriental style in the interior will serve as a connecting thread between the east and the west, will allow you to touch a mysterious, unique and fascinating culture. What does the oriental style imply, what accents are inherent in it, and what design solutions can be put into reality?
Table of contents of the article:
- What is the "Oriental style"?
- Main directions
- Arabic style
- Chinese style
- African style
- Moorish style
- 55 photos of oriental style decorating ideas in the interior
What is the "Oriental style"?
It should be understood that the "eastern style" consists of many different cultures of countries such as China, Morocco, India, Japan, each of which has its own characteristics. To begin with, let us single out the characteristic features inherent in the oriental style.
Zoning should be carried out depending on the area of your premises. Using various types of curtains, sliding screens and decorative curtains. In the Arabic style, false columns are used, which will visually change the space of the room, and for the Japanese style sliding doors are invariably used.
Zoning is used for the comfort and functionality of the room. This solution will give the room elegance and ease of perception.
The use of a variety of types of fabrics, from air to heavy in the oriental style, gives unlimited possibilities for the flight of your imagination. In this style, wooden furniture was rarely used, replaced by pillows, carpets, mattresses, quilts.
It is the use of fabrics for modern oriental interior is an indispensable attribute.
Мебель в интерьере простая, лаконичная, сдержанная. Наполненность достигается благодаря изобилию различных фактур тканей и способами драпировки. Chinese style это лаконичность и минимализм, марокканский отличает наполненность декоративными элементами.
For interior decoration in oriental style only natural materials are used. The floor covering depends on the style, from simple stone to luxurious mosaic. The ceiling is enough to paint in white.
The decoration of the walls for the eastern interiors has no boundaries. Drapery with fabric, simple painting, painting with Arabic pattern, geometric patterns, wooden panels, wallpaper imitating animal skin. Do not be afraid to experiment, because the main feature of the East is luxury.
The use of a variety of types of fabrics, from air to heavy in the oriental style, gives unlimited possibilities for the flight of your imagination. In this style, rather rarely used wooden furniture to replace them came pillows, carpets, mattresses, quilts, carpets. That is why textiles for the modern oriental interior are an indispensable attribute.
Main directions
To achieve the harmony of your interior in general, it is worthwhile to set goals that you have conceived to achieve. With the purpose of competent organization of your interior we will consider the main directions and design solutions.
Arabic style
Walls can be tightened with a cloth, veil carpets, or use wallpaper that mimics the eastern fabric. For lovers of simplicity, it is possible to paint walls and painting Arabic script, adding geometric figures to the wooden inserts decorated with carvings.
For the floor is suitable stone, ceramic tiles, diluted with bright mosaic. You can also use fluffy Persian carpets, if you do not plan to decorate the walls.
The ceiling can be decorated with a canopy, painting, tracery carving, mosaic let you not be confused by the height of ceilings. Even with low ceilings, the atmosphere of an Arab fairy tale will not leave your interior.
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Arabic style изобилует текстилем различной фактуры и расцветок. Ковры, пледы, драпировки на стенах, низкие диванчики и подушки, разных размеров, плотные занавесы. Использование текстиля позволит максимально достичь восточного стиля в интерьере.
For completeness of the Arab style, accessories can not be dispensed with. The most appropriate will look forged, copper and brass lamps, trays, floor vessels, a variety of clay pots, high pitchers. Do not overload the interior of the room in the oriental style with all sorts of trinkets, it's much better to stop on choosing small items, preferably handmade.
An excellent addition will serve as a vault or dome, columns decorated with carvings will support visually the theme of a luxurious palace. Vaulted wooden arches visually increase the height of the room and give airiness. The highlight of your interior can be a niche with a tent, use fabrics of different textures for drapery and do not come up with a more cozy place.
Chinese style
Restraint and conciseness, the main features of the Chinese style. Contrast, strict geometry of proportions, unity with nature, simplicity, functionality of the interior.
Traditional colors are black, blue, green, yellow, red. Do not forget that the organization of space is based on the philosophy of Feng Shui.
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Jewelry and accessories will help convey the atmosphere of China. Porcelain dishes, bronze statues, weapons and armor, scrolls, Chinese painting, fans are a partial list that will help achieve an eastern style in interior design.
The most popular material is bamboo, light and natural. It is used in furniture, parquet, ceiling design, mats, screens. The main requirements for furniture are simplicity, practicality, absence of sharp corners.
Along with simplicity, the Chinese style allows inlaying, carving, intricate decor elements. Unobtrusiveness, harmony is traced in all aspects of the interior. Sliding screens are an integral element of the decor, allowing mobile and elegant zoning of the room.
African style
Expression, originality, dynamism are the main features that characterize this style. The main materials are light wood species, clay, textiles, cork, leather, fur.
The main accent in the African interior is the connection with wildlife, customs, animals and flora. That is why the use of cane, bamboo, rattan, clay, animal skin as elements of decor is traced.
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The color palette reflects the nature of Africa, such shades as sand, terracotta, orange, and blue. Interior in the African style is a warm scale, it is also acceptable the presence of black, blue, the main thing is naturalness.
Furnishing should be simple and easy from bamboo, rattan. Do not overload the interior with furniture, but accessories will help you convey the coloring of the African style. As accessories, use clay figurines, bamboo mats, bright curtains, African masks, amulets, bones. The main sense of the measure is to achieve a modern oriental style in the interior.
Moorish style
Moorish style это сочетание арабских, египетских, индийских, персидских мотивов. Пик его популярности пришел на время правления Наполеона, ведь именно он привез его во Францию.
Moorish style это резкие, четкие линии, своеобразные арки в виде подковы, луковицы. Своеобразные геометрические рисунки и элементы растительного мира. Насыщенные цвета, мрамор, арабески, витражи передают суть восточного стиля.
Furniture in the Moorish style is represented by massive chests, octagonal tables with a copper table-top and chasing, inlaid with mother of pearl. Ottomans with a lot of pillows of bright colors, low stools with carved legs are all elements of this style.
Lamps, baskets, clay, metal, wooden pots of different shapes and sizes, copper dishes will add a unique style.
55 photos of oriental style decorating ideas in the interior