According to the tradition of landscape design, a decorative bridge is made over "dry" streams and artificial reservoirs. This design can take a bizarre shape, and can look like a standard bridge in miniature. The choice of the type of bridge and its decoration depends on the idea of design of the entire countryside.
These are the most used materials in the construction of vertical structures and elevations. They are in free sale, therefore it is not difficult to construct a bridge with their help.
Also, the bridges are divided into those that can be walked on, and those that bear only a decorative load. Decorative options, usually, are small. They are made in those places where it is required to diversify the monotonous landscape with dull accents.
Wood изделия естественным образом вписываются в любой ландшафт. Они гармонично дополняют пространство вокруг, делая внешний облик участка еще интереснее. К преимуществам деревянных конструкций можно отнести такие аспекты, как:
- Ease of preparation and assembly;
- Ecological material;
- Ease of construction;
- Long service life;
- Great opportunities for decor.
The most common wood for such bridges is pine. Variants are more expensive made from oak, ash and cedar. A wooden bridge can be painted in any color. Its shape can be made more sloping or flat. And the repair of such a bridge will cost inexpensively.
Designs of bamboo look gentle and delicate. They perfectly fit into the landscape design of the garden and the open plot. If the dacha is an eastern corner, then the bamboo version of the bridge will just in time.
The site, designed in the Japanese style, simply will not look finished if it does not have a bamboo bridge. Light and airy material is strong enough to withstand long operation. And its exterior looks like the beauty of the eastern gardens and parks.
Stone варианты считаются одними из самых долговечных. Они отлично вписываются в европейский стиль ландшафта. Выглядят основательно и презентабельно. Такие мостики хорошо комбинируются с другими каменными сооружениями на участке.
The simplest version of the stone bridge is the arrangement of stone blocks over a stream or pond. The landscape in the antique style will require more fine work. Therefore, you can use marble or granite. And the construction itself can be built with the help of public drawings and cement.
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Metal bridges decorate the site in the Gothic style. They are also suitable for the Art Nouveau style. And forged options are perfectly combined with romantic notes in the landscape of the site.
Metal конструкции можно купить в специализированном магазине, а можно сварить самостоятельно. Такой мостик имеет большой срок службы. Не боится серьезных температурных перепадов. Легко комбинируется с другими материалами.
Metal to create a bridge will suit those who do not like change. The material is able to stand on the site of the decade. And to change its form is quite difficult. Therefore, metal bridges like true conservatives.
Concrete products are among the most durable items of decor. Fountains and artificial reservoirs for water are equipped next to them to emphasize the beauty of concrete bridges. To make such a bridge high, you need to build in its construction of metal fittings. Low variants can be created from solid concrete blocks.
Concrete мостики обладают не только декоративной функцией, по ним можно безбоязненно ходить и перевозить тележку с инструментами. Правильно сконструированный мостик способен выдерживать значительные нагрузки.
Accommodation options
Where to put the decorative bridge, so that it becomes a bright accent of the landscape? Do it better on the following sites:
- Near lakes, ponds, streams;
- In natural ravines and ditches;
- Above the dry streams;
- Near the flower beds, rockeries and flower beds;
- Above the paths and paths.
Sometimes such designs are placed, as a continuation of the track on the hilly terrain. Step-by-step bridges do right in the water. A part of the suspension bridges is installed under the water.
The design of the bridge according to the rules should be placed above the narrowest part of the path or stream. A small bridge is not made high, so it will not look harmonious. Traditionally, a large wooden bridge can be raised to a considerable height. Then from such a bridge you can even fish, if the land owner is interested in fishing and all its derivatives.
Metal is installed on flat surfaces. A stone version is built in earthen ramparts and edges at the water. The tree can be placed on any piece of garden or lawn. Such decorations are good for terraces.
Choice of shape and design
The choice of design of the bridge begins with a detailed study of the site. When the place under the bridge is determined, it's easy to check the relevance of its location. It is enough to take a photo of the plot and apply a schematic drawing of the design to the photo. It is still possible to place a drawn bridge on the site plan to see how it fits into the overall concept of the landscape.
Read also: Decorative garden mill with own hands +50 photoAfter the place for placement is checked, it is necessary to choose a certain type of construction. Consider the most common options:
View | Description |
Straight | It is easily made by own hands, it approaches under different styles and directions. |
Zigzag | Introduces the eastern color of the site, it is mounted from strong and wear-resistant materials. |
Arched | Has a familiar look, combined with different landscape styles. |
Step by step | Suitable for streams, dry and real water. |
Stepped | It fits perfectly into the concept of a child's corner on the site, it is executed in the form of two stairs with a common platform in the middle. |
Suspension | It is installed by professionals, since it is a complex design with increased danger in operation. |
Прямые варианты при монтаже устанавливают вместе со сливом для воды. У деревянных мостков – это зазоры между досками. Stone мостики подразумевают использование сливного желоба.
Zigzag structures in the oriental style are treated with antiseptics. Additional protective equipment is used when such a bridge is installed near the water.
The supporting beams of the arch structure are initially chosen to be arched. So the shape of the bridge looks really right and sloping.
Exclusive step-by-step constructions are made from flat natural stones of suitable size. The distance between them is selected in such a way that it is convenient for them to walk, not soaking their feet.
A landscape version of the stepped construction is installed on a raised platform. Here the main task of the bridge is its review function.
Suspended bridges are placed on piles in the water. Therefore, the foundation for them should be strong and durable.
Suspended structures are not placed in areas with increased seismic activity due to the high probability of displacement of the seams beneath them.
In general, each type of bridge can be successfully and organically placed on a site of any type. Summer residents prefer small wooden options, and owners of spacious areas choose long and intricate products.
Master class we make a bridge from a tree
It is quite possible to make a bridge yourself and cheaply. The most inexpensive material for this type of landscape decoration is wood. Some craftsmen are able to construct a complete bridge from improvised materials, such as boards from an old barn. But to enhance the aesthetics of the design, as well as to increase its strength, it is worth using specially purchased boards.
See also: Roses in landscape design: types and variants of decorationBefore starting work, a suitable place is chosen. Then a work plan is drawn up, a detailed drawing of the product is drawn. For a wooden bridge, you do not need to pour a concrete foundation or install piles. Do not forget about the gaps between the boards. After all, they will save the construction from excessive moisture and dampness.
The basis of the self-made bridge is two wooden beams, the length of which varies in the area of two meters. Curved them to do with a jig saw. To these beams, and the rest of the structure will be fixed.
To increase the stability under the bridge, you can install special wooden supports. The shore of the reservoir, over which the bridge will pass, is fortified with a stone or cement in advance. When pouring concrete, you can immediately install piles of wood in it, so as not to make support for the bridge separately.
After installing the entire structure, a fence is mounted on it. This part can be two-sided and one-sided. It not only increases the safety of the bridge, but also serves as its decoration.
The wooden flooring of the bridge is made of boards, the thickness of which must be at least 3 cm.
The final part of the work on the bridge is its lighting. In the dark, the bridge without lighting is dangerous. Therefore, you can install near it garden lights on solar panels, it is still possible to use LEDs. Illumination of the product may be different. Sometimes at decorative bridges illuminate steps, there are variants of streetlights which place under water. With a standard lighting method, street lights are selected with long "legs". They are best able to cope with their lighting function. When the bridge is installed near the house, it can be lit by lamps from the terrace or balcony.
If desired, the wooden bridge can be decorated with a layer of varnish or wood carvings. Its antiseptic is best impregnated in a demountable form, so the joints of the parts will be less prone to decay and will last longer.
The places of construction, which will be in continuous contact with water, must be carefully insulated with special materials, otherwise the base of the bridge will be shaky and quickly deteriorate.
The decorative bridge is a huge space for creativity, a functional thing and a real decoration of the site. You can make a drawing of such a design yourself, but it's best to turn to professionals. They will be able to offer different options for bridges for every taste and purse. And there are a lot of options for these: bridges with pallets, decorative structures with mosaic supports, forged bridges and many other variations. And many of these options are suitable for different landscape styles.