"Amusing spurs" is one of the many variants of the name of the delphinium plant, planting and caring for which have their own characteristics. Delphinium is not capricious, it is not for nothing that it is called the "king of flowers". It comparatively easily tolerates winter cold, and therefore is best suited for growing in the central part of Russia, although certain varieties are found in Europe, Asia, and North America. There are more than 400 of them, and each in its own way is beautiful.

The inflorescence of the bells of the delphinium on the site in front of the house.

Delphinium of light and dark purple color is one of the most favorite flowers of summer residents living in the middle zone of the Russian Federation.

Grown before the threshold delphinium will impress the guests at home.

Bouquet of colorful inflorescences of the delphinium. The flower is original. With its help, you can recreate any design landscape designer.
In this article, read:
- 1 Delphiniums are different - white, lilac, red
- 2 From planting to wintering
- 3 Good to know
- 4 A flower for romantics and dreamers. A brief description of the rules for planting and delphinium. Video
- 5 Exquisite delphinium on the garden plot
Delphiniums are different - white, lilac, red
Its name was given to the flower in Greece. It was believed that the unusual shape of the inflorescence resembles a dolphin. One of the five petals adorns a kind of spike, similar to a spur. Hence another name - spur. For the healing properties of this plant is called liveliness.
Gardeners liked the delphinium for a variety of colors, mostly there are blue and blue delphinium flowers, but there are pink, red, purple, white. On one high stem are many flowers, the inflorescence can be up to 1 m. This unusual spectacular view makes the delphinium one of those plants that decorate many household plots.

Bright blue flowers of the dolphinium grow thick, bulbous inflorescence.

Multicolored delphiniums are harmoniously combined. Having collected all the colors on one home plot you can get an original composition sparkling with bright colors.

Inflorescences of delphinium of noble scarlet color.
Widespread are both annual and perennial species of the delphinium. They blossom at different times: the one-year-old delphinium - in July-September, the long-term one - in early summer and in autumn.
Among the annuals, the Ajax delphinium is well known, resulting from the crossing of two species: dubious and eastern. The hybrid was spectacular, with a variety of colors - violet, cherry red, lavender, white, blue. In care is unpretentious, but does not grow well in damp places.
To list all varieties and species of delphinium is not possible, there are too many of them. The most common are the following sortogroups:
- delphinium New Zealand;
- Elatum;
- Pacific Delphinium;
- Belladonna;
- дельфиниум мафинский.
They differ in color, height of the stem, size and appearance of the flower.
And how poetic the names of varieties Delphinium "centurion", "blue lace", "daughter of winter", "pledge of youth" sound. Terry and ordinary, tall and not very - they all deserve attention and a special place on the plot.

Delphinium is a variety of Ajax.

Inflorescences of the New Zealand delphinium.

Blue colors of the delphinium elatum.

Delphinium variety is belladonna.
From landing to wintering
Delphinium for many years, the cultivation of which has its own characteristics, recognizes well-lit places. Nearby there should not be trees and shrubs, whose roots can slow down its growth. The site should be in a calm place, most plant species reach 1 m or more in length, because they can easily break down.
Cooking land for planting can still fall. The site should be dug by adding humus, a complex mineral fertilizer. Soil is preferable to neutral. In clay, you need to make sand and drainage in the form of broken slate or brick, sour - dilute a small amount of slaked lime (100 g per 1 m?), Sand mixed with peat. Before planting, remove all weeds.

Perhaps the most delicate shades of the Delphinium are collected in one section.

Multicolored carpet of delphinium flowers.

Bright blue dolphinium flower close-up.
How to plant a delphinium for many years? Cultivation from seeds is the most common way (there are others: division, cuttings). Seeding material is sufficient in any specialized store. The disadvantage of this method is that variety varieties of flowers are lost, and the shelf life of seeds is limited to 4 years. If this method is the most appropriate for you, consider some of the features of how to grow a dolphinium from seeds.
First of all, they must pass through stratification, that is, hardening by cold. For this, it is enough to hold the seeds in the refrigerator - they put them in the fall, they planted it in March. To start with a container with a universal peat soil. Do not deepen the seeds. After landing, you must pour the land. Forgive the plants in about a month. In the open ground multiplied by the seeds delphinium perfectly acclimatized, if you drop it after the cold in May.

Bulb buds properly groomed delphinium.

Delphinium, thanks to its decorative properties, is perfect for any landscape style.
By dividing multiply delphinium is recommended in spring or autumn, the main thing is that it does not bloom at this time. The best time is mid-April. The transplant should be carried out very carefully, the flower after that can be ill for a long time. All damaged places should be sprinkled with pounded coal. For each part, a separate well is prepared at a distance of approximately 50 cm from each other. Add humus, compost and ash to the soil. After planting the plant, pour. This method can be used if the plant from which the planting material is taken is at least 8-10 years old.
The most difficult way is propagation by cuttings. But it is the most reliable and secure. Cherenki perfectly take root, retain varietal features, and the donor plant is practically not sick. In the spring it is necessary to cut off shoots of about 5-8 cm length together with a small part of the rhizome. Root in either containers and leave in warmth, or in the open field, choosing the place where the penumbra. Regularly watered, after 2 weeks to make fertilizer. By the end of the summer cuttings can be planted where they will grow permanently.

Delphinium growing in wild conditions.

Dark purple flowers with a white core - outlandish buds for any front garden.
By the way, in one place the delphinium grows 10 years at least. To make him happy as long as possible, you should take good care of him. Care for the delphinium is watering, fertilizing and thinning.
In a dry summer, the plant is watered twice a week, in the rainy natural precipitation will be enough. Watering is carried out under the root. After the soil is loosened, then mulch.
Delphinium is enough to feed 3 times in a single season: in the spring, in the beginning of summer and after it will blossom. They make ash, mineral fertilizers, manure. For more abundant flowering, you can feed with boric acid (only on leaves).
Delphinium necessarily requires pruning. On one plant leave no more than 5 young shoots, the rest is removed. As soon as the stem reaches half a meter, it is tied up. After flowering cut. The cut (he hollow at the delphinium) is covered with clay or garden so that moisture does not enter, which can lead to decay of the roots.
Preparing the plant for wintering is to mulch the soil using straw or humus. You can make special furrows, so that in the spring water leaves. The roots are sprinkled with river sand.

White-blue buds look ideally on the rounded flower beds and front gardens of other geometric shapes.

White-gold flowers for a truly royal court.
Good to know
Delphinium, long or one year old, will become a real decoration in the garden.
Designers choose the "king of flowers" for the decoration of small buildings and fences. The combination of delphinium colors with others, in particular, with phlox, roses, lilies, daisies, is harmonious.
Its dignity lies in the fact that it preserves freshness for a long time. If you cut a plant with about a half of blossoming flowers, it will please you for at least 10 days.
Everyone likes delphinium, but is poisonous. Therefore, if the family has small children or people prone to allergies, then, growing it, you should be careful or abandon it altogether.

The delicious flowers of the delphinium are a fairy tale in the garden of any country cottage.

A rich dark lilac color combined with fresh herbs looks strictly and simultaneously pompous.