Today, let's talk about how to clean your garage of unnecessary things that have filled almost all of its area. 6 tremendous recommendations from well-known specialists and designers will help you out. Arrange for yourself a day to restore order!
1. Use the vertical and ceiling space
This rule is especially important if you are going to park your car in the garage. Janet Henry, a competent architect, advises painting the wall and hanging the necessary tools on it. Thus, you will not occupy precious square meters.

For the manufacture and installation of small canopies for storage you do not have to spend much. And what a result!

In any hardware store you can find special holders and metal hooks for heavy objects.

Furniture choose one that will not prevent you from organizing different details.

2. Global clean-up
Designer Ivan Prefer from New Jersey (USA) recommends following the rule "start from scratch". Only in open and free space you will understand which areas are best used for certain activities.

3. Decide what to save, what to give, and what to throw away
Getting rid of the disorder is an incredibly pleasant thing. And never regret the discarded things (for example, a broken tennis racket, which you will not need). Do not forget the disposal of hazardous waste.

4. Reasonable grouping
Chris Carey proposes to put items of the same type (for example, detergents or toiletries) on a large shelf or fold them in a separate box. And a few layers of paint, hooks and pretty stickers will unrecognizable transform your garage.

At the entrance to the house it is better to place clothes and shoes. Large items that are used every day, hang on the wall or ceiling, to save space, or use the recommendations for storage in the garage.

5. Intended purpose
Thoroughly consider the question of what will be intended for your garage room. Professional Mikki Lesowitz-Soliday from California (USA) advises to turn this building into a studio, where different designs can meet. To do this, it is necessary to divide the room into a zone, each of which will be designed for its kinds of things.

Instead of trying to squeeze any small thing into different angles, build a long and narrow cabinet for them. So you will free up space, for example, for a sewing station. Everything will depend on your interests.

6. Funny labels
To mark each shelf or boxes that are filled with nails, screws and bolts, stickers or stickers will help you.

So you can perfectly organize the workspace. Thanks to containers with inscriptions, hooks and bags, all the necessary elements will lie in perfect order.