The finishing point of the process of design of any room is the addition of furnishings with small decor elements, allowing to add individual features to the interior. The living room is the most public place in the house, so a special approach is needed for its decoration. First of all, the situation should be suitable for all members of the family, have friendly contact, be hospitable. A universal tool that contributes to the creation of a special atmosphere is the use of objects of painting in the decoration of walls. At the same time, it is not necessary to shell out for expensive art items, the realities of today dictate new rules - pictures made with own hand, photographs, high-quality polygraphy are quite appropriate in the interior of the living room.

How the size affects
Choosing the decor for the living room should be guided by a few simple rules:
- The main rule is the right proportion. Bulky paintings require the presence of a free space around them, they are suitable only for living rooms of a large area. Small rooms are better to decorate with miniature compositions;
- Low ceilings optically lift compositions with a vertically applied image. Large drawings, applied horizontally, extend the living room;
- Properly selected paintings help to correct unnecessarily large furniture. The massive soft corner will look a little more elegant with the decor items hanging over it.
Matching by colors
The color of the canvas placed in the living room should harmoniously fit into the color scheme of the situation. The shades of the furniture set, the floor covering, the design of window openings are important. The decorative covering of walls becomes a background substrate for works of art that coincide in color with the main colors of the canvas, contrasting with them. The game of contrasts is appropriate for light walls - bright color patches dilute boring natural shades.
To decorate the walls of bright colors should be approached with extreme caution. Intensive painting of wallpaper distracts from the plot.
Matching style
In the design of the living room there should be no disagreement, each piece of decor obeys the fundamental principle of stylistics - unity. Therefore, do not buy everything in a row, even if the image you really like, stick to the trends chosen for the living room decor style:
- Provence, rustic style, country - flower compositions, rustic landscapes, mills, paintings from dried plants;
- Classics excludes the use of inexpensive printing products, it is appropriate to display only painted canvases, and it is better to leave watercolors for other styles. But the plot variety is very large: landscapes, still lifes, portraits. Avoid the modern art of painting, framing the paintings with pretty massive frames;
- The modern theme of the interior allows complete freedom of action from expensive antiques to the results of the creative impulses of the owner of the dwelling. The main thing is that the pictures look good, combined with all the other contents of the room;
- The opposite situation develops when the pictures in the interior of the living room should correspond to minimalism - give preference to the one-color chart, the soft abstraction, black and white images;
- Youth version - pop art with all sorts of posters, color photos, memorable banners, posters;
- The most loyal in terms of art deco requirements. You can put everything you want on the show.
Rhyme with flowers of the interior
Unskilled in the depths of design art ordinary ordinary man will be useful to learn about a relatively new concept - a rhyme in the interior. Implied not only compliance with the rules of combining decor objects by texture, color solutions, stylistics - in the notion of rhyme, in addition to all of the above, a certain repetition of interior details is included. Especially clearly this term can be explained, just by the example of paintings in the interior of the living room. Original looks, for example, the duplication of the abstract pattern on the painting canvas and on the cushions, the ceramics in the picture and on the shelf of the rack. The seascape is complemented by seashells, bottles of sand. Fine fruit rhymes still lifes with real fruits.
Difference of modern pictures
Having some idea of the color, the techniques of making images, picking the right option will not be difficult, especially since there are not so many basic options:
- Cloths of the classical style, framed by massive ornate frames, are often painted with oil paints using artistic brushes;
- Oil paints can be applied to the base with a special spatula - palette knife, this technique is typical for abstraction, which fits perfectly into the modern interior;
- Modern material - acrylic colors, paintings written by acrylic can be recommended to lovers of pop art, retro style interiors;
- A special soaring ease, tenderness gives the image a watercolor - a paint on a water-soluble basis. Such images are better to emphasize the ease of provincial decor;
- Graphic concise works complement the eclectic style, minimalism, can complement the lightweight versions of classical design;
- Polygraphy in the form of posters, photographic pictures is used in modern decor directions.
Do not buy reproductions of paintings printed on canvas. This is frank bad taste.
How to correctly hang out
A rational approach to placing pictures in the living room of an apartment or a private house allows not only to make the interior more attractive from an aesthetic point of view, but also to correct the problem areas:
- Too dark a covering of walls is clarified by drawings contrasting to dark color scale;
- Small-sized studios, the area of which does not allow the placement of racks, are zoned with the help of wall-mounted images;
- From the unevenness of the walls, the eye is drawn away by accentuating bright canvases;
- Pictures of unusual stylistics, located in the center of the living room, can give a cheerfulness to an overly laconic interior.
Pictures above the sofa
As a rule, the wall behind soft furniture is in the center of attention, therefore to hang pictures over the sofa - a traditional stylistic move. The general attention will be attracted to the composition of impressive sizes, made with oil paints. This image itself is dominant, so there should only be a wall surface around without any small pictures. Pile up next to the central canvas of miniatures, photographs looks extremely ridiculous.
You can place several paintings in one line above the sofa only if they are the same size. And the frame should be the same, a single plot of the pictures should be traced on all images, the used color palette - coincide.
If the pictures are different in size, then it is better to arrange them orderly. In this case, the largest will be a compositional center.
If your art collection consists of many small paintings, then the wall above the sofa should not be turned into a sieve. Images can be put on a shelf hung over soft furniture.
Modular pictures
The original variant of placing pictures is the use of modular images, which are a single pattern, divided between several canvases. Classify the modular paintings can be as follows:
- Two segments - a diptych;
- Three - Triptych;
- Polyptych - more than four parts. Its subtype is called pentatech - five segmented image.
The form of the constituent parts of such a picture can be varied. Modules can be either the same or different in size. Spacious premises allow placing paintings with segments of different sizes, low ceiling optically raised rectangular vertical modules. A narrow room is capable of expanding square, uniform areas of a modular picture.
To arrange in the interior of the living room a complex modular composition can be as follows:
- In the rooms of a small square - in a horizontal line;
- Vertical strip - adds heights;
- In the form of a square, a rhombus, a triangle - this way of placement is usually called a puzzle game;
- In the form of stairs;
- Chaotic - this method is suitable when the modules differ from each other in size, shape.
Selection of paintings on Feng Shui
Knowledge of the life energy accumulated by the Chinese sages for many centuries gave us an exotic science of feng shui, directing the energy flows of the home in the right direction. Paintings in the interior can be placed according to the basic postulates of feng shui:
- Choosing a picture for the living room you need to listen to your own inner voice, if the image causes a feeling of rejection, its presence in the interior will cause a permanent shortage of vitality;
- Avoid subjects of military themes, blood, images of conflicts - this brings discord into the family way;
- Do not hang portraits of the deceased - such pictures carry the energy of death;
- According to Feng Shui, the best choice for a living room is neutral themes of natural themes, floral bouquets.
In addition, the side of the light matters. The main weapon of a specialist in the correct placement of interior items from an energy point of view is the compass. For example, the northern part of the apartment is a zone of "water" in which it is better to arrange pictures with water scenery, the south is decorated with a picture of a flame. Wood, metal - the western, eastern side, these zones are able to attract money, so it's better to post pictures with carp, money tree.
Placement of paintings in the interior of the living room can be entrusted to a professional designer who can design interior design down to the smallest detail. But it is better to do everything yourself. No expert can add soul to the interior, create an atmosphere of coziness, home warmth. To do this is only by the owner of the apartment, by investing a part of himself in the decoration of the living room with the help of his favorite works of art.