For most homeowners, a garage is not just a parking lot, but a large storeroom for storing old things, tools for the house, and everything else that can be classed as "deal with this stuff later."
Due to stains from engine oil, a pile of cabinets, dust and dirt, this is not at all the place where you would like to spend your time. In fact, some people deliberately keep its gates closed so that curious neighbors do not look at all the trash that has accumulated inside.
When the general cleaning begins, then we are cleaning in the closet, in the kitchen, in the pantry, in the basement. But we always forget about the garage, or simply ignore it, because cleaning it can be an impossible task.
And it is true that cleaning in this room is like punishing a child for misconduct. Many people do not understand how much space they lose, without looking into their box and not putting order in it.
To start solving this problem together with Small Interiors, start with moving objects. Free the space from the car, lawn mowers, sports equipment, old children's toys, bicycles and other items.
Disassemble all the things and divide them into three groups: save, donate and garbage. Take the garbage immediately to the container.

Next, wash the floor. To get rid of stains of engine oil, sprinkle a little dry cat litter on them. It will absorb such pollution, and then it can be swept easily. It is also necessary to remove all the dust from the walls and arrange various racks, cabinets, make hooks.
When it comes time to drag all your things back, do not mix them. For example, store everything you need for gardening - fertilizers, pesticides, special tools - in one place.
So the garage will become a more organized place, and next time in the head there will be no question: "where is mine?". You will save your time, and the problem of endless searches will disappear.

If you do not yet have a car, then in the garage you can make a home library, a separate study or a gym.