Two scientists at the Harvard Institute George Church and Sri Kosuri demonstrated the possibility of storage 700 TB data in one gram of DNA. Currently, binary data can be translated into a sequence of basic DNA-par, and then returned directly to the DNA itself. This method includes standard laboratory methods, which take several days. Despite the speed, another obvious advantage is that it is virtually unlimited in time stability storage of information in DNA at room temperature. This means that you can access your data thousands of years after your existence. As for the shortcomings, Church says that reading and writing data in DNA is "slower than in other media, however, this makes this method more suitable for archiving large amounts of data, rather than for quick search or processing. , which Memory It would be required to record the whole history of mankind, every moment, on every point of our planet. Obviously, there are no such data stores, and hard drives are not eternal, but only a couple of centners of DNA would be able to cope with this task and would allow storing data for thousands of years.